1- 8 1s dance mirror reels of 3 on opp sides

9-16 1s dance mirror reels of 3 on own sides

17-24 1s cr RH, cast to 2nd pl & dance ½ fig of 8 round 2s

25-32 1s lead down btwn the 3s, cast up to 2nd pl & 2s+1s+3s turn ptnr RH


1-8  1s set, 1W (foll’d by ptnr) cast 2pl. 1W cr & dance up behind 3M to 2M pl, while ptnr dances in front of 3W to 2W pl

9-16  Grand chain (2s ac 1s down 3s up)/

17-24  2s & 1s Ladies Chain

25-32  All adv & ret, 1s turn RH 1 ½ times.


1- 4 1s lead down below 3s, cr & cast up to 2nd pl on opp side

5-16 2s+1s+3s dance 3 cpl R&L, 1s end facing 1st crnrs

17-24 1s set & turn 1st crnr BH, set & turn 2nd crnr BH

25-32 1s circle 3H round to left (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s), 1s set to ptnr (Down/up) & Petronella turn to pls

EARL OF MANSFIELD 4C set 4x48R Bk 48

1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back

9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s face on sides, all set & chg pls RH, all set & chg back RH

17-24 1M reel of 3 with 2s (LSh to 2W) picking up ptnr in prom hold to complete reel as 3M dances similarly with 4s, 1s+3s end on Mens side

25-32 3s foll’d by 1s dance down below 4s, 3s cast, dance in & up to top, cr & cast back to pl while 1s cast up & turn LH to face 1st crnrs

33-40 1s turn 1st crnrs RH pass ptnr RSh, turn 2nd crnr LH, pass LSh to end 2nd pl in centre fcg up

41-48 1W+2W+3W dance RH ac (on side) as 1M+2M+3M LH ac, 1s foll’d by 3s dance down to 4s & Ladies dance LH ac as Men RH ac to end 2 3 4 1


1-8  1s set, cr down below 2s, cast behind 3s & dance up to fin b-t-b in middle in 2nd pl fcg prtnrs side.

9-16  2s.1s.3s set (as in DTs) adv setting & turn R about, repeat set & adv

17-24  1M with 2W+3W and 1W with 2M+3M RH ac on sides; 1s pass RSh then LH ac on own sides, fin 1W btwn 2s, 1M btwn 3s.

25-32  2s,1s,3s adv & ret, 1s turn RH 1¼ to 2nd pl.


3s & 4s on opp sides

1- 8 All dance Grand Chain starting on sides (ie 1s with 2s & 3s with 4s)

9-16 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 with 2s (LSh to 2W) while 4s reel of 3 with 3s (LSh to 3W), ending in lines of 4 ac (1s & 4s in centre of lines)

17-24 All set, 1s+4s dance RH ac once round, 1s & 4s dance up/down btwn 2s/3s to ends & turn to face 2s+3s (who dance in to face them)

25-28 1s+2s & 3s+4s set passing opp cpl LSh 2s & 3s turn ptnr BH as 1s+4s set passing LSh to 2 4 1 3

29-32 2s+4s & 1s+3s circle 4H round to left

BALDOVAN REEL 4x32R Henderson

1- 8 1s dance RSh round each other & dance Crown Triangles (start with Man facing 3s & Lady facing 2s)

9-16 1s dance reel of 4 with 2nd corners passing RSh

17-24 1s dance reel of 4 with 1st corners passing RSh ending in 2nd place on opposite sides

25-32 1s set & cast 1 place, cross over RH & change places LH on side with 4s


1- 4 1s cast 1 pl & set advancing to 1st crnr

5-16 2s+1s+3s Dance to Ec Crnr & Set 1s chg pls with 1st crnrs passing RSh, 1st crnrs pass by RSh & ¼ turn to right in centre to face 2nd crnrs (as 2nd crnrs set), 1st crnrs chg pls with 2nd crnrs passing RSh, 2nd crnrs pass RSh & ¼ turn to right to face next crnr pstn (1s set) Repeat this fig until 1s end fcg 3rd crnrs

17-24  1s dance ½ diag Reel of 4 with 3rd crnr & ½ diag Reel with 4th crnrs

25-32  1s dance RH hands ac (L with 2s & M with 3s) & 2s+1s+3s turn RH


1-8  1s with 2s, 3s with 4s half Rs & Ls, middle cpls (1s & 4s) half Rs & Ls.

9-16  2s with 4s, 1s with 3s circle L half way, middle cpls (2s & 3s) circle R half way. 1s lead up to top.

17-24  All set Hi-Schott; then half grand chain.

25-32  Reels of four on own sides.

THE HAPPY MEETING 2 cpl 6x32J Bk 29

1- 8 1M & 2W passing RSh & dance figs of 8 round standing prtnrs passing own ptnr LSh

9-16 1W & 2M passing LSh & dance figs of 8 round standing prtnrs passing own ptnr RSh

17-24  1s dance 4 slip step down middle, set to ec other, slip step up to top & cast to 2nd pl

25-32  2s+1s Adv & ret clapping on bar 28, & turn ptnr RH


1-8  1s ½ reel 3 ac with 2W (1s pass ea other RSh to begin) then with 2M (1s pass ea other LSh)

9-16  Continue reels with 3 W (1s pass RSh) then 3M (1s pass LSh & fin 3rd pl own side)

17-24  1s turn RH cast up 1 pl, ½ fig of 8 around 2s.

25-32  2s 1s & 3s turn ptnr RH ¾ & set, turn to own sides & set.

THE CRAVEN JIG 4C set 4x32J Haynes

1- 8 1M foll’d by ptnr casts down Mens side, cr over at bottom, dances up behind Ladies & 1M dances above 3W to face 2M while 2W dances above 4W to face 3M

9-16 1s dance diag RSh reels of 3 (Man with 2M+3W & Lady with 3M+4W)

17-24 1s dance diag RSh reels of 3 (Man with 3M+2W & Lady with 4M+3W)

25-32  1W foll’d by ptnr dances down middle, cast up behind 4W, cr over above 3s & casts to bottom crossing to own side, 1M fin in 4M pl.

SCOTCH MIST (5cpl) 5x32S Drewry

1-8  1s & 3s cr RH and cast 1 pl, , M face up, W down, circle L once round, to face 2nd crnrs

9-12  2nd crnrs “pass & turn”, on Bar 12 1s & 3s turn ptnr RH to face 1st crnrs.

13-16 1st crnrs “pass & turn”, on Bar 16, 1s & 3s turn ptnr RH to fin in line in centre of dance, M face down, W face up.

17-24  Reel of 4 in centre of dance

25-32 1W with 2s, 1M/3W with 4s & 3M with 5s. dance RH ac, 1s & 3s turn RH ¾ and cast. 1pl on own side to 3rd & 5th pl.

54 YEARS ON 8x32R Rushton

1-4 1s cr RH & cast off 1 pl, 2s step up 3&4.

5-8 1s dance ½ fig of 8, M round 3M, W round 2W, fin facing 1st crnr position while 2s & 3s set and cr RH.

9-24 1s dance ½ reel of 4 with 1st crnrs, pass RSh and dance ½ reel of 4 with 2nd crnrs, repeat with 3rd & 4th crnrs.

25-32 1s ½ reel of 3 ac, LSh to 1st crnr position, 1s cr RH to own side, 2s, 1s & 3s set.


1- 8 1s cr & cast 1 pl, 1s dance LH ac (1W with 2s, 1M with 3s) & end facing 4th crnr

9-16 1s set to crnrs then to ptnr & end facing 1st crnr, turn crnr RH & pass ptnr LSh to face 2nd crnr

17-24 1s dance ½ diag reel of 4 with 2nd crnr & pass LSh to face 3rd crnrs, 1s set to crnr then to ptnr & end facing 4th crnrs

25-32 1s turn 4th crnr (pstn) RH & pass ptnr LSh to face 1st crnrs, 1s dance ½ diag reel of 4 with 1st crnrs & pass RSh to B-to-B (1M facing up)

33-40 1s dance RSh round 2nd crnr & ½ Fig of 8 (1W up, 1M down) while 2s+3s set & cr RH, set (facing up/down) & change pl RH on sides. 2 1 3


1-8  All 4 cpls set, cr over RH, set, cr back RH

9-16  1s & 4s dance towards centre then 1W & 4W dance out btwn 2W & 3W & cast back to pl whilst ptnr likewise on M side then 1s lead down to 4th pl. 2s,3s,4s step up

17-24 3s & 4s Rs & Ls,

25-32  2s with 3s & 4s with 1s RH ac; LH ac.


1- 8 1s turn RH, cast to 2nd pl, turn LH to face 1st crnrs

9-16 1s turn 1st crnr, ptnr, 2nd crnr, & ptnr to face 1st crnrs

17-24 1s set & turn 1st crnr BH, set & turn 2nd crnr

25-32  1s dance Reel of 3 on opp sides gvg LSh to 1st crnr & cr back to own sides


1- 8 1s & 4s turn 1½ times RH & cast 1 pl, 1M & 4M also 1W & 4W turn LH on sides to end 1s facing up & 4s down. 2(1)(4)3

9-16 All dance reels of 4 on sides (1s & 4s do not fully complete reel but turn right about into centre BtoB facing crnr just passed). 2(4)(1)3

17-24 4s & 1s set to crnrs & change pl RH, set & change back LH

25-32 1s+4s dance RH ac while 2s & 3s set & cr RH, all set & cr RH back to pl 2 4 1 3


1-8 1s & 2s dance 4H round to left to fin fcg ec other. 1s &

2s set. 1s face ec other & cast off 1 pl to meet in the

middle and face 3s who step in to join NH. 2s dance up

to 1st pl on own sides.

9-16 1s & 3s dance a Rondel to fin with 3s facing 1st crnr. (3s

are now dancing cpl)

17-24 3s set to and turn crnrs to fin in 2nd pl on opp sides. On bar 24 2s & 1s face ec other.

25-32 3s dance up through 1st pl, cast off 1 pl meet and gvg LH lead down through 3rd pl, cr and cast up to 2nd pl on own sides. At same time 2s & 1s dance Rs&Ls beginning on the sides. Fin in order 231.


1- 8 1s set & cast below 3s & lead up to face 1st crnrs

9-16 1s set & turn 1st crnrs RH to bal in diag line, 1s turn LH to face 2nd crnrs

17-24 1s set & turn 2nd crnrs RH to bal in line, 1s turn LH to 2nd pl own sides

25-32  2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back



1- 8 1s set, cast 1 pl & dance round 1st crnrs passing crnrs LSh

9-16 1s dance reels of 3 ac (1M with 2s & 1W with 3s), 1s turn LH to face 1st crnrs

17-18 Centre dancers chg with 1st crnrs RH while 2nd crnrs set

19-20 1st crnrs (in centre) chg pls LH while new 1st & 2nd crnrs dance cl’wise round to next crnr pstn

21-24 Repeat the fig in bars 17-20 from new pstn

25-32  Repeat 17-20 from new pstn, 1s end by turning LH to 2nd pl on opp sides, 2s+1s+3s set on sides & 1s cr back RH


1 Maxwell’s Rant R

2 Mrs Stewart’s Jig J

3 The Rose of the North S

4 Earl of Mansfield R

5 The Nurseryman J

6 Mary Hamilton’s Strathspey S

7 Baldovan Reel R

8 Gothenburg’s Welcome J

9 Garry Strathspey S

10 The Happy Meeting R

11 John of Bon Accord R

12 Craven Jig J

13 Scotch Mist S

14 54 Years on R

15 Torridon Lasses J 16 12 Coates Crescent S

17 Duke of Perth R

18 The Diamond Jubilee J

19 The Gardener’s Fantasia S

20 Reel of the 51st R


Quarries Jig J