No LimitsCounselling Task Description

Role title:Volunteer Counsellor

Principal Function:

  • To work with 11 to 25 year olds in confidence on any issue that they bring
  • To help a young person make positive changes in their life
  • To adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions
  • To be non-judgmental, empathic and understanding
  • To work in partnership with other No Limits staff


  • To commit to both your clients and supervision (clinical and managerial) and continue with professional development
  • To respect confidentiality in line with No Limits policies
  • To be able to refer a young person to the services of No Limits drop-in or other specialist in-house services if required, with support from supervisors
  • To commit to ongoing training, including attendance at 3 counselling gatherings per year. These are mandatory
  • To be flexible in regards to working to the young person’s agenda
  • To gain experience of the No Limits drop-in by shadowing prior to commencing client work

Additional requirements:

  • To work with the young person andhelp them identify their needs, in order to make informed choices about their lives
  • To complete No Limits monitoring forms,regular counselling reviews and use specified ROMS (routine outcomes monitoring tools) and any other paperwork required for counselling as required
  • To attend regular supervision in line with BACP guidelines
  • To attend an initial induction and training
  • To keep up to date with relevant new information provided by No Limits
  • To read and abide by the organisation’s policies and guidelines, especially safeguarding
  • To read regular newsletters outlining work undertaken by the counselling service
  • To commit to being a member of a professional body and work towards accreditation with the full support of the counselling team

Reporting to:Counselling Team Leader, Senior Clinical Supervisor and Counselling Manager

Hours:By arrangement – 4 hours of client work weekly, and 1.5 hours of clinical supervision fortnightly

Training & Supervision:

  • Induction training
  • Managementsupervisionquarterly
  • Clinical group supervision every fortnight (1.5 hours)
  • Mandatory counselling gathering 3 times a year
  • Ongoing training

Dress Code:

Smart but casual.

A volunteer identification badge must be worn at all times and not removed from No Limits.


  • No Limits operates a no smoking policy in all of its premises and when working with young people in the community.
  • Volunteers must inform No Limits of any changes in personal circumstances that may impact on their volunteering e.g. criminal conviction, medication, etc and agree to a regular police check.
  • This agreement is in honour only and is not intended to be a legally binding contract of employment.

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