Welcome to an Awesome community of Learners!


2014-2015 School year

Room 234

One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. - Frank Smith

Class times: Mondays 7:45-8:32 , Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:45-9:10

Teacher: Mrs. Godinich Email:

Planning Time: Wednesday & Fridays 7:45-9:10

Course Objectives: Students will learn about Deaf culture, ASL signs and grammar structure.

Specific Learning Outcomes: In 9 weeks, students will have

1.  Introduction into deaf culture & history

2.  Introduction of Elements of signs/ ASL hand shapes & syntax

3.  Read & Produce (Receptive & Expressive) a short mock signed conversation

Format & Procedures:

Honesty and Respect are very important in my class.

Show respect to:

The teacher- by not talking during class and listening attentively to classroom discussion.

Other students in the class by not causing a distraction or disruption, listen to their questions and comments.

To yourself by completing you work and giving it your full attention and best try.

Deaf students/staff by eagerly learning about their culture and language.

My tardy policy follows the school policy on page 6 of the school handbook. First tardy receives a warning. 2nd tardy receives 1 day of lunch detention.

My student conduct policy follows the policy on page 7 of the school handbook.

No Gum chewing is allowed as it distorts the face ; ASL grammar is conveyed through facial expressions.

Course Requirements:

Supplies: Paper, Binder, Pens/ Pencils, Eraser, box of Kleenex

Textbook: class notes, handouts and Godinich school wires website

Grading Procedures/Policy:

The student is responsible for missed assignments (exams, classwork, projects and homework).

If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it must be turned in upon your return.

How many grades to expect:

10-12 grades will be taken every 9 weeks. With at least two of those grades being tests.

Anticipated Assignments:

1st assignment: create a name sign using their first initial of their first and/or last name.

2nd assignment: given a list of influential people in deaf history, pick 10 people and write a five sentence summary on each person

3rd assignment/1st project: Each student will pick one of the influential people ( no duplicates, inform Mrs. Godinich of your 1,2 and 3rd choice) and write a one page report to present to the class

1st test – will cover the 22 influential people & places

Journal entry 1 – in class assignment due at the end of class

Journal entry 2 – in class assignment due at the end of class

ASL Note check: includes notes from your research, guest speakers too

2nd test – fingerspelling test

3rd test - Receptive conversation - similar vocabulary as your final project

Journal entry 3

Journal entry 4

Final project: Expressive conversation: video tape yourself having a one way conversation in sign language - email it to no later than

Grade Weights:

·  Exam/ Projects -50%

·  Classwork/Homework- 50%

Numerical grades are used according to the following interpretation:

1.  90-100 Excellent quality of work-through mastery of subject matter

2.  80-89 Good quality of work-above average with consistent effort

3.  75-79 Satisfactory quality of work-average achievement

4.  70-74 Below quality work-below average achievement

5.  50-69 Unsatisfactory quality of work-poor work, failing

*Grades are based on test, quizzes, daily participation, reports, projects, written assignments, and presentations.

Per the student handbook, late work will result in 70% of the earned grade.

Ongoing Parent-Teacher Communication: My planning time is Wed/Fri: 7:45-9:10

I am always available via email and can be contacted at . If you must reach me via telephone, please call the main office at 713-917-3565 and leave a message. All emails and telephone calls will be returned within 24 hours.