AP US Government & Politics –AP Exam Test Prep

Learneratoroffers free multiple choice questions to help students prepare for AP Tests, including AP US Government & Politics. It will greatly benefit all students to complete the multiple choice questions available and read the explanations provided to review course material in preparation for the AP Test on May 10.

Constitutional Foundations of the US Government

  • Underlying Ideologies & Considerations_____/19
  • Checks & Balances and the Separation of Powers_____/22
  • Federalism_____/32
  • Theories of Democratic Government_____/18

Political Beliefs & Behaviors

  • Beliefs about Government & Leaders_____/18
  • Processes of Learning about Politics_____/6
  • Public Opinion_____/16
  • Voting & Participation in Political Life_____/15
  • Differences in Political Beliefs & Behaviors_____/10

Political Parties, Interest Groups, & Mass Media

  • Political Parties & Elections_____/55
  • Interest Groups & PACs_____/15
  • Mass Media_____/15

Institutions of National Government

  • Formal & Informal Arrangements of Power_____/53
  • Relationships Between Institutions & Balance of Power_____/45
  • Linkages with External Parties_____/15

Public Policy

  • Policymaking in the Federal System_____/20
  • Formation of policy Agendas_____/15
  • Roles of Institutions in Enactment & Interpretation_____/15
  • Linkages with Institutions & External Parties_____/20
  • Courts & Bureaucracy_____/17

Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

  • Development of Civil Rights & Liberties_____/31
  • Substantive Rights & Liberties_____/40
  • Impact of the 14th Amendment_____/10

Crash Course: US Government can help you review concepts from earlier in the year quickly and easily. You can take notes on each video if desired, but it is recommended that you at least review those on topics you don’t remember as well or were mentioned in your textbook, but not covered extensively in class lectures. There are 50 videos available. Those I recommend are in bold:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Bicameral congress
  3. Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances
  4. Federalism
  5. Constitutional Compromises
  6. Congressional Elections
  7. Congressional Committees
  8. Congressional Leadership
  9. How a Bill Becomes a Law
  10. Congressional Decisions
  11. Presidential Power
  12. Presidential Powers 2
  13. Congressional Delegation
  14. How Presidents Govern
  15. Bureaucracy Basics
  16. Types of Bureaucracies
  17. Controlling Bureaucracies
  18. Legal System Basics
  19. Structure of the Court System
  20. Supreme Court Procedures
  21. Judicial Review
  22. Judicial Decisions
  23. Civil Rights & Liberties
  24. Freedom of Religion
  25. Freedom of Speech
  26. Freedom of the Press
  27. Search and Seizure
  28. Due Process of Law
  29. Equal Protection
  30. Sex Discrimination
  31. Discrimination
  32. Affirmative Action
  33. Public Opinion
  34. Shaping Public Opinion
  35. Political Ideology
  36. Election Basics
  37. Gerrymandering
  38. How Voters Decide
  39. Political Campaigns
  40. Political Parties
  41. Party Systems
  42. Interest Groups
  43. Interest Group Formation
  44. Media Institution
  45. Media Regulation
  46. Market Economy
  47. Government Regulation
  48. Monetary and Fiscal policy
  49. Social Policy
  50. Foreign Policy

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