7th Grade Math

Bath County Middle School

Mrs. Tara Barnett

Course Description:

The DIGITS program will be used in 7th grade math this year. Students can visit www.mymathuniverse.com to access classroom materials using their unique user names and passwords. The following topics will be taught in 7th grade math.

Unit A: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Unit D: Geometry

Ratios and Rates Angles

Proportional Relationships Circles

Percents 2 and 3 Dimensional Shapes

Surface Area and Volume

Unit B: Rational Numbers Unit E: Statistics

Adding/Subtracting Rational Numbers Sampling

Multiplying/Dividing Rational Numbers Comparing 2 Populations

Decimals and Percents

Unit C: Expressions and Equations Unit F: Probability

Equivalent Expressions Probability Concepts

Equations Compound Probability


Materials Required:

1.  3 ring binder notebook with dividers

2.  Pencil (no pen!)

3.  Composition Book

4.  Digits Book (will be handed out the first week of school)

**All items required for class MUST be brought to class everyday and MUST be taken with you when you leave!


Grades in this class will be assigned using the Standard Based Grading method. This method is designed to give students more directed feedback about specific learning objectives. Students will know the areas that they have performed well in and areas that need improvement. This grading process allows students to have ownership of their grades. They have the opportunity to know what they need to improve on and how to improve it. The following will outline how this grading system operates and what students can expect.

1.  For each unit students will receive a list of learning targets that specify what students need to know, be able to do with what they know, and demonstrate. Lessons will focus on these learning targets and students will know the learning target that the activity/lesson addresses. Students will be assessed throughout the unit to see how they are doing on their targets. This information will provide feedback to the teacher and student on the progress being made and where to go next.

2.  At the end of each unit students will be assessed on their understanding of the learning targets. Each unit assessment will be planned out so that each target is assessed an appropriate amount and in an appropriate way. The assessment will be scored based on each learning target with scores ranging from a 1-3. If a student receives a 3 on a learning target, then that learning target has been mastered and no additional work is needed on that target. If a student receives a 2, then the learning target is still a work in progress and the students can choose to re-test on that target. If a student receives a 1, then the student will be required to do more on that learning target and re-test. No student will be allowed to keep a score of 1. The scores of 1-3 will be averaged together at the end of the nine weeks for a typical 9 weeks grade according to the following grading scale: A=90 – 100, B=80-89, C=70 – 79, D 60 – 69, and F= Below 60.

7th Grade Retake Policy

One retake opportunity will be given during class time. It will be completed within a week after the original test has been returned. Additional retakes will be given during tutoring/ESS/before or after school. Students will not be pulled from a different class to complete any retakes. Before taking a retake, students must show justification for questions missed on the original test and/or complete additional practice work. Students can take as many retakes as need to reach mastery and they also can go back and complete the retake process for previous nine weeks grading periods (exception: for nine week courses, retakes are only permitted during the actual time of the course).

Make-Up Work:

It is the Student’s Responsibility to get, to do, and to turn in any work missed due to an excused absence. Make-up work for tests and quizzes must be completed before school, after school, or at break (if time permits). It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time to complete such work. When the student returns to class, he/she must check the “Make-Up Folder” in the room for any missed assignments and/or handouts. Checking the Make-Up Folder should be done before the tardy bell rings, before school begins or during break. Students have only three days to return make-up work after returning to school unless the student has had an extended absence. If the absence was for more than three days, then the number of days to complete make-up work equals the number of days missed. No make-up work can be graded for an unexcused absence!

Classroom Expectations:


*Students must be in the class line, against the lockers, by the end of the bell


*Keep hands and feet to yourself

*If it’s not yours don’t touch it, mark on it, or break it

*Only call someone by their name

*If it’s not positive don’t say it

*Respect yourself, each other, and any guest in the classroom


*Bring required material to class, including homework if given