Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

August 18, 2010

11:30 to 1:30 WH A420

Present: Ericka Verba, Mary Brooks, Janine Gasco, Irene Vasquez, Thomas Norman, Pat Kalayjian, Michael White, Kate Fawver

The Meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m.

Irene Vasquez made some announcements: The website is streamlined and updated. Committees and their membership have been posted. Robert’s Rules is posted, HEERA is posted. Vasquez passed out a bullet summary of events that have taken place over the summer.

Time Certains:

11:10-11:20 a.m. Sue Borrego-Update on Enrollment Management-Sue Borrego said that the Provost will be leading the Closing the Achievement Gap initiative. In October the CSU presidents were told to have a plan y December 23. We have to increase grad rates by 7%. Sue can get us the CAG report. Merry Eyman is working with advisement center, streamlining registration and making communications better, will have clear road maps. We have over 400 appeals for admission denials. We completed the roadmaps. The next step is looking at the coherence of course offerings and making sure that students have access to the courses they need to graduate. The target point for 2015 will be 40% graduation rate.

Strategic Planning is the larger umbrella for Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) and Closing the Achievement Gap. SEM involved faculty and staff members. A smaller ongoing group will be formed from the SEM working groups. Retention goals taken from CAG

Last year we admitted 245 as specials. We get 300 students awarded from the chancellor’s office –180 are EOP and 120 are general specials. Nurses are considered special admits because they don’t have the math.

It had been about 3 years that students had not been disqualified that were on academic probation 800 approximately.

Michael White noted that 2 of his students were dropped because they had not paid their financial aid. Sue Borrego said that students are notified many, many times before anything happens and that it can be proven, she can show them.

He noted that 2 of his on line students were dropped from the course without notice. One was clearly just a mistake in Extended Ed and remedied (taking a week.) The other occurred due to a problem in the Financial Aid office, while the student was out of the country, and this student also lost a week of participation with the on line class. He recommended a notice be provided the student prior to dropping from Blackboard as the delay associated with resolving the issues means a lost week.

Borrego talked about advisement holds on new students and the Exec was concerned about having enough people to advise all the students. Borrego said that they are still charging for orientation.

Ericka asked if graduation increases were going to be made by eliminating entry to students who need the most help. Sue Borrego said absolutely not.

11:20 to 11:30 a.m. Vivian Price-CFA Report-Vivian Price reported that they are watching out for program elimination, and staff being laid off and moved. Irene said that it has been reported at our campus that there would be “no college consolidation.” The contract is being renegotiated. There does not seem to be interest in imposing a furlough again. There is a stale mate on the wages The administration has hired consultants to do most of the talking for them. CFA retreat will take place from 10 AM to 4 PM on August 24th in the new library. We actively seek input on how faculty together with CFA can make CSUDH a great place to teach and learn.

If this is going on a webpage <a href="">Click here to take survey</a> To send out via email (or answer via email), the link to the survey is:

12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Provost Report-Ron Vogel-Irene Vasquez asked for an update on Early Start. Ron Vogel said that he has not done anything yet and was waiting for faculty to get back from summer. A CSUDH group will be convened with departmental and senate representatives A report due on November 11 and he will need faculty input. Based on the ELM and the EPT we will know which students need to be remediated.

Vogel talked about Closing the Achievement Gap and said it is proceeding. Sue Borrego came up with the T3 approach to catch students in trouble.

Kate Fawver asked if we were going to have the same problems this year with enrollment and waitlists and numbers. Ron Vogel said that he hoped not and that he has gone over this with the Deans in several meetings. Ron said that faculty will be able to add or drop from the second week on.

Irene Vasquez asked about the minimum enrollment for a class to remain. Vogel spoke about a past 15 student minimum in CSU. He said there is approximately a 16 to 1 break even but that the minimum is set by each College.

Ron said that he will begin searches for the Dean of CAH, NBS, and CBAPP and the Director of Research and Funded Projects. He said that for now program elimination is off the table. Ron said that rather than eliminate programs that programs will be pruned that are dying on the vine.

Kate asked Ron to list out all the objectives for Academic Affairs. Ron said that he would be happy to do that but that he would have to get back to her. He said that he is looking at searches for the dean’s of NBS, CBAPP and CAH, Early Start, Closing the Achievement Gap, and Strategic Planning.

He said that the 5% increase in students has helped financially but that the campus still does not have a budget.

Irene Vasquez asked about release time for the Executive Committee. Ron said that he has brought it up to the president and we are looking at this. We have one time funds for this year but then next year we would not know. Ericka Verba said that aside from 2 other campuses we are the only campus senate without release time.

Ron was asked by Michael White about the modified work week and what were the guidelines.

Ron said the current rule is five days, eight hours, with complete flexibility as to when those eight hours may be worked; e.g., if desired a person could work 12 noon to 9 p.m. without seeking special dispensation. He said there would be no more four day weeks, where employees would work 10 hours for four days and eliminate Fridays. He invited those with special needs to submit a request to modify the five day requirement, justify the need, and send the request forward to him.

I informed Ron of the fact that our Deans are telling us that they are told not to approve such requests. Ron said he would consider the request for exceptions, if justified.

Unfinished Business:

·  EPC Report-Jan Gasco-Follow up on washouts.-Gasco found out that washing out students has nothing to do with Early Start.

New Business:

·  Senate Retreat – SEC members discussed a draft of the agenda for the Senate retreat on August 25, 2010.

Draft Agenda

I. Introductions – Dr. Marco Turk

II. Mechanics – Senate Protocol

Informational presentation on CSUDH Academic Senate (5 minute)

· Bill Gould or Cynthia Johnson

· Senate Officers

Brief overview of Robert’s Rules

· Suggestion for facilitators (Cynthia Johnson, David Hood, William Gould)

Information presentation on preparing and deliberating resolutions (5 minute)

· Bill Gould or Cynthia Johnson

Statewide Committee (flow chart)

· Presentation on the purpose of the Statewide Academic Senate (Pat K)

Purpose of W*

· Bill Gould or Cynthia Johnson

III. Efficient Senator

The role of the Senator – Facilitated discussion/ Question and Interaction/ Marco Turk

IV. Shared Governance – Best Practices of an Academic Senate

Building Trust among faculty and administrators in the Academic Senate

Building Trust among faculty in the Academic Senate

Faculty Input in Shared Governance

Faculty Development

Academic Achievement, performance, standards, and excellence

Kate Fawver will not be able to make the retreat due to a prior commitment.

·  First Senate Meeting Planning-Not able to get to this.