SAMPLE: Consortium/Partnership – Risk Management Matrix
The Risk Management Matrix below is provided as an sample. It only addresses some considerations in two potential areas of Risk: the Collaborative Relationship and Management and Accountability. Use the Potential Collaboration Risk Checklistto develop a Risk Management Matrix tailored to provide the best protection for your own collaborative activity.
Consortium/Partnership – Risk Management MatrixPotential Risks / Consequences / Probability / Level of Impact / Risk Management Treatment / Have Protocol
High / Med / Low / Sev / Mod / Min
Collaborative relationship
Change of Managers or key personnel from partner organisations / Loss of knowledge; severing of relationships / X / X / Delegates at meetings; staff induction & circulation of Minutes
List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number
Example PP: 1.8; 5.1-5.3; 15.2
Difference of opinion between staff from partner organisations / Loss of cohesion for group and flow on impact for clients / X / X / Induction Process; grievance policy List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number
Example PP: 1.8; 34.1; 35.1-35.3
Disagreement between the Managers involved in the Collaboration / Loss of cohesion for group / X / X / Collaboration Meetings, dispute resolution policy as per partnership agreement. At the point of mediation, with an agreed mediator, parent bodies to be notified (where relevant) List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number
Discord around roles and responsibilities / Confusion & loss of collaboration / X / X / Documented Partnership Protocols to prevent risk
List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number
Poor communication between local managers and their Parent Organisations / Disconnect between Parent Organisations and the Collaborative / X / X / Communication protocols – Partnership Agreement & each organisation’s own policies and procedures List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number
Management and accountability
Loose sight of direction and purpose / Regional Manager/ Staff ownership, collaboration in decline / X / X / Collaboration meetings and annual review List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number
Unclear lines of delegation and authority / Confusion, duplication & inaction / X / X / Schedule of Delegations, Collaboration meetings and annual review
List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number
Reporting between partners / Breakdown in communication / X / X / Collaboration meetings and annual review List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number
Reporting to Parent Groups / Breakdown in communication and confusion / X / X / Collaboration meetings and annual review List Partnership Protocols (or Policies and Procedures) that address this issue by number