-----Original Message-----

From: Julie Brunner [mailto:

Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 4:02 PM

To: Mary Stewart Douglas

Cc: Mary Ann Dolehanty; Vrajesh Patel; Joy Taylor Morgan

Subject: Requested Information on MI plants in permitting - AprilStatus Report: Coal-Fired Power Plants

Attached is the latest information on MI plants in permitting that NACAA requested during today's Mercury Call. These will have to undergo a 112(g) analysis.

Please ignore the information for Northern Michigan University (PTI. 60-07) because it is an industrial boiler that is part of the list due to the fact that coal will be combusted in the unit.

Thank you!

Julie L. Brunner, P.E.

Air Quality Division

General Manufacturing Unit

Phone: (517)373-7088


-----Original Message-----
From: Vrajesh Patel [mailto:
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 11:16 AM
To: Gerald Avery; Steven Chester; Mary Ann Dolehanty; Lynn Fiedler; Vinson Hellwig; Carol Linteau; JoAnn Merrick; William Presson; Jim Sygo
Cc: Brian Brady; Julie Brunner; Melissa Byrnes; Brian Carley; Janis Denman; George Eurich; Matthew Hall; Chris Hare; James G Haywood; Stephanie Hengesbach; Heidi Hollenbach; Steve Kish; Stephen Lachance; Linda LeVeque; Tom Maki; David Mason; Jane Permoda; Mark Reed; David Riddle; William Rogers; Robert Sills; MaryBeth Thelen; John Vial
Subject: April Status Report: Coal-Fired Power Plants

Attached is the status report for the five pending air permit applications for coal-fired power plants. The most noteworthy changes since the last status report include:

Consumer's Energy (341-07) Permit Engineer: Dave Riddle. Received Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analysis for an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) as requested. Evaluation and discussion of the document has started.

Wolverine (317-07) Permit Engineer: Melissa Byrnes. Ongoing work for verification of Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT) analysis, Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, i.e. 112(g) regulatory analysis.

Mid-Michigan Energy LLC (297-07) Permit Engineer: John Vial. Provided preliminary conditions to the Company. Requested additional information (malfunction abatement plan, 112(g) analysis, and IGCC BACT analysis) will be submitted by the company by the end of April.

Northern Michigan University (60-07) Permit Engineer: Dave Riddle. The Response to Comments document is completed. Under review by Attorney General Office.

Holland Board of Public Works (25-07) Permit Engineer: John Vial. Requested comments on Draft conditions and 112(g) analysis from company's authorized consultant.

The column indicating Mega Watts (MW) for each project was added to the AQD's Coal-Fired Power Plants website. Moreover, the following Related Links were added to the website (http://www.deq.state.mi.us/aps/downloads/permits/cfpp/cfpp.htm):

Michigan's Permit to Install Application Review Process A Citizen's Guide to Participation in Michigan's Air Pollution Control Program Public Involvement Handbook: A Citizen's Guide

Vrajesh C. Patel

Permit Section, AQD, MDEQ

Phone: (517) 373-7053

Fax: (517) 373-1265
