Institute for Community Research Service
Center for Women Studies
Jl.Asem Kranji, Sekip K-5, Yogyakarta-Indonesia, Telp./Fax.(+62 274)583546,
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Celebrating of One Hundred Years Indonesian Women Resurgence, 2008
Call Paper
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to attend Two Days International Conference on “Women in Public Sector”. The conference is being organized by Center for Women Study, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The conference will be held on July 16 – 17, 2008, at Gedung Pascasarjana Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
The sub themes of conference:
1. Sector of Science and Technology,
2. Sector of Health and Medical,
3. Sector of Agricultural,
4. Sector of Social and Humanism: Cultural, Literary, Politic, Education, Performance Art, Religion, History, Tourism, Law, etc
The conference hopes to stimulate participants to move the worlds towards gender equity.
We encourage: empirical (quantitative/qualitative) studies, case studies, practice based research, social work, cultural, sociological, educational perspectives.
Practical field presentations/seminars are designed to teach innovative and scientific practice skills will be appreciated.
Please confirm your participation as soon as possible (up to June 1, 2008). However, the last date for submission of abstract is May 30, 2008 and submission of full paper is June 30, 2008. We encourage the submission of the abstract and full paper by email attachment. In case of difficulties, it must be sent in a CD by post at Jl. Asemkranji Sekip K-5, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Please submit 300 word abstract preferably by email at: or , also by fax (+62 274) 583546
Registration Fee for international conference:
Student: Rp 400.000,00 / Early Registration: US $ 95
Late Registration: Rp 700.000,00
Student: Rp 600.000,00 / Late Registration: US $ 110
Submissions should include: name, professional affiliation, address, phone number, email. You can download the seminar form application and the further information on website PSW UGM: We will inform the program of seminar immediately.
We invite you to attend the performance art “Trilogy of Women Dalang*” (a girl dalang, woman dalang, and Japanese woman dalang ) on July 17, 2008.
*Dalang : Puppeteer, the manipulator of Javanese shadows plays.
Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested. We look forward to welcoming you to Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
With profound regards,
Siti Hariti Sastriyani
Center for Women Study, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Office Jl.Asem Kranji, Sekip K-5, Yogyakarta
Email : or .
July 16 – 17, 2008
At Gedung Pascasarjana Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Your Name :
Designation(Prof/Dr/Ms/Mr.) :
Institution :
Address :
Phone No. Office :
Residence :
Fax No. Office :
Residence :
E-mail :
Participant (Panelist/Participant*):
Title :
Shadow – Play Performance :
Trilogy of Women Dalang on July ,17th 2008 at 20 .00 pm at Center of Culture Koesnadi Hardjosumentri at Gadjah Mada University.
Wayang Kulit has had centuries of performance in the folk tradition as well, so that today with several thousand puppeteers active,it is the strongest traditional theatre form in Southtern Asia. In Indonesian word ‘wayang ‘is derived from a word meaning “shadow”or ghost :These intricately cut and perforated shadow puppets are made from “buffalo hide. ‘Kulit” means “leather” or “skin.” Wayang Kulit has a documented history of existance of at least 800 years in the Indonesian archipelago.
The “dhalang “is a highly venerated artist with exceptional power the elements at his command. He is a complete performer who excels in many things. He displays enourmos physical and mental endurance. He is an orator with a prodigious memory who must be able to repeat many lengthy texts word for word but also improvise and entire interlude ranging from ribald jokes to philosophical conversation. He is a scholar of literature and yet keeps himself abreast , not only of national events, but of everday happenings in the district including the latest gossip and scandal. He must know all his figures about one hundred or more their nature and symbolic importances, and have such vocal dexterity as to give each its proper tone and bitch as times creating the ilution of conversation. He deftly composes scenes on the fly all the while paying particular attention to the artistic arrangement of his figure . He poses them instances appropriate to their character and situation and in keeping their relationship to each other. He has to compose and sing songs as well as direct the orchestra that accompanies him. Beside all this, he is a poetplay wright who shares new wisdom in a way that satisfies public taste.
The dhalang is in a complete charge of the performance . A good dhalang may be able to perform as many as two hundred lakon (wayang episodes). In Java he is often revered for his deep understanding of life and his role as a teacher and spiritual guide . Through him, one is initiated into “secret of earthly existence “ and educated in the philosophical and mystical composition of life : the nature of order in the world of cosmic justice, and of the laws of the universe.
A gamelan (orchestra ), using various combination of instrument, is traditionaly and essentially accompaniment to puppet shows, dances, feasts, and ceremonies in Java.
Formerly the shadow play is played by men. In the modern age , women also like playing the shadow play. Now there are women dhalangs although still in a little number. This condition shows that there is a gender justice. Men and women get the same profession as dhalangs.
In the commemoration of 100 years of the women resurgence will be held the shadow play performance . It will be played bye three women dhalangs:women dhalangs come from Indonesia, Nyi Sophia Penicarito and Japan, Hanae Kobayashi and a girl dhalang comes from Indonesia, Ganes Sworo. The shadow play performance is unique because it is the first performance of trilogy.