Ph.D.1990 Health EducationUniversity of Virginia

M.H.Ed.1986 Health EducationIdahoStateUniversity

B.S.N.1977 NursingUniversity of Wyoming

Certification 1995Group Facilitation(40 hours)


2011-Health Division Chair and Associate Department Head Texas A&M University

2009-2010Instructional Assistant Professor Texas A&M University

2005-2008Partner, Espinoza Ward Solutions (Research and Evaluation Firm)

Denton, TX

2004-2006Professor and Interim Department Chair

Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX

2002-2004Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator

Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX

1997-2002Associate Professor and Department Chair

Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX

1995-1997Associate Professor and Internship Coordinator

Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX

1995-2000Occupational Health Nurse Delta Air Lines

DFW International Airport

1990-1995Assistant Professor and Practicum Coordinator

Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX

1987-1990Teaching andGraduate Research Assistant

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

1979-1987Health Educator and School Nurse

TetonCountySchool District #1, Jackson, WY

1978-1979Registered Nurse

St. John’sHospital, Jackson, WY


Courses Taught at Texas A&M University

HLTH 403 Consumer Health

HLTH 410 Exercise and Health at the Worksite

HLTH 482 Grant Writing

HLTH 640 Worksite Health Promotion

Courses Taught at TWU

Undergraduate (classes in bold taught most frequently)

HS 1902/01 Health and Fitness Enhancement for Personal Health/Lab

HS 1373 Community Health

HS 1383 Healthy Lifestyles

HS 3083 Program Evaluation

HS 3375 Health Promotion for Children

HS 3413 Human Disease

HS 3443 Aging

HS 4913 Health Promotion for the Adolescent

HS 3033 Medical Terminology

HS 4121 Internship Prep

HS 4123 Internship


HS 5023 Research Methods

HS 5103 Principles and Methods of Teaching Health

HS 5113 Curriculum Development in Health

HS 5203 Advising for Health Professionals

HS 5213 Consultation and Continuing Education for Health Professionals

HS 5034 Epidemioolgy

HS 5643 Concepts in Health and Fitness

HS 5483 Program Evaluation in Health Education

HS 5053 Psychosocial Aspects of Health

HS 6023 Advanced Research Methods

HS 6443 Foundations in Health Science

Doctoral Dissertations Chaired at Texas Woman’s University

Hauff, Krystal (2006). Body Mass Index among Seventh-day Adventists Living in JohnsonCounty.

Johnson, James (2006). Assessing the Effectiveness of Online Instruction.

Killion, Jeffrey (2006). Occupational Stress and Burnout among Radiologic Science Educators.

Pullis, Bridgette (2006). The Relationship of Body Mass Index (BME) and Weight Status to Hypertension in a Cohort of Elementary School Students: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study.

Vasquez, Marie (2006). Wellness with Spinal Cord Injury: Can Osteoporosis and Impaired Glucose Tolerance be Improved through Aerobic Conditioning

Allison, Kathleen. (2005). The Comparability of Health Education Skill Acquisition Between Undergraduate students enrolled in Traditional and Online Health Education Courses.

Duran, Marilyn. (2005).Predicting COPD, A Study of Gender Differences.

Guess-Hall, Wendy. (2005). A Teacher’s Resource Guide Addressing Health and Dance Issues: A Delphi Study.

Michaels, Jackie. (2005). Measured Perceived Self Efficacy After Simulation Instruction.

Coyle, Douglas (2004). Arriving at Consensus Regarding the Core Body of Knowledge for Health Education: A Delphi Study.

Kardong-Edgren, Suzan (2004). Cultural Competency of Nursing and Health Education Faculty.

Symm, Barb (2004). Effects of Sample Medication on the Prescribing Practices of Physicians.

Doughty, Pam (2002). A Systematic Review of Fear of Falling Measures and Interventions.

Love, Anna (2002). Elements of Fourth-Grade Nutrition Education Curricula: A Content Analysis.

Peabody, Kimberly (2002). Assessment of the Health-Related Problems and Needs of the FemaleCollege Student.

Tamasy, Marguerite (2002). Ovarian Cancer and Women’s Magazines: A Content Analysis of Articles.

Faucher, Mary Ann (2002) Why Do Girls Smoke? A Path Analysis of Mother-Daughter Connectedness, Self-Concept, Pace/Ethnicity, and Smoking Behavior of Mothers and Friends as Contributors to Smoking Behavior in Teenage Girls.

Smith, Susan (2002) Community Action Research: A Qualitative Analysis of Hispanci/Latino Cultural Competence and Agency Capacity.

Green, L. (2001). Relationship in Health Habit Variables to Grade Point Average and Number of Infractions in Female Parochial High School Students.

Ciulla, D. (2000). Assessment of University Experiences and Mentoring Perceptions of Health Education Graduate Students

Owen, L. (2000). Verbal/Visual Style Preference and Comprehension of Informed Consent Material in Research Involving Human Subjects.

Byrnes, K. (1999). Cognitive Maintenance of Older Adults in Long-Term Care.

Hernandez, B. (1999). The effect of cumulative grade point average and Texas Academic Skills Program test scores on ExCET Professional Development test scores in undergraduate education majors at TexasWesleyanUniversity.

Holden, M. (1999). Medical students and nursing students’ attitudes toward patients with mental illness.

Schell, L. (1999). Preadolescents’ attitudes toward mental illness.

Rathbun, Ann. (1999). Baby boomers and hospice use: A quantitative look at grief.

Terrell, J. (1999). Use of multi drug therapies for the treatment of Hansen's Disease.

Reid, C. (1998). Characteristics of providers and consumers of alternative medicine: A

Delphi Study

Wells, J.N. (1998). Purpose-in-life and breast health behaviors in Hispanic and Anglo women.

Henry, L.J. (1997). The effect of group process training on team effectiveness.

Moore, P. (1997). The lived experience of African-American female caregivers in a

community-based support program: A Heideggerian Hermeneutic Study.

Shaw, M. (1995). A comparison of strategies for influencing breast cancer knowledge, beliefs, and screening practices among black women.

Aneff, P. (1994). The effects of health education on the immune system of older adults.

Dickens, L.E. (1994). Health knowledge levels, behaviors, and perceived needs of 1992 North Texas school graduates.

Gliemi, G. (1994). The development of a prototype computer application for prostate cancer education.

Moorefield, D.L. (1994). A comparative study of experiential learning utilizing indoor-centered training and outdoor-centered training.

Lepley, D.J. (1993). Coverage of causes of death among women in 1991magazines.

Perrin, J., (1993). Aerobic Exercise as a Predictor of Health in Women.

Prophet, M. (1992). Elementary teachers’ attitudes toward human growth, development, and sexuality.

List of masters students available upon request.




Doyle, E.I., Ward, S.E. & Early, J. (2010). The Process of Community Health Education and

Promotion 2nd Ed.Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc

Doyle, E.I., & Ward, S.E. (2001). The Process of Community Health Education and Promotion

San Francisco, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.

Janowiak, J. & Ward, S.E. (1993). Instructor's guide to accompany an invitation to health.

Ridgewood City, CA: Benjamin Cummings.


Ward, S.E. (1995). Communications and Relationships. In Patton, R.D. The American Family:

Life and Health. OaklandCA: Third Party Publishing Co.


Health Education Terminology Committee (2001). Report. Of the 2000 Joint Committee on

Health Education and Promotion Terminology. Journal of Health Education, (32)2, 89-94.

Ward, S.E. & Koontz, N. (2000). Putting Advocacy Into Action. The Health Education
Monograph. 17(2), 36-40.
Huber, J. & Ward, S.E. (2000). Facilitating information access for public health professionals in
North Texas: The Public Health Information Outreach Project Texas Library Journal, (76)4.

Beatty, C.F. & Ward, S.E. (1999). Perspectives of volunteers in health care: A qualitative study. .

Contact International. (15)1.

Chan,T.H.& Ward, S.E. (1993). Coping process theory. AAOHN Journal, (41)10.

Meeuwson, K., & Ward, S.E. (1992). Ecological health promotion: the promise of

empowerment education. Health Education, 23(7), 429-432.

Non-Refereed Research Reports

Ward, S.E. (2004). Department of Health Studies Institutional Effectiveness 2004.

Ward, S.E., Dunn, W. & Reeves, B. (2001). Quantifying detection sensitivity of known cancerous lesions: An Update Report

Ward, S.E. (June 2000). Discover Skills for Life: Evaluation Report. AGS: Minnesota

Ward, S.E. (June 1999). Discover Skills for Life: Evaluation Report. AGS: Minnesota

Ward, S.E., Dunn, W. & Reeves, B. (1997). Quantifying detection sensitivity of known cancerous lesions: A preliminary Report

Ward, S.E. (1998). Delta Air Lines: Occupational health facilities study

Ward, S.E. (1998). Dallas Public Schools: Report on the Evaluation of the Student Wellness Initiative and Discover Skills for Life Curriculum.

Ward, S.E. (1995). Adolescent runaways: A report to the Denton CountyYouth Task Force.

Non- Refereed Proceedings and Manuals

Ward, S.E. (2002) Department of Health Studies guidelines for preparing theses and dissertations.

Ward, S.E. (2002) Department of Health Studies graduate programs policies.

Ward, S.E. (1996). Department of Health Studies undergraduate preceptor's manual.

Ward, S.E. (1996). Department of Health Studies undergraduate internshipguidelines.

Ward, S.E. & Hildreth, G. (1994). Healthy People 2000: Delivering the Promise Conference Proceedings.

Ward, S.E. & Associates (1991). Academic advisor: Coordinator of the student's educational experience.

Research Projects Completed

Ward, S.E. & Espinoza, A.B. (2005-2007). The Effectiveness of the State of Texas Food Stamp Education Program. Contracted by State of Texas Health and Human Services.

Ward, S.E. & Wiginton, K.L. (2003-2004). Trends in Lupus Erythematosus mortality.

Ward, S.E., Dunn, W. & Reeves, B. (1995-2004). Mammographic Advisor.

A series of computer-assisted diagnostic projects. The project was in detection sensitivity for malignant breast lesions. The product from was a "second reader" computerized system, which enhanced the radiologist's ability to accurately diagnose breast cancers with fewer biopsies. FDA approval process began in December 2002.

Wiginton, K.L. & Ward, S.E. (2004). Occupational health at Texas Woman’s University.

Ward, S.E. (1998-2000). AGS Discover Skills for Life: National Evaluation Project involving school districts from three states (Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and California. Funded by American Guidance System.

Ward, S.E. (1998). Dallas Public Schools: Evaluation of the Wellness Initiative and Discover Skills for Life Curriculum. Funded by CDC through DISD.

Ward, S.E. (1998). Delta Air Lines: Occupational Health Facilities Study. A study of the feasibility of opening occupational health clinics in each of five Delta hub stations.

Delta Air Lines decided to open three hub occupational health clinics. Funded by Delta.

Ward, S.E., & Shaw, M. (1994). Thematic Units: Health/Science for Elementary School

A curriculum development and evaluation project. Two units have been developed and presented at the 1994 Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching. Teachers from the Dallas Public Schools were given the units for purposes of pilot evaluations during the fall of 1996. No external funding.

Ward, S.E. & Doyle, E. (1993). Adolescent Health Behaviors: An International Perspective. Brazil and Mexico A survey research project which involves work with adolescents in Brazil and Mexico. The first phase of the project was conducted in the summer of 1994 with a sample of adolescents from Manaus, Brazil. The second sample will include adolescents from Cuerna Vaca, Mexico. We are studying aspects of developing culturally sensitive research methodology and looking for patterns in health perceptions and behaviors across cultures. Aspects of developing culturallysensitive research methodology have been presented at AAHPERD - 1995 No External Funding.

Ward, S.E., & Eta Sigma Gamma. (1993-95). Denton County Youth Needs Assessment A countywide assessment of teen runaways was conducted in early 1994. Two thousand six hundred and two students were surveyed, one counselor in each middle, junior high, and high school in the county were interviewed, and human service agency personnel were surveyed. The results of the assessment will be used by the Denton County Youth Task Force to write grants for assisting teens that run away. The results of the survey were released to the press in the fall of 1995.

Baker, J. & Ward, S.E. (1993-94). Dissertation Abstracts in Health Education

A study that analyzed the content of dissertation abstracts in health education. A content analysis was conducted of 88 dissertation abstracts completed in 1992 and authored by graduates from top doctoral degree granting institutions in health education. The project was presented at mid-summer SOPHE - 1993.

Ward, S.E. & Aneff, P. (1991-93). ELASR (Experiential Learning and Stress Reduction)

A program designed for fifth grade students that uses experiential learning in order to help students cope with life stressors. The program was developed in response to a call for demonstration projects in the area of primary substance abuse out of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Substance Abuse. Once the program was designed, it was presented to a number of school districts around the state resulting in an agreement with the WaxahachieSchool District to house the program should funding be received. Unfortunately the grant was not funded and the project could not be implemented. No External Funding

Ward, S.E. (1992-93) STARS Evaluation

An evaluation of the American Lung Association peer teaching program Students Teach About the Risks of Smoking. Thirteen school districts in north Texas had implemented the program. Pre and Post-program knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions were measured and compared. Post program satisfaction surveys were also conducted. The project was presented at AAHPERD - 1993. Funded by ALA.

Ward, S.E., Hazavehei, S. (1991-92). Health Behaviors at TWU

An evaluation of the TWU Health Fair. The sample consisted of 120 individuals

who attended the 1992 health fair and agreed to participate in the study. The results were given to the Health Fair Committee Chair for future reference. No External Funding

Ward, S.E. (1990-91). Adolescent Food Choices

A project in the Dallas Public Schools with the purpose of further development of the Adolescent Food Choice Prediction Survey. The sample of convenience came from ThomasJeffersonHigh School, n= 86, 51% female and 49% male. The entire sample consisted of African American Teens. The project resulted in a presentation on instrument development at Southern District AAHPERD in February of 1991. No External Funding

Grants and Contracts


Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Food Stamp Nutrition Education Evaluation,

$113,517.00 2007

Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Food Stamp Nutrition Education Evaluation,

$56,483.00 2006

American Guidance Service, Inc. Discover Skills for Life

$23,789.00 spring 1999

Dallas Public Schools; Contract for Evaluation of the Student Wellness Initiative

$23,000.00 spring 1998

Dallas Public Schools, Contract for Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Related Education

$16,000.00 spring 1997

TWU Research and GrantsInternal Research Fund; Adolescent Health: An International Perspective

$1,000.00 August 1997

TWU Research and Grants

Faculty Enrichment

$500.00 April 1994

Eta Sigma Gamma (National Health Science Honorary)

Project Grant

$500.00 December 1993

Applications Approved


Conference Support Grant


Approved - not funded June 1993

Professional Presentations

Ward, S.E. (October 2010). Health Program Evaluations: Lessons Learned. Invited

Ward, S.E. (April, 2007). Planning the Crossroads. Baylor University. Invited

Ward, S.E. & Oomen, J. (July 2005). Ethics in Research. CappellaUniversity Colloquium at Dallas. Invited.

Oomen, J. & Ward, S.E. (July 2005). Qualitative Data Collection. CappellaUniversity Colloquium at Dallas. Invited.

Ward, S.E. and Espinoza, A. (July 2004). Mountains to Molehills. Area Aids Education Centers Conference. Invited.

Ward, S.E. and Espinoza, A. (July 2004). Finding Solutions. Area Aids Education Centers Conference. Invited.

Ward, S.E. (October 2003). Taking the High Road. LamarUniversity. Invited.

Ward, S.E. (October 2002). Taking the High Road. IdahoStateUniversity. Invited

Ward, S.E. (October 2001). The Eta Sigma Gamma Experience. Southern ConnecticutUniversity. Invited

Ward, S.E. (November 2000). Presidential Address:Eta Sigma Gamma (ASHA): Kansas City, MO. Invited

Ward, S.E. (May 2000). Spiders and Things: After Your Academic Experience. University of Wyoming Commencement: Laramie, WY. Invited

Ward, S.E. (December 1999). Advocacy in Health Education. TAHPERD: Austin, TX.


Ward, S.E. (November 1999). Presidential Address: Eta Sigma Gamma (ASHA): New Orleans, LA. Invited

Ward, S.E. (October 1999). Mammography Advisor. University of Wyoming Distinguished Alumni Research Forum: Laramie, WY Invited

Ward, S.E., Mahoney, B., & Koontz, N. (October 1998). Advocating for Health. Eta Sigma Gamma National Meeting: Colorado Springs. Invited

Ward, S.E. (February 1998). Presidential Address. TexasSchool Health Association (TSHA): Austin. Invited

Ward, S.E. & Shaw, M.W. (February 1997). Program design and implementation: Strategies for a successful program. Texas Society Of Public Health Educators (TSOPHE): San Antonio. Juried

Shaw, M.W., Ward, S.E., Cissell, W.B. (July 1995). Planning and implementing a

multistrategy health education program. Society Of Public Health Educators (SOPHE) Scientific Conference: Little Rock, Arkansas. Juried

Ward, S.E., Parker, J.T., Shaw, M., & Tremain, B. (October 1994).

The Challenge of Multicultural Issues and At-Risk Children. AmericanSchool Health Association (ASHA): Houston. Juried

Ward, S.E. Dickens, L.E. (October 1994). Helping socioeconomically disadvantaged youth change behavior through cultural awareness. ASHA. Houston. Juried

Ward, S.E. (April, 1994). Behavior change through cultural awareness. DallasAreaSchool Nurse Administrators: Dallas. Invited

Ward, S.E., & Dickens, L.E. (February 1994). Behavior change through cultural awareness. TexasSchool Health Association: Austin. Invited

Ward, S.E., & Allen, D. (December 1993). Teaching strategies for college

and high school health curriculum. Texas Association of Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD): Galveston. Invited

Allen, D. & Ward, S.E. (December 1993). Spirituality. TAHPERD: Galveston. Invited

Ward, S.E., & Shaw, M. (November 1993). Science and health: A natural

combination. Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching. Austin: Juried

Doyle, E.I. & Ward, S.E. (October 1993). What can the minority health

researcher learn from the international arena? (round table discussion). SOPHE: San Francisco. Juried

Baker, J. & Ward, S.E. (July 1993). Dissertation Abstracts in Health Education. (oral presentation) SOPHE: WashingtonD.C. Juried

Ward, SE. (June 1993). Teaching strategies for secondary health educators (workshop for Grand Prairie ISD health educators). Invited

Ward, S.E., Cissell, W. & Lindsey, V. M. (March 1993). STARS: Sustaining

reduced smoking prevalence through a school-based, peer-led primary prevention program. (poster presentation) AAHPERD: WashingtonD.C. Juried

Ward, S.E. (March 1993). A presentation for TWU Nutrition and Food

Science Department. Invited

Ward, S.E., Goodloe, N., & Dickens, L.E. (February 1993). Teaching strategies

for higher educators. (program) Southern District AHPERD: Dallas. Juried

Ward, S.E. (October 1991). Barriers busting. (poster presentation).

AnnualAmericanSchool Health Association Conference: Dearborn, Michigan.


Ward, S.E. (April 1991). Effective teaching strategies in higher education.

A presentation for the Department of Speech and Communication. Invited

Ward, S.E. (February 1991). Instrument development using theoretical

concepts. An oral presentation at the SDAHPERD annual convention in Norfolk, VA. Juried

Community, Student and Faculty Workshops

TWU Leadership Ropes Course. (September 2000). Collegiate Leadership Denton.

Pioneer Camp. (August 2000). Experiential activities for TWU Freshman.

Challenge Ropes Course. (October 1999). TWU Counseling Department.

Challenge Ropes Course. (September 1999). Community youth group.

Challenge Ropes Course. (November 1999). TWU gymnasts.

Women's Leadership and Experiential Education (July 1999). A facilitator's training course for TWU graduate students.

Facilitator's Training Course (June 1998). A course for TWU Faculty.

Country A to Country Z. (April 1997). A cross-cultural communications skills workshop.