Department of medicine of extraordinary situations


Methodical recommendations for self-study of students of medical and stomatological faculties to practical and seminar lessons on educational discipline “Medicine of extraordinary situations”

Lviv – 2011

Methodical recommendations prepared: Chaplyk V.V., Pylypiv Ya.I., Humenyuk V.V., and Oliynyk P.V.

Translation:Humenyuk V.V.

Methodical recommendations are developed for self-study of students of medical and stomatological faculties to practical and seminar lessons on educational discipline “Medicine of extraordinary situations” on theme: Extraordinary situations of natural, technogenic, socio-political and military origin, their medically-sanitary consequences. As a result of study of theme students must know classification of extraordinary situations and description of their medically-sanitary consequences.

Methodical recommendations are recommended by a methodical commission of department of medicine of extraordinary situations of LNMU by Danylo Halytskyy for the printing.

Document № ___ from “ __” ______2011.

A sequence of study of theme and methodical recommendations for independent preparation to practical lessons

I. Educational aim:

To learn a classification of extraordinary situations and order of liquidation of their medically-sanitary consequences.

II. Educational-having a special purpose task:

1. To know the order of classification of extraordinary situations of technogenic, natural, socio-political and military origin.

2. To know a medically-sanitary description of extraordinary situations of natural, technogenic, socio-political and military origin.

3. To know description of medically-sanitary consequences of extraordinary situations.

III. Time of lesson: 4 academic hours;

IV. Place of leadthrough of the lesson: educational class of department

V. Educational questions and timing:

Lesson №1.

1. An order of classification of extraordinary situations of technogenic, natural, socio-political and military origin.

2. Medically-sanitary description of extraordinary situations of natural origin.

Lesson №2.

1. Medically-sanitary description of extraordinary situations of technogenic origin

2. Medically-sanitary description of extraordinary situations of socio-political origin.

3. Medically-sanitary description of extraordinary situations of military origin.


During independent preparation to practical lessons students must use base material of methodical recommendations, the compendium of lectures on this topic, by educational material of the indicated literature.

As a result of independent preparation students must know the order of classification of extraordinary situations of technogenic, natural, socio-political and military origin, their medically-tactical description and to be ready to give an answer for the control questions of the lesson.


  1. Check your base knowledge in accordance with an educational purpose and educational tasks and if necessary – correct them.
  2. A questions for self-control of base knowledge:

1. Order of classification of ES of technogenic, natural, socio-political and military origin

2. Classification of ES in accordance with territorial distribution and volumes of technical and financial resources, which are needed for liquidation of their consequences.

3.Classification of ES of natural origin on severity of consequences for a population and objects of national economy.

4. Medically-tactical description of extraordinary situations of natural origin

5. Medically-tactical description of extraordinary situations of technogenic origin

6. Medically-tactical description of extraordinary situations of socio-political origin

7. Medically-tactical description of extraordinary situations of military origin.


Extraordinary situations of natural, technogenic, socio-political and military origin, their medically-sanitary consequences.

1.Order of classification of extraordinary situations of technogenic, natural, socio-political and military origin

From data of the Geneva center of researches of epidemiology of catastrophes, Ukraine enters in ten of the world countries, in which, in particular, in 2006 year there were observed most victims of natural calamities. Presence in Ukraine of the developed infrastructure of industry, its high concentration in separate regions, existence of large industrial complexes, in that number, those, which are attributed to potentially dangerous, developed network of transport communications, and also oil- and gas pipelines, plenty of power objects, using in a production al lot of potentially hazardous substances – all of this increases a possibility of origin of technogenic ES, which carry in itself a threat for life and health of people, for economy of the state and natural environment. The total risks of technogenic ES exceed the total risks of origin of ES of natural character considerably. Almost 1/3 of all industrial objects are presented by enterprises, which are related to the production, processing and storage of drastic poisonous, explosive and inflammable substances. At the terms of economic crisis, shortage of money facilities, very slowly and not in time an update or replacement of old capital production assets is carried out too late, the level of wear of equipment of which is almost critical. All of it increases a possibility of origin of technogenic dangers. There is possibility of origin of practically all spectrums of natural processes of geological, hydrological, meteorological origin on territory of Ukraine. Among ES of natural character in Ukraine happen more frequently such as: large floods, earthquakes, landslide processes, forest and field fires, hurricanes, tornados and squall winds.

Technogenic and natural processes can result in the origin of failures, catastrophes and, as a result of them, to the extraordinary situation on a separate object or territory.

Failure – is a break, destruction of buildings, equipment, transport vehicles and violation of production or transport process in investigation, as a result of which a threat for life and health of people is created on an object or certain territory.

Catastrophe – is a sudden, fleeting event, caused by forces of nature or activity of man, which entailed a numerous human losses, made harm or threat to the health of a lot of people, caused destruction or elimination of objects and other financial values in considerable sizes, and also entailed harm to the environment.

An extraordinary situation for health protection – is a circumstance, which arose up suddenly, at what a possibilities of organs and establishments of health protection from warning and liquidation of medically-sanitary consequences of ES does not answer to existent possibilities and require a mobilizing of additional medical forces and facilities from outside or substantial change of everyday forms and methods of work.

The purpose of classification of extraordinary situations (ES) is creation of effective mechanism of estimation of event, which became or can happen in the forecast term, and determination of degree of reacting at proper level of management. The general signs of ES are: presence or threat of death of people or considerable violation of terms of their life activity; infliction of economic losses; substantial worsening of the condition of environment. As a purpose of creation of the unique system of classification of extraordinary situations and determination of their levels, providing of the operative and adequate reacting on such situations, by Decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from July, 15 in 1998 №1099 there was ratified a Statute about classification of extraordinary situations.

In accordance with reasons of origin of events, which can stipulate the origin of ES on territory of Ukraine, are differentiated:

Table 1. Classification of extraordinary situations

ES of technogenic origin are transport failures (catastrophes), fires, unprovoked explosions or their threat, failures with the extras (or the threat of extras) of dangerous chemical, biological, radioactive substances, sudden destruction of buildings, failures on engineering networks and buildings of life-support, hydrodynamic failures on dikes, dams and others like that.

Table 2. Classification of extraordinary situations of technogenic origin

NS of natural origin are dangerous geological, meteorological, hydrological marine and freshwater phenomena, degradation of soils of the earth, natural fires, change of the state of atmosphere, infectious morbidity of people, agricultural animals, mass defeat of agricultural plants by illnesses or wreckers, change of the state of water resources and biosphere and others like that.

Table 3.Classification of extraordinary situations of technogenic origin

NS of socio-political origin arerelated with the outlaw actions of terrorists and unconstitutional direction: realization or real threat of assassination (armed attack, capture and detention of important objects, of nuclear equipment and materials, of communication and telecommunications networks, attack or encroaching upon the crew of air or marine ship), theft (attempt of theft) or destruction of ships, theft or capture of people, setting an explosive devices in public places, theft or capture of weapon, finding of old weapons and ammunitions and others like that.

Table 4.Classification of extraordinary situations of socio-political origin.

NS of military origin are related to the consequences of applications of weapon of mass defeat or ordinary defeat, during which the second factors of defeat of population are as a result of destruction of the atomic and hydroelectric stations, compositions and depositories of radio-active and toxic matters and wastes, oil products, explosives, transport and engineering communications and others like that.

Table 5.Classification of extraordinary situations of military origin.

In accordance with territorial distribution, volumes of the caused or expected economic losses, amounts of people, which perished, after classification of signs there is determined four levels of extraordinary situations - national, regional, local and objective.

In the process of determination of level of ES three groups of factors are consistently examined: territorial distribution; size of the caused (expected) economic losses and human losses; classification signs of extraordinary situations.

In accordance with territorial distribution and volumes of technical and financial resources, which are needed for liquidation of consequences of ES:

to the national level belong :

  • ES, which spread or can spread on territory of other states;
  • ES, which spread on territory of two or the more regions of Ukraine (Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, Kyiv and Sevastopol), and for its liquidation a financial and technical resources are needed in volumes, which exceed a possibility of these regions, but not lesser as 1 percent from the volume of charges of the proper local budgets (ES of state level after territorial distribution);
  • ES, which brought to death more than 10 persons or over 300 suffered persons (suffered persons are persons, to life or to the health of which a harm was caused as a result of extraordinary situation), or the normal terms of life activity were broken for more than 50 thousands of persons on great while (more than on 3 days);
  • ES, as a result of which over 5 persons perished or over 100 persons suffered, whether the normal terms of life were broken for over 10 thousands of persons on long time (more than on 3 days), and losses, caused by an extraordinary situation, exceeded 25 thousands of low-limit of payment;
  • ES, losses from which exceeded 150 thousands of low-limits of payment;
  • ES, which in other cases, foreseen by the acts of legislation, after the signs is acknowledged as ES of state level.

to the regional level of ES belong such:

  • which spread on territory of two or more districts (cities of regional value) of Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, and for its liquidation a financial and technical resources are needed in volumes, which exceed to possibility of these districts, but not lesser as 1 % of volume of charges of the proper local budgets (ES of regional level after territorial distribution);
  • ES, which brought to death from 3 to 5 persons over or from 50 to 100 suffered persons, whether the normal terms of life were broken for 1-10 thousands of persons on great (more than on 3 days) while, and losses were exceeded by 5 thousands of low-limit of salary;
  • ES, losses from which exceeded 15 thousands of low-limit of fee, which happened on territory of two and more administrative districts (cities of regional value), Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, cities Kyiv and Sevastopol, or threatens by possibility of transference on territory of contiguous area of Ukraine, and also in the case, when for its liquidation a financial and technical resources are needed in volumes, which exceed own possibilities of separate district, but not lesser then 1% of volume of charges of the proper budget;

to the local level of ES belong such:

  • which goes out outside a potentially dangerous object, threatens by distribution of the situation or of its secondary consequences on an environment, nearby settlements, engineering buildings, and also in the case, when for its liquidation a financial and technical resources are needed in volumes, which exceed own possibilities of potentially dangerous object, but not lesser then 1% of volume of charges of the proper budget. To the local level all extraordinary situations belong also such ones, which arise up on the objects of communal sphere and others, that not included in the ratified lists of potentially dangerous objects;
  • ES, as a result of which 1-2 persons perished or from 20 to 50 persons are suffered, whether the normal terms of life activity were broken from 100 to 1000 persons on great (more than on 3 days) while, and losses were exceeded 0,5 thousands of low-limits of payment;
  • ES, losses from which exceeded 2 thousands of low-limit of payment.

to the object level belong all ES, which do not fall under the noted definitions.

Classification of extraordinary situations by their levels is carried out for providing of organization of co-operation of central and local government organs, enterprises, establishments and organizations in the process of decision of questions, related to ES and liquidation of their consequences. For determination of level of ES such criteria are set:

  • territorial distribution and volumes of technical and financial resources, which are needed for liquidation of consequences of extraordinary situation;
  • amount of people, which suffered, or the terms of life activity of which were broken as a result of extraordinary situation;
  • size of the caused (expected) losses.

Table 6.Classification of ES of natural origin on severity of consequences for a population and objects of national economy

Category of ES / Character of management / Maximal consequences of ES.
Volume of direct losses
Degree of recovery / Terms of recovery
Easiest / Fully / 3 days / Broken work of communications, amount of losses to the 10 persons. Other damages are small.
Easy (weak) / Fully / 1 year / Damage of communications, enterprises, buildings, settlements, loss of harvest and others like that. An amount of losses is up to 102 - 103 persons.
Middle / Fully / 5-7 years / Damage and destruction of settlements, enterprises, loss of harvest, but without considerable losses for an environment. Amount of losses up to 104-106
Strong (heavy) / Not fully / Over 5-7 years / Various losses with the considerable losses of population. An amount of victims is up to 105-106.
Shattering / Non-recoverible / Non-recoverible / Various losses with the loss of natural basis, which results in the loss of territorial complex.

ES belongs to the certain level in case of accordance of it even one of values of criteria. In cases, when as a result of ES for the proper threshold values of levels of human losses or amounts of persons, which suffered or have violated the normal terms of life activity, the volume of losses does not arrive at certain criterion, then the level of ES is set on a degree lesser (for road-transport adventures – on two degree lesser). Setting an ES, which arose up on territory of several administrative-territorial units, as state and regional after territorial distribution or on the total indexes of its consequences, is not the same as setting of ES as state or regional separately for each of these administrative-territorial units. Setting an ES as state and regional level for the noted administrative-territorial units is carried out separately. Final decision in relation to the level of extraordinary situation with a subsequent reflection of it in statistics data, including the case of absence of sufficient information in relation to development of ES, accepts the specially authorized central organ of executive power, to the competence of which belongs the decision of questions of defense of population and territories from ES, on a concordance in the case of necessity with the interested ministries and other central organs of executive power, also taking into account the expert conclusion of regional commission on questions of technogenic and ecologic safety and extraordinary situations in relation to the level of ES.

In the cases, when the consequences of failure (catastrophes) can be attributed to different branches, or concrete types of ES, a final decision in relation to its classification is accepted by Commission on questions of techgenic-ecological safety and extraordinary situations at that level, which this situation behaves to. Thus all criteria of group 1 are consistently examined, that behave to these directions (branches), and with the parameters of criterion of group 2 the size of total economic losses is compared, the total set of threshold values of classification signs is whereupon examined.

For every type of extraordinary situations the ministries and other central organs of executive power, develop concrete classification signs (physical, chemical, technical, statistical et al) and special signs, which characterize a threat or origin of extraordinary situation, and also three values of every sign, which determine:

  • threshold value of sign, exceeding of which attributes a situation to the grade of extraordinary and requires from an operative duty personnel of a potentially dangerous object, or controller's service of settlement or administrative district to inform about it (without a stop of works from liquidation of consequences of extraordinary situation, which arose up) operative attendants and staff of civil defense (CD) of district and region for acceptance of the first decision in relation to taking of situation to the proper level;
  • threshold value of sign, in the case of achievement or exceeding of which a regional organs must immediately inform about the fact of extraordinary situation of a particular branch ministries, other central organs of executive power, on the object of which there was this situation, and also to inform an operative duty of Ministry of emergencies, that there was quickly mobilized a necessary forces and facilities to liquidation of extraordinary situation, including the failure-rescuing formings from other administrative districts (towns);
  • threshold value of sign, in the case of achievement or exceeding of which is required an urgent bringing in to reacting on the extraordinary situation the necessary forces and facilities, financial and technical resources or backlogs of ministries and other central organs of executive power, on the objects of which there was this situation, including the failure-rescuing formings from other regions and towns, and also Ministry of emergencies, which in the case of necessity bring over to liquidation of extraordinary situation necessary forces and facilities of troops and specialized formings of civil defense; co-ordinates effort of all attracted organizations, carries responsibility for the timely, complete and adequate reacting on an extraordinary situation.

2. Medically-tactical description of extraordinary situations of natural origin