Name(s): ______

Canadian Constitutional Law

Constitutions are the “power map” of nations. They are the highest law of the land. Constitutions embody the values and goals of a nation. They are written to create the political and legal framework of a nation. However, they also include means by which they can be changed. But, as the highest law of the land, changing a constitution should not be easy. The intent is that a constitution will provide order and stability to a nation.

We are all too familiar with nations that seem to be in constant political chaos. We see stories about such nations on television on a regular basis. As Canadians, we should not take our political and legal stability for granted. Have you ever wondered why we can change governments and leaders without complete turmoil? We should ask questions like “Why is our country stable?” and “What creates order in our nation?” Learning more about our constitution will help you to answer these questions.

This activity will give you the opportunity to learn more about the Canadian Constitution and how it shapes law-making and the legal system in Canada.

Assignment Part 1

You are hired by the Canadian government to produce educational materials for newly arrived immigrants to Canada. Your first project is to create either an infographic or an educational pamphlet teaching newly arrived immigrants (grade 11 Students) about the structure and function of the Canadian government by looking at the Canadian constitution.

On your own, or with a partner, your task is to create an educational infographic or pamphlet (one or the other, not both). Remember, the intended audience is newly arrived immigrants to Canada, so your language should be clear, concise, and should be written at the appropriate level for your audience to understand.

Your infographic/pamphlet should cover the following items:

  1. a definition or explanation of what a constitution is;
  2. an explanation of these key events in Canadian constitutional history:
  3. the British North America Act 1867,
  4. the Statute of Westminster 1931,
  5. the Constitution Act 1982,
  6. the Meech Lake Accord 1987, and
  7. the Charlottetown Accord 1992;
  8. distinguish between the law making powers of the federal, provincial, and municipal governments;
  9. an explanation of what the term “entrenched” means;
  10. an explanation of the term “residual power”;
  11. an explanation of what an amending formula is;
  12. a description of the amending formula for the Canadian Constitution.
  13. a list of three websites that the users of your infographic/pamphlet can use for additional information. Briefly explain why each website is credible: why they can trust the information at that website.

Your pamphlet/infographic should include relevant pictures or graphics with original captions written by you.

Assignment Part 2

  1. Learn more about the Canadian Constitution by comparing it to a constitution from another nation. Note: only one pair/student per country. Please advise me of your other country – first come, first served!!!

Compare both constitutions for the following things:

  1. structure of government (offices, branches),
  2. jurisdiction - division of powers (What branches get the authority to make laws on specific items.),
  3. legal system (levels of courts),
  4. social and political values (Identify and explain three values you see written into each constitution.), and
  5. differences (Identify and explain at least two differences between the constitutions of each nation, for example: offices, rights, values, and other important factors.)

Complete this task using the organizer on the following page.

  1. Once you have compared the constitutions, analyse and assess, through research, whether or not the other country you selected is living up to the expectations laid out in its constitution.


You will use the time provided to you in the lab effectively in order to complete this task ON TIME. If you do not complete it in the time you have been given in class, you must complete it on your own time.

1.  Locate a constitution on-line for the country of your choice.

2.  Read through this constitution and highlight 3 sections which interest you and that you want to investigate further.

3.  Research information about the country (include newspaper and magazine articles).

4.  Make a determination as to whether the constitution is actually followed and whether or not the country is living up to the expectations laid out in their constitution.

5.  Support your opinions through research.

For example: In the Chinese constitution, it states that everyone should be entitled to practice their religion freely, whereas there is widespread evidence (newspaper/magazine reports, t.v. news, documentaries) to show the religious intolerance of the Chinese government towards Christianity and other religions.

Presentation: You will be required to present your findings and conclusions for this part to the class. You need to refer directly to passages of the country’s constitution and use research to support or refute the country’s adherence to their constitution. Your presentation should be no longer then 5-7 minutes and I require a concise 1 – 2 page summary of your conclusions, properly sourced (APA format).

Presentation Dates: Will begin Monday, September 24th (presentations will be selected at random; you must be prepared when called upon or you will receive a “0” for your presentation)

Constitution Comparison Chart

Item / Canadian Constitution / ______’s Constitution
Government (branches, offices)
Division of Powers
Legal System
Social/Political Values

Rubric – Part 1

Categories / Level 1
(50 - 59%) / Level 2
(60 - 69%) / Level 3
(70 - 79%) / Level 4
(80 - 100%)
-distinction between the law -making powers of the federal, provincial, and municipal governments
-explanation of what a constitution is and why it is necessary / -distinguishes between the law-making powers of levels of government with limited effectiveness
-explains what a constitution is and why it is necessary with limited effectiveness / -distinguishes between the law-making powers of levels of government with some effectiveness
-explains what a constitution is and why it is necessary with some effectiveness / -distinguishes between the law-making powers of levels of government with considerable effectiveness
-explains what a constitution is and why it is necessary with considerable effectiveness / -distinguishes between the law-making powers of levels of government with exemplary effectiveness
-explains what a constitution is and why it is necessary with exemplary effectiveness
-evaluation of the credibility of sources and information / -evaluates the credibility of sources and information with limited effectiveness / -evaluates the credibility of sources and information with some effectiveness / -evaluates the credibility of sources and information with considerable effectiveness / -evaluates the credibility of sources and information with exemplary effectiveness
-explanation, discussion, and interpretation of legal topics using a variety of formats and forms of communication / -explains and discusses legal topics with limited effectiveness / -explains and discusses legal topics with some effectiveness / -explains and discusses legal topics with considerable effectiveness / -explains and discusses legal topics with exemplary effectiveness
-conduction of research on legal topics / -conducts research with limited effectiveness / -conducts research with some effectiveness / -conducts research with considerable effectiveness / -conducts research with exemplary effectiveness

Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity.

Constitution Analysis – Oral Presentation Evaluation

1. Knowledge

Demonstrates knowledge of issues as it relates to the constitution 0 2 4 6 8 10



Content – sufficient research evident 0 1 2 3 4 5



2. Thinking

Demonstrates awareness of problems/contradictions 0 2 4 6 8 10



3. Communication

Presents information in a convincing way 0 1 2 3 4 5



Word choice, clarity, speaks clearly; Posture and Eye Contact 0 1 2 3 4 5



4. Application

Handout is concise and contains all relevant info 0 1 2 3 4 5



Total /40

Group Members / Comparison Country- each country and only be used once