Mr. Keeling

E- Mail :

Phone : 480-224-3044

Web Page: Go, select PerryHigh School, select Staff, click on my name.


Welcome to the Perry High STUGO (Student Government) class and new leadership role which you have taken on. I look forward to having a great year in which we will work hard at making our school a great place for both students and staff. First, I would like to thank you for involving yourself in this program. It demands a lot of hard work, time, and intensity. I have the confidence that you will be able to stand up to the task. It is imperative that you read the entirety of the document and share the information with your parent/guardian(s).

Student Government is a very demanding class that will require much from you, but it gives back to you in large ways as well. In signing up for this class you take it upon yourself to be an active student leader here at Perry as well as commit yourself to be part of the activities that go on at the school. The planning of and participation in these activities will provide the opportunity to positively impact your school, your community, and most importantly yourself.

Regardless of what you may have heard or experienced in the class before it is not a class where you will just be handed an “easy A”. I want you to be fully aware of the hard work and dedication that it will take to be a successful part of this team.

Topics/ Events you will be required to participate in (including but not limited to)

Welcome Back StarsPool Party Freshmen Elections

STUGO Summit1st AssemblySpirit Week

Fall Leadership ConferenceHomecoming DanceHomecoming Game

Homecoming RoyaltyHomecoming CarnivalHomecoming Spirit Week

Mock RockSpirit LinksFood Drive (Stuff the Bus)

Leadership Lunch InWinter AssemblyWinter Spirit Week

Smiles for the SeasonState ConventionMorp Dance

Morp AssemblyMorp Spirit WeekDistrict Convention

8th grade curriculum nightPromPerry Idol

ElectionsClass Shirts/STUGO ShirtsLeadership Book Study

Course Expectations

  1. Show up to class prepared: this means that you need to be on time, have all assignments/homework completed, and have the proper materials for class.
  2. Engage in class discussions. As part of this group we will discuss a variety of topics, some which you will feel very passionately about. It is your responsibility to participate in a constructive and positive manner.
  3. Be respectful to others. The Golden Rule applies here.
  4. Leave cell phones and Ipods off and/or in your pocket.
  5. Follow all school policies, district policies, and expectation laid out in the PHS STUGO Constitution


Students will most likely not be given homework on a nightly basis but should plan on spending time working on STUGO events outside of class periods (especially during the busy weeks like Homecoming).

Students will be assessed according to a variety of different methods including, event attendance (majority of your grade) group participation, journals, reflections, and final exams. You will be expected to attend all dances, assemblies, and school events of that nature. You are expected to be at these events period. Acceptable excuses for not attending are a family event, illness, emergency, etc (you will have to complete a make-up assignment). Unacceptable excuses include other plans, work, scheduling conflicts, etc.

Grades are earned by a straight point values. Students accumulate points each quarter giving the student a percentage (based off of points possible) equaling the students grade. This class incorporates the 40/40/20 semester grading scale. (Quarter 1 (40%) + Quarter 2 (40%) + Final Exam (20%) = Semester Grade

90-100= A80-89= B70-79= C60-69= D59 and below = F

Late Work

If you are absent the day an assignment is given, you will have the same amount of days to complete the assignment as the rest of class did (must be an excused absence). You will hand in the assignment on your own accord or it will not be accepted. I will not track you down to get the late assignment from you. If you decide to turn it in late, the first day you will get ½ credit and after that it will not be accepted. If you miss a quiz or assessment you will need to see me and schedule a date to make it up (within one week of the day you missed it).

STUGO Privileges

Being a part of the STUGO program is a privilege, not a right. As a member of this class/club you are expected to act with the utmost moral standards. You are expected to obey all school, district, and administrative policies and be a role model for other students on campus. As a member of the STUGO program you will have some special privileges. It is your responsibility to not take advantage of events, situations, or people.

Student government is not, and will not be a place where you can come have fun until your next class. We will have plenty of fun, I promise, but it is a place of work and dedication to make Perry a better place, and an enjoyable place for students to come to school.

It is an absolute pleasure to have you as part of the team and I am confident that we will have a very successful year.

By signing below I am saying that I understand and will adhere to the classroom policies and expectations.

Student:______Print:______Date: ______

Parent: ______Print: ______Date: _____