FAO Mr Ward (c/o Programme Officer)
I write in response to your request for clarification on the Strategic Housing Market Assessment Project.
The new Leicestershire Strategic Housing Market Assessment was commissioned in November 2013. The commission was made on behalf of all of the Leicestershire Housing Market Area authorities (Blaby District Council, Charnwood Borough Council, Harborough District Council, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, Leicester City Council, Melton Borough Council, North West Leicestershire District Council and Oadby and Wigston Borough Council). A copy of the Project Brief is attached to this email as requested.
The objectives of the commission are:
· To provide robust evidence as to the amount of new housing required to 2031 (and indicatively to 2036), including a breakdown by type, tenure and size, across the housing market area and for individual districts/boroughs which can then be used by the local authorities to seek to ensure that their Local Plans meet the full, objectively assessed needs for market and affordable housing across the housing market area;
· To provide evidence of the mix of different households likely to require housing to 2031/2036 in terms of age, household size and type and the implications for future dwelling requirements, across the housing market area and for individual districts / boroughs.
Section 3 of the Brief sets out the commission in detail, including the scope of the commission which is for a comprehensive SHMA to provide:
· A detailed understanding of the key drivers underpinning the housing market in Leicester and Leicestershire and the identification of current dynamics of the housing market and interactions between and within areas both within the HMA and with adjoining HMAs ;
· An update of the current population characteristics of the HMA in terms of demographics and socio-economic profiles;
· The scale of future market and affordable housing need across the HMA, the Leicester Principal Urban Area (PUA) and at individual authority level;
· Detail on the mix of housing needed in terms of size, type and needs of specific groups; and
· An evidence base in relation to affordable housing outlining the need for different affordable tenures and property type.
The anticipated outputs are set out at 4.1 (p.30) with greater detail at 3.4.1 (p.27) in respect of the two principal reports that are expected of the commission:
Housing Requirements Technical Paper: an overview of housing market dynamics and linkages and the full objectively assessed housing requirements for both market and affordable housing set out for the HMA, Leicestershire Principal Urban Area and individual local authorities. It will support early cooperation between local authorities regarding the distribution of the housing requirement and allow work to progress on the development of Local Plans.
The Technical Paper forms stage 1 of the commission and is expected to be completed by the end of February 2014.
Strategic Housing Market Assessment Report: As well as incorporating the findings of the Technical Paper, it will provide evidence of the mix of housing and range of tenures needed for both market and affordable housing and examine the needs of specific household groups. It will also recommend the most appropriate housing requirement figure in view of the scenarios considered. The Draft SHMA Report is expected to be received by the end of March 2014 and programmed for completion by the end of April 2014.
The Leicestershire Member Advisory Group (MAG)is made up of elected members, usually with the planning portfolio, from each of the districts and city council andprovides a vehicle for cooperation on strategic planning and infrastructure issues. The SHMA will be presented to the MAG for discussion and agreement on how to distribute the housingacrossthe HMA. It should be noted that the MAG does not have decision making powers to allow a formal joint decision on a future housing requirements or its distribution, but is the vehicle to ensure all Districts and the City Council are in discussions at member levels in relation to the strategic growth options. These discussions can then be considered at local level, and and as a result individual authorities wouldthen take decisions based on a consideration of the SHMA and following advice from the MAG.
The MAG will be supported in this endeavour by The Housing, Planning and Infrastructure Group (HPIG) which provides strategic oversight for policy development amongst Leicestershire local authorities (attended by senior management team representatives from authorities across the HMA) and the local planning authority interface for the activities of the Local Enterprise Partnership.
Whilst there is currently no mechanism for a formal joint decision on planning strategy for the HMA, HPIG is considering options for future strategic joint working. However, the outcome from the SHMA, its distribution and the agreement and implementation of a mechanism for joint strategic planning may be expected to take some years during which time Charnwood Borough Council wishes to see plan-led growth. The desire to see plan-led growth in Charnwood is reflected in a Charnwood Local Plan Core Strategy Memorandum of Understanding which has been agreed by the HMA authorities and demonstrates the outcome from joint working and cooperation and the shared understanding of development requirements, which have not only shaped the Charnwood Local Plan Core Strategy, but also other core strategies that have been adopted by Leicestershire local authorities.
I trust the above information responds appropriately to the clarification you sought. I have also attached a copy of the Housing Requirements Topic Paper (MAY 2013) as requested. Please let me know if you have any further questions,
Yours sincerely
David Pendle
Group Leader - Plans, Policies and PlaceMaking
Planning and Regeneration