Station ID / Set by NRCC.
Station Name*
Elevation (ft) / If not available, can be derived from lat/lon data by NRCC.
Instrument Brand / Rainwise AgroMET (MKIII SP1-LR)
Instrument Connection / IP 100
MAC Address*
Station Serial Number*
Instrument Address / Derived from lat/lon and map on the station webpage.
Instrument City / Derived from lat/lon and map on the station webpage.
Instrument Zip / Derived from lat/lon and map on the station webpage.
Instrument Offline
Instrument Online
Months Operating / 12
Time Setting / Required only for modem-connected instruments.
Instrument (Other) / Inactive, Connected, or Disconnected
Owner Name*
Owner Phone
Owner Email*
Owner Address
Owner City
Owner State
Owner Zip
Contact Name*
Contact Phone
Contact 2nd Phone
Contact 3rd Phone
Contact Email*
Contact Affiliation
Backup Contact Name*
Backup Contact Phone
Backup 2nd Phone
Backup Contact Email*

Provide as much information as possible; *information is essential. See instructions on next page.


Station ID / Set by NRCC.
Station Name* / Use town name, confer with NRCC. If more in that town, use town (farm).
Latitude* / Get this from the grower/owner.
Longitude* / Get this from the grower/owner.
Elevation (ft) / If not available from the grower, can be derived from lat/lon data by NRCC.
County / Provide this.
Instrument Brand / Rainwise MK-III SP1-LR
Instrument Connection / IP 100
MAC Address* / This is on the bottom of the IP100 box; used to connect to RainwiseNet.
Station serial number* / This is on the weather station.
Instrument Address / NA (can be derived from lat/lon and map on the station webpage)
Instrument City / NA (can be derived from lat/lon and map on the station webpage)
Instrument Zip / NA (can be derived from lat/lon and map on the station webpage)
Instrument Offline / Provide date instrument permanently disconnected.
Instrument Online / Provide date instrument connected.
Months Operating / 12
Time Setting / Required only for modem-connected instruments.
Instrument (Other) / Provide status, either: Inactive, Connected, or Disconnected
Owner Name* / First Last Name (not business name), get this from the grower/owner.
Owner Phone / Business phone number, get this from the grower/owner.
Owner Email* / Get this from the grower/owner.
Owner Address / Get this from the grower/owner.
Owner City / Get this from the grower/owner.
Owner State / Get this from the grower/owner.
Owner Zip / Get this from the grower/owner.
Contact Name* / First Last Name, get this from the grower/owner.
Contact Phone / Get this from the grower/owner.
Contact 2nd Phone / Get this from the grower/owner.
Contact 3rd Phone / Get this from the grower/owner.
Contact Email* / Get this from the grower/owner.
Contact Affiliation / Business name (farm, department, etc). Get this from the grower/owner.
Backup Contact Name* / Decide who will be backup contact; usually IPM or CCE personnel
Backup Contact Phone / Provide phone number, “cell” preferred here.
Backup 2nd Phone / Provide phone number, “office” preferred here.
Backup Contact Email* / Provide email address.

*Essential information.

Comments: Provide other information pertinent to contact and owner information that is not captured in the above fields. For example, a mailing address for the Contact (i.e. IPM is Owner and grower is Contact, but the Instrument Address is not the grower’s mailing address.)