TOSSUP 1. This state of affairs was presaged by the Wakarusa War and ended with the ratification of the Wyandotte constitution. In one notable incident during this conflict, the so-called “Franklin County Court,” including Allen Wilkinson and the Doyle family, was killed. It heated up when the fraudulent Lecompton constitution was brought before Congress. For 10 points, name this 1856 to 1861 conflict which included John Brown’s Pottawtomie Massacre and determined that slavery would not be permitted in a new Plains state.

ANSWER: “Bleeding Kansas” [ accept descriptive answers demonstrating clear knowledge, e.g. “the war between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in Kansas”]


BONUS. Answer the following about people who may have come from Lydia or Umbria, for 10 points each:

[10] This Italian civilization, which was eventually absorbed by the Romans, had no centralized government. Instead, it was comprised of a loose Confederation of cities like Clusium and Veii.

ANSWER: Etruscan(s)

[10] Perhaps the most famous Etruscan was this last King of Rome. It was his son, Sextus, who committed the Rape of Lucretia that prompted his downfall.

ANSWER: Tarquin II or Tarquin the Proud or Lucius Tarquinius Superbus


TOSSUP 2.The fifth entry in this series uses a pair of dogs to mock the marriage taking place in the picture, where Sarah Young is being kept out of MaryleboneChurch. “The Gaming House,” “The Prison,” and “The Arrest” are other members of this set, which was produced after a similar work about a harlot but before Marriage a la Mode. For 10 points, name this series of engravings about a dissolute young man, by William Hogarth.

ANSWER: The Rake’s Progress


BONUS.Identify these composers of unfinished symphonies, for 10 points each.

[10] The Ninth Symphony of this Austrian composer, whose Fourth Symphony is dubbed the “Romantic,” leaves off after the third movement, a twenty-five minute Adagio.

ANSWER: Anton Bruckner

[10] Only minor work was required to complete this composer’s Symphony in C, which he started at age seventeen but abandoned to write The Pearl Fishers and Carmen.

ANSWER: Georges Bizet


TOSSUP 3. He began growing his famous beard following the death of his wife Frances in a house fire that scarred his face, an event described in his sonnet “The Cross of Snow.” Although he created the first American translation of Dante, he also wrote original poetry about the “spreading chestnut tree” under which “the village smithy stands” as well as “the forest primeval.” For 10 points, name this poet of “Evangeline” and The Courtship of Miles Standish, whose Tales of a Wayside Inn includes “Paul Revere’s Ride.”

ANSWER: Henry WadsworthLongfellow

<D. Bykowski>

BONUS. Thomas Browne’s 1658 work The Garden of Cyrus and the writings of Edouard Dujardin presaged this modernist technique. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this method of writing, often practiced by Andre Breton, Virginia Wolff, and James Joyce.

ANSWER: stream of consciousness

[10] Joyce’s “stream of consciousness” technique is on display in this 1922 novel, which ends with an unpunctuated chapter detailing the thoughts of Leopold Bloom’s wife Molly.

ANSWER: Ulysses


TOSSUP 4. In relativistic situations, it generalizes to the Klein-Gordon or Dirac equations.In general, this equation can be written down by equating the operation of the Hamiltonian on a function with multiplying the function’s derivative with respect to time by “i minus h-bar.” For a time independent Hamiltonian, solving it completely gives the energy eigenstates allowed in a given system as well as the allowed wave functions. For 10 points, identify this central equation of quantum mechanics named after an Austrian scientist who also had a thought experiment about cats.

ANSWSER: Schrodinger equation


BONUS. Identify the following terms relating to angiosperms, for 10 points each:

[10] The term for a flowering plant that lives for more than two years.

ANSWER: perennial

[10] This part of a flower forms the calyx, which is generally green and located beneath the petals.

ANSWER: sepal

TOSSUP 5. It is designated as Peanut Butter Lovers Month, Aviation History Month, and Epilepsy Awareness Month. Various groups have proclaimed days in this month as Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day and Nationals Parents-as-Teachers Day. More widely practiced are Sadie Hawkins Day and the Great American Smokeout. In the Catholic festival calendar, it begins with All Saints Day. For 10 points, what month’s more prominent holidays include Veterans Day, Election Day, and Thanksgiving?

ANSWER: November


BONUS. Developed by an Englishman, it harnessed the power of steam using a piston within a cylinder and was initially mostly used to pump water from mines. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this eponymous engine,credited with the widespread adoption of steam power, but lacking a separate chamber for condensation.

ANSWER: Thomas Newcomen steam engine [or Newcomen atmospheric engine]

[10] This Scot added the condensation chamber to the Newcomen engine, leading to the heyday of the Industrial Revolution and to his name gracing a unit of power.

ANSWER: James Watt


TOSSUP 6. Governed by Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, these have been used to contest the merger of the NBA and ABA and to win a hundred and eighty million dollars for Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange. Commonly used against tobacco firms, they are allowed only if there are common questions of law or fact among the parties involved and joinder is impractical. For 10 points, name this type of lawsuit in which a representative plaintiff sues or a representative defendant is sued on behalf of a group.

ANSWER: class actionlawsuit


BONUS. Name these economic entities dealing with supply, for 10 points each.

[10] This dubious law is oversimplified as “supply creates its own demand” but really means that an economy can never leave equilibrium.

ANSWER: Say’s Law

[10] Jude Wanniski, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney were present at the Two Continents Restaurant when this curve, showing that every level of tax revenue can be produced by two different tax rates, was first drawn.

ANSWER: the Laffer curve


TOSSUP 7. His last poems include “Alchemy of the Verb” and he instructed a “gracious son of Pan” to “walk through the night, gently moving that thigh, that second thigh, and that left leg” in his “Antique.” He stated “Now is the time of the assassins” at the end of his “Morning of Drunkenness,” which along with “After the Flood” appears in his 1874 collection Illuminations. His prose works include A Season in Hell, while his best known poem is The Drunken Boat. For 10 points, name this French Symbolist who was shot by his lover, fellow poet Paul Verlaine.

ANSWER: Arthur Rimbaud


BONUS.Identify the following about a German author and his work, for 10 points each:

[10] His first book of poetry Life and Songs was written well before his only novel, a work about a Danish poet who has come to Paris to write, called The Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge.

ANSWER: Rainer Maria Rilke

[10] Rilke’s greatest work might be this collection of mournful poems named for his patron Marie of Thurn and Taxis’ castle near Trieste.

ANSWER: The Duino Elegies


TOSSUP 8. The “Sandbag Battery” proved key to one battle in this war, while another pivotal victory was led by Armand de Saint-Arnaud. In addition to the Battles of Alma and Inkerman, this war included a clash where Colin Campbell’s 93rd Sutherland Highlanders became known as “the thin red line” and a horrible miscommunication between Lords Raglan and Cardigan led to the “charge of the light brigade.” For 10 points, name this war that included the Battle of Balaklava and the siege of Sevastopol.

ANSWER: the Crimean War


BONUS. Answer the following about a King of Quito, for 10 points per part.

[10] In 1532, he defeated his brother Huascar and became king of the Incas.

ANSWER: Atahualpa

[10] Atahualpa was later captured and executed by this Spanish explorer.

ANSWER: Francisco Pizzaro


TOSSUP 9. Combe (COEM-bay) of Aetolia was able to use them to escape her murderous sons, while Hephaestosmade a hollow bed that featured these objects for Helios. Along with the kibisis, some sandals adorned with these were given by nymphs to Perseus. They are prominent on the Nike of Samothrace, and were also used by a pair who were charged with treason for helping Ariadne. For 10 points, identify these travel-speeding objects that Daedalus and Icarus used to escape the labyrinth.

ANSWER: wings


BONUS. Name these mythical characters with something in common, for 10 points each.

[10] After being given assorted skills and three magical hairs to be used in emergencies, he accompanies Xuanzang on his “journey to the west.”

ANSWER: the Monkey King [or Sun Wu Kong]

[10] An important figure in the Ramayana, he helped Rama rescue his wife Sita with the help of monkeys and once lifted the Dronagiri mountain to help find a life-saving herb.

ANSWER: Hanuman [or Hanumat; or Anjaneya]


TOSSUP 10. The American William Kelly devised this technique at about the same time as its more famous developer. The Thomas-Gilchrist converter, often made of burnt limestone or dolomite, helped remove phosphorus contamination. It has now been largely replaced by the basic oxygen process, which utilizes many of its principles, such as removing impurities like silicon and manganese through oxidation to form a less dense slag. These oxidation reactions also maintain a high temperature to keep the product molten. For 10 points, name this first successful large-scale method of converting pig iron into steel.

ANSWER: Bessemer Process


BONUS. Name these basic geological principles, for 10 points each.

[10] As originally stated by Steno, this principle says that with the exception of badly deformed strata, a bed of sediment which overlies another bed is the youngest of those two beds.

ANSWER: superposition

[10] This concept originated by Hutton is the idea that the processes which shaped the Earth throughout geologic time are the same as those observable today.

ANSWER: uniformitarianism



TOSSUP 11. Otto Struve supposedly observed one of these objects, but it has not been seen since, so it is referred to as his “lost” one. Herbig-Haro Objects are emission types of these formed in shock regions by the collision of fast moving jets of material. The “Lump Star” is a blue reflection one of these, Trifid is a diffuse one, and the best example of a dark one may be the Coalsack, but a more famous one is M1 in the Messier Catalogue. For 10 points, name these astronomical objects, which also include the Horsehead and Crab.

ANSWER: nebulae


TOSSUP 12. One character is publicly accused of being a “death merchant” while another complains that all his girlfriends wanted from him was drugs. With a budget of just $27,000, the movie was made using just one camera mainly around the director’s place of employment and features a street hockey scene on a roof. At one point, Dante’s argument with his girlfriend results in his shock by the number 37.For 10 points, name this Kevin Smith writing debut in which much of the plot took place around the Quick Stop in New Jersey.

ANSWER: Clerks


TOSSUP 13. This author of The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated was Britain’s first-ever professor of political economy. About twenty years after Thomas Paine, he published a pamphlet called The Crisis, which advocated for the Poor Laws that he later opposed. Though he thought that self-restraint, vice, and misery were the only ways to head off a crisis, the Agricultural Revolution proved him wrong. For 10 points, name this man who predicted mass starvation due to population growth outstripping food supply in his Essay on the Principle of Population.

ANSWER: Thomas Robert Malthus


TOSSUP 14. Its allusion to “the ceremony of innocence” can be linked to its author’s work “A Prayer for my Daughter,” while the description of a shape “moving its slow thighs, while all about it/ Reel shadows of indignant desert birds” seems to refer to veneration of the sphinx. This text characterizes the worst as “full of passionate intensity” and the best as lacking all conviction. For 10 points identify this work in which a falcon turns in a gyre, ending with a question about a slouching rough beast, a poem by William Butler Yeats.

ANSWER: “The Second Coming”


TOSSUP 15. It is equal to minus the constant entropy derivative of internal energy or the constant temperature derivative of Helmholtz energy with respect to volume. Its derivative with respect to temperature is negative at the solid-liquid curve for water. When it is held constant, the heat capacity is equal to the derivative of enthalpy with respect to temperature; work is change in volume times it, the nRT term only depends on volume, and the process is isobaric. For 10 points, name this thermodynamic quantity that Gay-Lussac posited is directly proportional to temperature at constant volume, which is also measured in atmospheres.

ANSWER: pressure


TOSSUP 16. Its sixth and penultimate movement is a trio for mezzo-soprano, tenor, and baritone. Those parts were not included in the finale, “Libera me,” written five years earlier. The “Sanctus” is a fast march for double chorus, while the preceding Offertorio is a dramatic ensemble number for the solo quartet. An additional brass band of eight players figures prominently in the “Dies irae.” For 10 points, name this liturgical work written in memory of Alessandro Manzoni by the composer of Tosca and Rigoletto.

ANSWER: Messa daRequiem [or Verdi’s Requiem; prompt on Requiem]


TOSSUP 17. Though often considered a left-wing party, this group has called for an end to the taxation of “essential goods.” It was able to trigger the 2006 election by siding with a no-confidence vote against the former Liberal government, which it had previously helped fend off a challenge from a separatist third party led by Giles Duceppe. This group then gained ten seats in the 2006 election under the leadership of Jack Layton. For 10 points, name this party which currently holds 29 seats, the fourth-largest section in the Canadian parliament behind the Conservatives, Liberals, and Bloc Quebecois.

ANSWER: New Democratic Party


TOSSUP 18. The Lowell Committee was organized by Governor Alvan Fuller to investigate this case. In 1925, Celestio Madeiros confessed to killing F.A. Parmenter and Alessandro Beradelli for the Joe Morelli gang, and fifty years later Michael Dukakis exonerated these men of the crime. This murder case arising out of Braintree, Massachusetts led to one of the most protested executions in American history. For 10 points, identify this case which sent two Italian anarchists to the electric char.

ANSWER: Sacco and Vanzetti case [accept equivalents]



ARTS:This Italian artist created his masterpiece, a gold and ebony enameled Salt Cellar, for Francis I. For 15 points, name this man who wrote a noted autobiography about his Roman Renaissance life.

ANSWER: Benvenuto Cellini


CALCULATION:You are given triangle ABC, with side AB having measure 6, side BC having measure 10, and angle ABC having cosine 3/5. For 15 points, find the area of triangle ABC.

ANSWER: 24 square units


CURRENT EVENTS:In September, he will have a debate with Bill Richardson in Spanish. He is currently polling at one percent in New Hampshire. For 15 points, name this Connecticut senator and Democratic presidential candidate.

ANSWER: Christopher Dodd


GEOGRAPHY:An Okavango Delta dam will soon control flooding in this region, whose weather fluctuations are caused by the nearby Kalahari Desert. For 15 points, identify this oblong Namibian territory, named for the German chancellor who coveted it.

ANSWER: Caprivi Strip


HISTORY:Swedish leader Bigger Jarl lost an eye fighting this man, who later defeated the Teutonic Knights on Lake Peipus. For 15 points, identify this river-surnamed prince of Novgorod, responsible for the Russian victory in the “Massacre on Ice.”

ANSWER: Alexander Nevsky