For players under 19 years on 1st January 2017 (recommended minimum age is 14 years). The tournament will be played under HPA rules. Players must be members of a polo club with a registered handicap and have passed the HPA Rules Test. Entries will not be accepted unless this form has been completed in full and returned to the HPA offices along with a single cheque for the full amount of the entry fee. Entries must be received by 8th May 2017. Queries should be addressed to either Jilly Emerson ( or 07831 463304), Jeremy Barber ( or 01647 61315) or Olly Hughes ( or 01367 242828).

Team Name: ______Team Secretary:______Team Manager:______

Contact email: ______Secretary’s mobile &telephone:______Manager’s mobile:______


/ H’cap / Date of Birth / Polo Club / Will you be playing PC Polo & in which section?


·  I enclose payment for £1080.00 to cover four matches. Please make cheques payable to: ’Hurlingham Polo Association’. Direct bank transfer can be made as well, bank details: Barclays Bank plc, Hurlingham Polo Association, Acc No. 40683051 - Sort Code: 20-20-62 (IBAN: GB70 BARC 20206240683051). Please use your team name as a reference. Please call the office for credit card payments.

·  The teams must be prepared to provide an umpire pony for their own matches


·  Any further matches will be charged at £270 a match after the finals and I understand that I am responsible for payments that may be invoiced concerning the team.

Please note that we need to be made aware of any major HPA tournaments that your players are committed to along with any definite no play days when your entries are sent in.

Signature: ______(Team Secretary) Date: ______

Please return this form to: HPA, MANOR FARM, LITTLE COXWELL, FARINGDON, OXON SN7 7LW or email to and