Lesson 15

abaseto degrade someone; to make someone feel horrible and small

abhorto hate

accostto aggressively stop someone in order to speak to him or her

acmethe absolute peak.

aggrievedbothered because of having been treated badly

alleviateto provide relief

analgesic a kind of medication, like aspirin, that relieves pain without putting you to sleep

anathema something that is hated

anesthesiasomething that deadens feeling so as to relieve pain

anguishextreme pain

annihilateto ruin completely

avengeto take revenge on someone else’s behalf

batteryan unlawful physical assault

bludgeonto hit hard with a blunt object

buffetto hit something hard and repeatedly

carnagewidespread killing and slaughter

chagrinfeeling of frustration or shame due to disappointment

chaosstate of complete disorder

cherishto adore, to treat as a precious object

composure calmness; control over one’s emotions

corrodeto wear away, as if with acid or chemicals

debaclewhen something goes horribly wrong

decimatedcompletely ruined

derisionscorn, ridicule

desiccateddried out

desolatesad, empty, gloomy

despondentcompletely unhappy

discomfitureconfusion and embarrassment

disseminateto spread (usually referring to information)


fathomto understand something, particularly something complex or mystical

flabbergastedbewildered, totally amazed

ignominygreat personal disgrace, dishonor

inconsolableso deeply sad that you can’t be comforted

indignitysomething that offends one’s dignity or self-esteem

mercurialquick and changeable in temperament

mortificationtotal humiliation

nadirthe absolute bottom

obliterateddestroyed without a trace

obloquyan abusive verbal attack

perditioncomplete ruin

razeto bring a structure down to the ground

reciprocateto return, to respond in kind

renounceto formally give up something

slightto insult someone, especially in away that involves ignoring or overlooking the person

stigmaa bad mark on someone’s reputation

treacherousdangerous; betraying

tribulationa great difficulty

Lesson 16

apianhaving to do with bees

apoplecticreally angry

bailiwickan area in which a person has a special ability or responsibility

baker’s dozena set of thirteen

beatitudeperfect happiness and peace

bumptiousaggressively opinionated

congenitalexisting since birth.

coruscateto shine, to flash brightly


enervateto weaken

frayto shred something; a fight

friableeasily broken up into little pieces

fulsomeoffensively fawning

hedgeto avoid answering a question directly

helicoidshaped like a spiral

husbandto use something economically.


impregnableunable to be broken by an outside force

infamousknown for a bad reputation.

infinitesimalit means “very, very tiny.”

instrumentalnecessary in order to bring something about

insuperableunable to be overcome or gotten rid of

jocularjoking, playful

juxtaposeto put two (usually unlike) things together

lachrymosecrying easily, or making someone else cry

logorrheaextreme talkativeness, sometimes implying

marshalto gather people together and organize them

masticateto grind with the teeth

noisomeoffensive to the senses

nugatorycompletely unimportant

plasticeasily bent and shaped

quixoticoverly idealistic, romanticized and impractical

racyshockingly sexual

renta rip or tear

restiveactive and out-of-control

rheuma watery discharge coming out of the eyes, nose, or mouth.

saccharinesickeningly sweet

salubriousbeing good for your health or general well-being

scarifyto scratch the skin

seamydistasteful because of its immorality

seedycheap and run-down.

somnambulateto sleepwalk

spendthriftrunning through money wastefully and unnecessarily

spruceto make something look better

straita narrow band of water that joins two larger bodies of water

summarilybrusquely, rudely, without discussion

tyroa complete, rank amateur

waffleto keep changing your mind