Campus Center Room 204

Thursday, February 8, 2006 7:00pm

Members Present: Meg Ambrus, Jillian Flynn, Molly McCadden, Jan Arbaugh, Adrienne Lee, Margaret MacRae, Ayesha Siddiqui, Michele Chapdelaine, Devin Burke, Rae-Anne Butera, Mary Opler, Ali Woodruff, Aliza Leventhal, McKay LeBlanc

Members Absent: Shadavia Jones, Kamille King

I.  Call to Order – Meg

A.  Meg called the meeting to order at 7:06pm

II. Opening Activity – All

A. What was your favorite part of today?

III. Minutes – Adrienne/ All

A. Motion to pass minutes from 2-1-07 passes 11-0-1

IV. Funding Requests – Jan/ All
A. Motion to fund $138.80 from Conference Fund to Sam Lewis passes 7-2-3
B. Motion to fund $25 each from Conference Fund to Gretchen Hahn and Emma Maceko passes 9-3-0
C. Motion to fund $105 from Conference Fund to Miki Duruz passes 10-0-2

V. Extensive Committee Updates – All
What are your committee/cabinet plans for the new semester?
A. McKay
1. Faculty teaching awards – submit!
2. List of top 10 books prospective students should read before they get to Smith
3. CAP policy subcommittee meeting
4. Renaissance scholars program
5. 2005: 2% high school graduates consider Smith
6. Mt. Holyoke: had a huge admissions recruitment effort this year, and the number of applicants rose by 3%

7. Things to bring up with Audrey at Meg’s next meeting:
a. SAT optional will probably go through
b. We want to know about our new admissions strategy
c. A lot of our recruitment is now in the South and the Southwest
i. Recruitment of all types of students
d. They don’t want to lose ground in diversity while also attracting students who can pay for Smith College
e. Make Smith seem as competitive as Amherst and Williams
f. How would you differentiate Smith from other top schools?
g. How can we make ourselves parallel to schools like Amherst and Williams? Maybe Smith needs to give a certain mainstream image (balance mainstream and “crazier,” “different”)
h. Identifying yourself by your school because it’s prestigious, viable brand- name

B. Molly
1. Quad has started planning Quadstock for 22 April (Earth Day) 2-5pm
2. Quadi Gras – old tradition, used to be affiliated with Float Night; 17 Feb. Saturday
a. Quad houses will have floats, use cars
b. Guest judges – hopefully professors; trophies for the best float
c. Evening: Vibes Jam in Morrow
d. Mardi Gras food in Kind/Scales and Cushing/Emerson
e. Mardi Gras-themed party in King/Scales
f. If you don’t live in the Quad and want a car float, talk to your HP
g. House Olympics sponsored by the Athletic Association 12-2pm
h. Outdoor dinner with a band
i. Trying to affiliate it with Earth Reps and organizations
3. President has $2500 to give to “charity of your choice”
4. Sophian – doing a race issue, Kamille is going to do something for the SGA
5. Dr. Jaffe came to talk about alcohol and what we think Health Services can do
a. Some people don’t know any facts (how many shots will affect your body in what way, etc.)
b. No one reads pamphlets, so HPA and SCEMS will try to make new pamphlets to put in bathroom stalls
c. Will get a Wellness Coordinator
d. Peer Alcohol Awareness group organization? SCEMS is planning to do something similar

C. Jill
1. VP resigned
2. Planning huge party for 31 March – Poker Night: DJ, cash bar
a. $3,000 for the party because have to pay people who do the poker table
b. Trying to coordinate with SOS so that money can go to charity, and get coed a capella groups
c. Try to get other class cabinets on board, too
d. Adas want to feel part of the community outside of class
3. Spring Faculty Wine and Cheese – 7 March Wed 4-6pm in Alumnae House
4. Thinking of doing a team for Relay for Life
5. A little over half the Adas live off campus and thus can’t do study breaks – therefore, thinking about doing a finals study break in Hopkins
6. CDO liaison – lunch series with CDO in Hopkins
7. Maybe different houses can invite Adas to house activities?
8. Indoor picnic in Ainsworth on Sunday at the pool

D. Devin
1. Lots of organizations want to be funded right now
2. Working on a plan to get organizations out of debt
3. Talking with WFI about an educational program about what to do to get out of debt
4. Next week going to Senate to talk about the SAF

E. Jan
1. Doing okay with debt for now

F. Margaret
1. Honor Board hearings: more lenient toward first-years and strictest toward seniors
2. Departmental honors for offenders?

G. Aliza
1. Two open meetings for class reps to come in the two following meetings
2. This weekend going to Atkins Farms to look at care package contents
3. Working on an April activity for the class; want to get ice cream
4. Want to do an inter-class activity
5. List of 18 things we want to do, trying to get it down to 6: tea at President’s house, calendar to put up on Moodle with Rae-Anne’s help, class reps to help with apparel because poor sale of t-shirts last year (more outside input, maybe a contest)

H. Michele
1. Chair and Vice Chair will visit houses
2. Working on mock hearing either this spring or early next fall
3. Looking at other colleges’ JB procedures as a better way to understand what Smith does
4. Committee on Bias Complaints is moving forward (with a different name)
a. Meeting on Wednesday, Dean Ohotnicky is on that committee

I. Ayesha
1. Working on monthly sessions for graduate school exams
2. Ice skating on the pond
3. Bonfire for s’mores (but firemen are very expensive)
4. Redo chocolate fondue from last semester, which was a success
5. Hot tubs? $3500 for 3 hours
6. Masseuse?

J. Ali
1. 100 Day Party tomorrow night
2. Casino Night with Ada class and hopefully other classes
3. Senior class, senior ball, care packages
4. Planning a full senior week – trip, Red Sox game, hot tub, Mohegan Sun trip, coffee house morning to write thank you cards, movie night, senior appreciation program, pizza with the president, CDO events, Field day (like a carnival), Wine and Cheese, night at Packard’s, “Do everything you haven’t done yet at Smith” event

K. Mary
1. Have a few new people, and people returning from JYA
2. New people on Party Policy committee are doing well

VI. College Updates – Meg/All
A. Chat by the Fire – “Looking out for #1: Balancing Friendship and Success”
1. Put up fliers in house – good food, which will be out 15 minutes early; talk it up!
B. The Pub
1. Incredibly expensive to run, and Dean Mahoney is putting in a lot of her money 2. If successful, she can’t put in her money every year; will the SGA contribute $10,000 from its operating budget?
3. Entertainment: people will come for the pub more than the entertainment
4. Don’t want to over-inflate it in the first couple weeks so that it dies off after the college invests so much money

VII. Board of Trustees Meeting 3/2 @12pm in MMD – Meg/All
A. Suggested Topics: Independent Study and Diversity?
1. Independent Study – “Smith Plan for Learning” – Board is interested in students’ experience with independent research
2. Diversity – Last time they were here, it was during the controversy over “The Right View”
3.Maybe Trustees don’t understand what it means when there are students from different backgrounds (socioeconomic, etc.) who need funding
4. Successful forums we’ve had at Smith
5. When you feel tension at Smith and how that affects your daily life and what you want the BoT to think about
6. Our role is to let the BoT know what the climate is on campus

B. 2 Presentations = 20 minutes total, or do we want to structure discussion?
1. Develop talking points as cabinet before the meeting, and talk about different points at different times

VIII. Closing Announcements
A. SUPER important cabinet next week for constitution/bylaws vote!
B. Be on time and stay the entire time
C. Faculty Teaching Awards
IX. Motion to Adjourn
A. Meg motioned to adjourn at 8:51pm