Center for Health and Fitness

Employee Exercise Participant Orientation Information

Swedish Center for Health and Fitness (SCHF) is a SwedishMedicalCenterdepartment that houses bothCardioVascular Wellness and Outpatient Rehabilitation services. These programs providerehabilitation exerciseto patients and clients. We are pleased to be able to open our facility to employee exercise. We ask that you respect the facility, equipment, and resources that are being provided. No property shall be removed from the premises without written approval by SCHFmanagement.

Employee Exercise Option Membership is currently available to all Swedish Employees and some others that work in the area. Key card access is requiredfor gym access. Employees with current SwedishMedicalCenter issued Photo Identification badges will be given access using their ID badge. All other members have to sign up for an EEO Courtesy badge. Single membership is for one person only. All members must be at least 18 years of age. Memberships are not transferable. Members cannot let other people into the gym and doing so is cause for immediate termination from the employee exercise program.

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday: 5:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.No weekendor SMC observed holiday entry.

Center for Health and Fitness Clients have precedence over equipment use. These are clients currently enrolled in all SCHF Programs that include an onsite exercise component. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:00-12:00 are heavy SCHF client exercise times so equipment availability is limited. Hours and equipment availability may change due to client volume shifts and SCHF Program Service needs.

Rules and Regulations The Employee Exercise Option policies are subject to change. Reasonable effort will be made to provide adequate notice to program members when rules or policies change or are added. The policies are not intended to regulate every occurrence at the SCHF, but to ensure the safety and enjoyment of the programs offered at the SCHF.

Membership Payment is due prior to exercise the first day of the month. Payment must be paid during SCHFbusiness hours. The cost of the program is $20.00 per month. Cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card are accepted. Automatic paycheck deduction is required for eligible SwedishMedicalCenteremployees.All payments are nonrefundable. There are no prorated monthly fees. Non payment of dues is cause for termination from the employee exercise program.

Check-In Process Swedish Medical Center’s Photo Identification card orEEO Courtesybadge are required for entry into the exercise gym for Employee Exercise Option.Each member must swipe in and enter via the JamesTowerkey card entrance.The glass door entrance is for SCHF department staff and patients only.

Personal Conduct Profanity, equipment abuse, and other disruptive behavior are not appropriate. All doors to the gym are to remain locked during non-business hours. SwedishMedicalCenter governing policies are in effect. Failure to abide by these policies may result in termination of membership or loss of using this facility for employee exercise.

Dress Code in the exercise gymAthletic, comfortable fitting attire is required. Shirts are required at all times. Athletic or supportive walking shoes are required (no sandals, high-heels, thongs or unsecured shoes). Members are restricted from wearing any garment or displaying any personal property that may be interpreted as offensive or in a manner that may intimidate other members.

Liability Members voluntarily use the SCHF Employee Exercise Option and facility solely at their own risk and on their own time. The program uses an unsupervised exercise format. Understanding that there is risk involved in physical activities members shall not hold Swedish Medical Center, the SCHF, or their staff liable for any injuries or damage to themselves or their property arising out of the use of the facility. Workmen’s Compensation does not apply during exercise time. We recommend that you do not exercise alone especially if you have a known medical disease(s) or condition(s).

Member’s Personal Property The SCHF will not be responsible for the loss of a member’s property from the locker rooms or any other part of the SCHF. All belongings should be in a locked locker.

General Locker Room Rules Locker rooms and showers are available for use only during the exercise session. No gym bags or clothing will be allowed on the exercise room floor. Gym bags and clothing should be placed in the lockers when showering. Contents left in a locker at the close of business day will be removed. Contents will be taken to SCHF department front desk lost and found or security.

Towels Are not provided for employee exercise.You must bring your own toiletries and towels for showering.

Hand washing is recommended before and after using equipment. We also provide a waterless, alcohol based hand sanitizer that should be used when a sink is not readily available. If you are sick please do not come to exercise.

Electronic devicesUse of cellular phones in the exercise area or the locker rooms is prohibited. All phones are to be turned off. Pagers are allowed in the exercise room only if in vibrate mode. Thepager responsetelephone is located in the South East corner of the gymfor EEO member use. All other telephones and computers in the exercise room are for SCHF staff use only and are not part of EEO membership.

Weapons or Firearms No firearms or weapons are permitted in the SCHF or on the premises.

Substance Abuse Substance abuse is prohibited in the SCHF or on the premises.

Personal Instruction Only SCHFstaff may conduct instruction of any type in the SCHF department.

Food and Beverage Consumption Food is not allowed in the exercise area or on the exercise equipment. Drinks allowed only in containers with lids. Colorless liquids preferred. No alcoholic beverages are to be brought on the property and consumed.

Exercise Equipment use is limited to the equipment provided by the SCHF. Members may not bring in their own equipment for use in the SCHF. Hand weights are not allowed on the cardiovascular equipment. Members are expected to wipe down the equipment after each use.Use of a single piece of exercise equipment is limited to thirty (30) minutes when someone is waiting. Some SCHF equipment is marked for patient use only and is not a part of EEO membership use.

In case of emergency after hoursdial911 to contact local emergency medical responders. Location: SwedishMedicalCenter, Cherry Hill Campus, Center for Health and Fitness Gym, JamesTower 1st Floor. 550 17th AVESeattle, 98122. Building access is from 18th Street. Phone number is 206-320-3320.

Termination of Membership Participant may terminate their membership at any time. SCHF may terminate membershipimmediately for non-payment of monthly dues, violation of SCHF or SMC policies, procedures, and governing rules. Notice of termination will be submitted to the member in writing.

Questions, comments or complaints In order for the SCHF to continue to meet the needs of all participants, we appreciate your suggestions and comments. Please contact any SCHF staff member or the CV Wellnesssupervisor, Donna Kelley. The department number is (206)-320-3320.Business hours are Monday – Friday, 7:30 am -5:00pm.

I declare that I have read, understood, and agree to the contents of this Participant Orientation Information in its entirety.


Participant Printed Name and Signature


CCVW Staff SignatureDate & Time