Reader Praise
“I enjoyed the writing in your book. You have the gift for transmitting complexities clearly, and that is a rare thing.”
—John Oakes,
Publisher of Four Walls Eight Windows
“Obviously I take great pleasure in going through the books which touch upon the person and the legend of Hypatia of Alexandria. But in Prabhu’s book there is something more. Restoring to us the times in which the discrepancy between science and mysticism was unknown, he encourages us to direct our efforts to both these objectives simultaneously and to derive therefrom the paradigm for scientists who today are confused about the mystery of God. And although I resent some of Prabhu’s remarks about Christianity, I find the purpose of his novel admirable.”
—Professor Maria Dzielska,
Author of Hypatia of Alexandria
“Finally a bold book that deals with issues that Carl Sagan misses way off the mark, and that Robert Pirsig gingerly tiptoes around. It has changed the way I think and feel about God and the universe and my place in it.”
— Vikram Rao
“I have read your book more than once and enjoyed it very much. I’ve highlighted many passages where your power of expression has been fantastic.”
—Professor V. Krishnamurthy, Author of Science and Spirituality,
“Mr. Prabhu is an excellent writer. He shows a mastery of the subject matter as few have in recent times. Couple that with his powerful fiction narrative that interweaves the spectrum of philosophy, science, and religion, and you have a book that is gripping from beginning to the very end.”
— Cdr. H. S. P. Vittal
“I was fascinated by your book. It enabled me to become familiar with alternative paradigms to Western thought on issues of theology. In establishing a connection with science you have performed a great service to a much wider audience of interested readers who are struggling with their spirituality. The fiction format engrossed me and I was reminded of The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt, a book on business process improvement that is also written as a novel.”
— Professor John Wong
“I finished the book in 4 days, very quickly!! I was absorbed by it and you succeeded in maintaining the reader’s interest from the beginning until the end. The book made me think a lot about the values in this life and the purpose of it. I tend to believe there is a universal religion no matter what is the religion you practice or you are taught when you are a child and I found this trend in the book. You have all my admiration.”
— Angie Trius
“A book that I will treasure for its insights into the most fundamental question of first cause. I prefer biographical novels to straight biographies, and especially enjoyed this allegorical unification of philosophy, science, and religion. It’s a book I can come back to again with interest and enthusiasm.”
— Professor Art Gittleman
“I really enjoyed the book and found the idea very original. It is such a joyful book and should be read by many people. With all the wars over religion and science it is refreshing to see that they do have a common meeting ground. I know I would enjoy reading this more times.”
—Robert Krol
“A powerful, thought-provoking book. By unifying physics, metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality in a spell-binding story, you answered some of my questions, generated several more, and opened new doors on my journey towards the discovery of truth.”
— Dawn Adams
“Since I read your book, it has helped me achieve the spirituality and peace that I’ve been searching for. I just couldn’t put it down.”
— Mary McIntyre
“A masterful piece of fiction, enlivening the debate on the searchfor truth. I read it in five hours straight and thoroughly enjoyed it.”
— Amrit Yegnanarayan
“When I started reading the book I didn’t like it much because it seemed to attack my Christian faith. But then as I read some more, the universality of religion appealed to me a lot. When I reached the end I could not stop crying.”
— Teresa Friederich