The Bend at Monrovia HOA
Minutes, October 12, 2010
The fall yard sale is scheduled for Saturday, October 23rd. Some neighbors have expressed an interest in a Friday & Saturday sale. The Huntsville Times ad will reflect a Friday/Saturday sale date and the ad will run for 3 days in the Times. The large Neighborhood Yard Sale sign will be hung the first part of the week of the 23rd.
This year we have planned something new for our community fellowship time; dinner and a movie. The HOA has rented a large movie screen and popcorn machine. Dinner starts at 6:30 on Friday, October 29th at the Martin home, 105 The Bend Drive. We will be showing “Karate Kid” with Jaden Smith at dark. Everyone is invited and asked to bring a salty or sweet treat to share. You are responsible to bring drinks for your own family as well as blankets, chairs, etc.. It promises to be a fun night and we look forward to seeing you all on the 29th.
This year we will again offer the $25 discount to all Homeowners who pay their 2011 HOA dues no later than December 31, 2010. Any HOA dues received after December 31st will be in the amount of $150. Late fees will accumulate beginning February 1, 2011.
The Bend at Monrovia Neighborhood Directory is on our website. Please let us know if you need to make any changes to your family information. .
The City of Huntsville Sanitation Department picks up miscellaneous trash and debris once a month. We are scheduled to have ours picked up during the first week of the month. If you have bags of debris, etc. that you are placing at the curb, please do so the weekend before pickup. We have had numerous complaints about homeowners putting garbage out weeks before pickup. We appreciate your cooperation.
We have had several complaints about teens in the neighborhood sitting on the front wall, playing in the ditch and excessive PDA in the common area. Please know that the Monrovia Land Group still owns the Common Area & Front Entrance and it is not considered our property. We ask that you talk to your children and their friends and not play in the rocks in the ditch as it is a haven for snakes and is a dangerous area. We are also in the process of replacing the front wall and sitting on it is not safe and is making the situation worse.
Again, we ask that you take the time to read over the Neighborhood Covenants which are located on our website. Several homes are not adhering to the covenants in regards to your homes appearance. Please be considerate of your neighbors when concerns arise and be aware that you are a representative of our neighborhood. Several realtors have contacted the board in regards to the overall appearance of the community. We want our homes to sell quickly and welcome new friends into our neighborhood. Please do your part to make our neighborhood pleasing to our homeowners as well as visitors.