St Philip's Weekly NewsletterAugust 31, 2015


Vestry MemberSuzanne Stephens

LEMCarolyn Bourne,Bill Thompson

Lectors1stBill Thompson,2ndGail Colbert

Prayers of the People Mike Keating

AcolyteAidan TBA

GreetersGaby Chaffee, Irene Myers

Altar GuildMaggie Ortiz, Debbie Ortiz

Flower GuildPatricia Henry

MusicSuzanne Stephens

CelebrantMother Adrianna Shaw

Christian EducationSuzanne Stephens



READINGS: 1st – Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9,22-23

Psalm 125

2nd – James 2: 1-10,[11-13], 14-17

GOSPEL: Mark 7: 24-37


  • Pray for those sick or in need: Mabel, David, Jane, Hank, Jeffrey, Lily, William S., Matthew, Bob C., Maria, George, The O’Brien family, Denise O’Brien, Margaret, Elija, Elizabeth, Sheryll, The Anderson family, Sharon, Clayton, Matthew, The Birchfield family, Steve McIntosh, Susan, Jessica, Keith Smith, Doug
  • Pray for our Military: Gabe, Adrian, Scott, Brooke, Logan, Steven B. and Rodney, especially those serving in Infantry 3-7 who are training in Louisiana 17 Aug to 17 Sept and their families left at Ft Stewart. Please pray for the men especially this week as they have communication black out being in “The Box”.
  • Pray for those who have died: George Kirylo, Nina Huntley, Chip O’Brien
  • Pray for our Vestry
  • Pray for the Prayer Chain
  • Pray for Church familymembers to come forward to fill roles in the church eg Hospitality
  • Pray for Daughters of the King – Quiet Day November 7 Speaker Carolyn Bourne / Topic: Martha and Mary – Where are your priorities?
  • Bishop’s Episcopal visit Nov 15

Jesus prayed for all Believers

“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me”. – John 17:22-23NIV

Coming Events

September 05 Green Shoeswith an outdoor focus

September 06 No Potluckbut all are welcome to stay and have a cuppa

September 07 Bible Study Bring your own lunch

September 14 Bible Study Bring your own lunch

September 15 ECW Meeting 11:30am Parish Hall

September 19 Daughters Of the King meeting 1:00pm

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us– Hebrews 12: 1 (NIV)

In His Service

Carolyn B