Reference Manual for the

Ionic Body Balancer TM

Michael Horton

Casas Adobes Design

© January 2010


The notion that Detox Foot Bath machines magically draw toxins out through the 2,000 pores on the bottom of the feet to detoxify the entire body is pure bunk. I say this as the manufacturer of the strongest such machine in the world. However, this technology does work effectively if used with enough power from the control unit, along with an efficient water ionizer design. Unfortunately, most systems on the market are low power systems with obsolete ionizer designs that fail to develop this technology to its fullest potential.

We believe that our Detox system, the Ionic Body Balancer TM, has solved this dilemma. We use quality materials in the construction of our units, so that they will provide you with 60-80 treatments, instead of the 15 or so that many other units provide. Our system is analog, which means that there are no additional parts, wrist straps, or other tethering devices needed to prevent electric shock. We feel that the need for a wrist strap makes for a dangerous machine. The human body should not be needed to complete an electrical circuit!

The patent-pending design of our water ionizer (“array”) is supported by basic physics and chemistry in its efficiency and efficacy for detoxification of the body. Specifically, our ionizer utilizes the basic principles of the Bernoulli Effect, electrical (DC) circuits, and the conductivity of salt water.

In the past three years, we have sold over 4,500 of our machines with only 18 returns. They work!

I. Foot Spa Water and YOU!

A) Negative Ions are formed in the water:

The ionizer is placed in the spa water and fed positive Direct Current (DC, not the AC that comes out of your wall), such as is used in a flashlight or laptop battery, to one part of the ionizer. The second part of the ionizer is fed negative Direct Current. The result is a small amount of water that is deconstructed into Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules. This creates a negative ionic charge in the water.

B) Negatively charged current enters the body:

I am sure most of you have heard of Reflexology. The Reflexology Points on the bottom of the feet are where the body’s Energy Meridians terminate. The Meridians are similar to power lines that flow to the major organs and tissues in the body, as well as to the brain. The energy in the water enters the body through the Meridians’ Terminal Points, using them like power lines. Our bodies are electrical devices and the Meridians are critical to its function. The energy that enters your body stimulates the Meridians to function more efficiently.

II. Different functions of this technology:


B)Bio-Electric Field Enhancement

C)Cellular Cleanse

D)Pain Management

E)Elimination of Parasites


Toxins, Heavy Metals, and other unnatural elements attach themselves to the tissues of the body using a positive ionic (electrical) bond. The energy from the Ionic Body Balancer TM is negatively charged and stronger than the positive charge these Toxic Materials use to attach themselves to the body.This allows the Ionic energy from the Ionic Body Balancer TM to break the toxins’ bonds with the body’s tissues and be carried away by the Lymphatic System, which dumps into the bloodstream eventually being cleansed by the Liver and Kidneys. The Liver and Kidney toxins are then dumped into the excretory system to be processed as waste.Another benefit from this therapy is the cleansing of the Lymphatic System, and its stimulation to work more efficiently. As your body heals itself, your pH may become slightly more alkaline (where it should be), which will help protect you from future infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, etc.).

But what about the toxins that come out of the 2,000 pores in the bottom of the feet? These toxins are from leakage inthe Lymphatic System that have not yet been processed by the Liver and Kidneys. The toxins seen in the foot spa water are but a small amount of the Detox that takes place inside the body as explained above.

This raw material (not yet processed by Liver and/or Kidneys) is what causes the foot spa water to turn colors; you may see orange, brown, dark red, white, green, or black. Each treatment for each person will look slightly different. We estimate that the toxins seen in the foot spa water are only about 10% of the total Detox that is occurring. The other 90% happens in your body up to several days after a treatment.

B) Bio Electric Field Enhancement (BEFE):

The body has a natural energy field in and around it. Many factors, including Illness, Toxicity, Abnormal Brain Chemistry, etc., can cause the body’s energy field to shift out of balance. You may know someone who has said that one of their ‘Chakras’ is out of balance. This caused by an imbalance or blockage in the body’s energy field.

Given enough power, this technology will re-balance the body’s energy field, which promotes healing of countless illnesses. Remember, the body is an electrical device.

The result of this re-balance in energy produces people who are calmer and have an overall good feeling. We have had anecdotal reports from users of our machine that their mood swings have been mitigated by using this technology.

C) Cellular Cleanse:

Via the Energy Meridians, the negatively charged energy from the spa water is carried all over the body. That energy works at the cellular level. Courtesy of work by two American doctors who finally proved in 2003 that every cell has a pathway in (to carry fluids and nutrients) and a pathway out (to excrete toxins and waste), the energy enters the cells. Those two doctors won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for that research, so we can trust the old explanation that cells get nutrients and expel waste through Osmosis is not correct.

The energy from the foot spa water cleanses the cells and charges them up like tiny batteries, which is why most people who use the Ionic Body Balancer TM will feel more energy over time. Some will feel more energy immediately. Everyone responds differently to this therapy. We do not understand why some people, mostly males, do not feel the added energy.

D) Pain Management:

We do not understand why, but we have had countless reports back from users of our machine that Endo-Skeletal Pain has either been substantially diminished or eliminated. This would include Arthritis, Back and Joint pain.

E) Elimination of Parasites:

Flukes.Certain Frequencies will kill (or literally blow apart) various parasites in the body. Other frequencies will kill Liver Flukes, which abound in people with various Liver diseases. Other frequencies will kill Pancreatic Flukes, which abound in the Pancreas of Diabetics. (I should explain that flukes are flat worms that eat their way through the organs they inhabit.) A certain amount of them are normally not a problem, especially in the Liver, given it regenerates itself faster than any other organ in the body. However, out of control, they compromise liver and pancreatic function.

Worms. Many people, especially those who eat Organic fruits and vegetables (which are fertilized with manure), today have worms. (An ugly thought, but true!) Our machine kills those worms using various frequencies. Don’t even ask – those frequencies are our intellectual property, which we will not disclose. Some worms will not be killed by a treatment but have been known to crawl out of users’ feet alive. Unpleasant thought, but we have had those reports.

Candida. We have had reports from female users that their Candida problems (and/or yeast) have been resolved by using this therapy.

Mold and other agents. Unfortunately, many of us are exposed to “sick building syndrome,” on a frequent basis. The sensitivities that we may develop from this phenomenon can result from exposure to molds, mildew, or other unpleasant fungi that may not always be cleansed from the body by our Immune or Lymphatic Systems.

Lucky for us, the Ionic Body Balancer TM assists our bodies in getting rid of these deadbeat tenants, who may inhabit our lungs, sinuses, and/or ear canals (to name a few commonly affected places). Molds and fungi can cause acute, short-lived infections, or they may take up permanent residency and cause chronic systemic infections. The frequencies at which energy travels from the foot spa water can kill these unwanted guests, and assist your body in healing itself.

III. Adverse Reactions

A)Acid burns/Rashes

B)Parasite Die-Off

C)Localized pain or discomfort

A)Acid Burns/Rashes

Some people will experience an intense itching or burning sensation during their foot spa treatment. At the conclusion of the treatment, you will find red patches where the itching/burning sensations occurred. This is an acid burn, and the acid came from your body! Our bodies should be slightly alkaline; if acid is leaching from your feet, it is actually a good thing. Rarely, we have had clients who have been unable to complete a 40 minute session due to the discomfort associated with this phenomenon.

At the completion of the session, you will want to wash your feet thoroughly with mild soap and warm water. Rinse the affected areas with water until the sensation decreases, and the skin becomes more pink than red. You can apply a paste of baking soda and water, calamine lotion, or a hydrocortisone cream (like Benadryl) if the itching sensation continues. Aloe Vera can provide a gentle, cooling sensation that will lessen the intensity of any itch.

Let the rash heal before starting another treatment. These rashes usually clear up within several hours without any lingering effects. We have yet to hear from anyone who has had this rash longer than 3-4 hours after a treatment.

B)Parasite Die-Off

Have you ever wondered why your doctor will give you a prescription for antibiotics for two weeks, instead of all at once?

When parasites, viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens die inside the body, they typically release chemicals that are toxic to our bodies. If you have ever gotten headaches or felt light-headed while on antibiotics, stop wondering why this happens. The toxins given off by these pathogens as they decompose inside us can make us feel nauseated, light-headed, headachy, unwilling to eat, achy all over, bloated, or even feverish. By stretching the dosing of an antibiotic, your doctor is mitigating your reaction to the dying pathogen.

Thus, these symptoms may not be an adverse reaction to the Ionic Body Balancer TM. These symptoms are an adverse reaction to decomposing parasites that have not yet left our bodies.

If you discover that you are having difficulty with this while using the Ionic Body Balancer TM, wait a day or two before resuming treatments.

C)Localized pain or discomfort

Some people will develop localized pain or discomfort while using the Ionic Body Balancer TM. In many cases, this discomfort will occur in a particular joint or muscle that has been prone to be the source of past pain and/or discomfort. This is likely to be the site of past injury or surgery, arthritis, gout, metallic implant, etc.

Typically, this discomfort results from your body’s attempts at breaking up the uric acid that may be present (Gout), or your body’s attempt to resolve inflammation in the area. If you can keep going with treatments, this is your best bet for reduced pain in the future. If the discomfort becomes too much to handle, stop treatments for several days. This will give your body a chance to rest before resuming treatments.


After speaking with over 1,000 people who are using our machine, the following are but a few topics of the anecdotal reports we have received:

Cessation of Arthritis pain

Lessening of symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Less trembling by people with MS

Children with autism who are calmer

Hepatitis C patients going into remission (reduced viral loads)

Fewer symptoms of Post-Polio Syndrome

Elimination of Brain Fog

Elimination of Gout, Lymphadema, and Neuropathy (often misdiagnosed) caused by excessive fluid in the feet

The list goes on and on, and should be viewed as anecdotal reports. We make no claims as to the curative properties of the Ionic Body Balancer TM.

You can read our clients’ testimonials on our website:
