Of Mice and Men
Essential Questions
ü Meet in your flex groups to discuss the following questions. Your discussion is based on sections 1 & 2 of your reading and all of your web quest work. Take Notes.
ü Using your notes and discussion, answer the following questions in your Reader’s Response Notebook.
Essential Questions
1. It is often said that history repeats itself. Do you think that we are doomed to repeat our Dust Bowl history
because of the large growth in business and residential development?
2. How did the 1930s shape a generation?
3. Is farming technology helpful or harmful to the environment? The economy?
4. How is the water crisis in the Middle East similar to the droughts of the 1930s? Can it be solved?
5. Social Security was developed in the United States so that people never had to suffer like they did during the
Depression. Because of politics, economics, and increase life expectancies, what future does Social Security
have for our generation?
6. Why is it in times of poverty or struggle, we learn the most about ourselves and what we need? Is it possible to
live without many of our material things today? What do you think will happen in the future if "things" cannot
satisfy us?
Mice and Men
Essential Questions
ü Meet in your flex groups to discuss the following questions. Your discussion is based on sections 1 & 2 of your reading and all of your web quest work. Take Notes.
ü Using your notes and discussion, answer the following questions in your Reader’s Response Notebook.
Essential Questions
1. It is often said that history repeats itself. Do you think that we are doomed to repeat our Dust Bowl history
because of the large growth in business and residential development?
2. How did the 1930s shape a generation?
3. Is farming technology helpful or harmful to the environment? The economy?
4. How is the water crisis in the Middle East similar to the droughts of the 1930s? Can it be solved?
5. Social Security was developed in the United States so that people never had to suffer like they did during the
Depression. Because of politics, economics, and increase life expectancies, what future does Social Security
have for our generation?
6. Why is it in times of poverty or struggle, we learn the most about ourselves and what we need? Is it possible to
live without many of our material things today? What do you think will happen in the future if "things" cannot
satisfy us?