Episode I: The Battle of Ideas

A global economy, energized by technological change and unprecedented flows of people and money, collapses in the wake of a terrorist attack .... The year is 1914.

Worldwide war results, exhausting the resources of the great powers and convincing many that the economic system itself is to blame. From the ashes of the catastrophe, an intellectual and political struggle ignites between the powers of government and the forces of the marketplace, each determined to reinvent the world's economic order.

Two individuals emerge whose ideas, shaped by very different experiences, will inform this debate and carry it forward. One is a brilliant, unconventional Englishman named John Maynard Keynes. The other is an outspoken émigré from ravaged Austria, Friedrich von Hayek.

But a worldwide depression holds the capitalist nations in its grip. In opposition to both Keynes and Hayek stand not only Hitler's Third Reich but Stalin's Soviet Union, schooled in the communist ideologies of Marx and Lenin and bent on obliterating the capitalist system altogether.

For more than half a century the battle of ideas will rage. From the totalitarian socialist systems to the fascist states, from the independent nations of the developing world to the mixed economies of Europe and the regulated capitalism of the United States, government planning will gradually take over the commanding heights.

But in the 1970s, with Keynesian theory at its height and communism fully entrenched, economic stagnation sets in on all sides. When a British grocer's daughter and a former Hollywood actor become heads of state, they join forces around the ideas of Hayek, and new political and economic policies begin to transform the world.

Chapter 1: Prologue

The present situation

Title sequence

Chapter 2: The Old Order Fails

Meet Keynes and Hayek

The first era of globalization

World war and revolution

Keynes foresees disaster

Chapter 3: Communism on the Heights

Hayek explores socialism

The Austrian School's critique

What Lenin learned

Stalin's totalitarian plan

Chapter 4: A Capitalist Collapse

German hyperinflation

American boom and bust

Fascism takes hold in Europe

Can Keynes save capitalism?

Chapter 5: Global Depression

Roosevelt improvises

Regulating the markets

Keynes completes his Theory

Keynes's apostles in America

Chapter 6: Worldwide War

A victory for planning

Hayek's warning

Keynes at Bretton Woods

World at a crossroads

Chapter 7: Planning the Peace

Britain seeks "fair shares"

Churchill's defeat

Labor nationalizes the heights

Communism's rapid gains

Chapter 8: Pilgrim Mountain

Hayek's Mont Pélerin conference

Enter Milton Friedman

Democracy and free markets

A long fight ahead

Chapter 9: Germany's Bold Move

The ruins of postwar Germany

Price controls vs. inflation

Erhard defies the Allies

The market economy revives

Chapter 10: India's Way

Nehru and Gandhi part ways

A science of central planning

The Mahalanobis equation

A socialist model for development

Chapter 11: Chicago Against the Tide

Outside the mainstream

The spirit of Chicago

Harnessing economic forces

The Keynesian high tide

Chapter 12: The Specter of Stagflation

Hayek in eclipse

Stagflation besets America

Nixon becomes a Keynesian

U.S. wage and price controls

Chapter 13: A Mixed Economy Flounders

Britain under price controls

The "Mad Monk" repents

The grocer's daughter listens

Thatcher and Hayek

Chapter 14: Deregulation Takes Off

America bogged down

The airlines and Panamania

Deregulating the sandwiches

Costs and benefits

Chapter 15: Thatcher Takes the Helm

The Winter of Discontent

Hayek's birthday present

Shock therapy for Britain

The lady's not for turning

Chapter 16: Reagan Rides In

The double-digit dragon

Volcker at the Fed

Reagan tightens the reins

Tax cuts, deregulation, deficits

Chapter 17: War in the South Atlantic

Argentina attacks

Thatcher gambles all

Victory's dividend

An economic sea change

Chapter 18: The Heights Go Up for Sale

Targeting state-owned industries

The economics of coal

Breaking the miners' strike

Can Keynes save capitalism?

Chapter 19: The Battle Decided?

Idea politicians

The whole world watches

A century comes full circle

The battle decided for good?