Name: ______Portfolio: ______

Europe Goes to War & U.S. Remains Neutral…kinda

Ch. 17 Sec 2 & 4 (pg. 575 – 589)

Invasion of Poland: (pg. 576)

1. After Hitler took over the Rhineland and part of Czechoslovakia he set his sights on what country?

2. How did the invasion of Czechoslovakia change the policy of Britain and France toward Germany?

3. Why did Stalin & Hitler (whom were bitter enemies) sign a non-aggression pact with each other?

4. Define Blitzkrieg and how this was used to quickly take over Poland.

War in the West: (pg. 576-578)

1. After the fall of Poland, the war entered a ______in fighting as the French and British braced for more fighting.

2. The key defense for the French was the ______, which was the fortified area along the ______and ______border.

3. The “phony war” came to an end when Germany invaded both ______and ______in April 1940.

4. In May of 1940 Germany then launched a ______on the ______, ______, and ______.

5. Much like WWI, Germany went through ______to get to France, invading from the north. This rendered the Maginot Line useless.

6. Despite being a retreat for the British, the rescue at ______proved remarkable in allowing the British military to remain in tact.

7. By June of 1940, the German military took over ______, which was one of the major military powers in Europe.

8. The zone in France occupied by the Germans became known as ______.

Battle of Britain (pg. 578 – 579)

1. After the fall of France, Hitler turned his sights on what country? Why?

2. The majority of the Battle of Britain was fought where?

3. Describe the result of the Battle of Britain.

From Isolation to War (pg. 585 – 589):

Define the following terms and what they have to do with American involvement in WWII:

-  Neutrality Acts:

-  Cash and Carry:

-  Lend-Lease Act

Fill out the table below with details from the reading listing reasons why people either supported or opposed the involvement of the United States in the war:

Supported Involvement in the War / Opposed Involvement in the War

1. What event eventually pulled the United States into WWII completely?

2. Describe this attack:

3. What occurred on December 11, 1941? What impact did this have on the war?