**Links for Fliers can be found at the very end of the
newsletter under the "Community Events" section.**
Save the Date
Monday, Oct.30- Conference Selection Forms senthome today.
Wednesday, Nov.1- Conference Selection Forms- DUE TODAY
Wednesday, Nov. 1- PTA Meeting - 5:30pm- StaffLounge
Friday, Nov.3- Teacher Work Day - STUDENTS NO SCHOOLFriday, Nov. 10- Veteran's Day Obs.- NO SCHOOL
Monday,Nov. 13 thru
Friday Nov. 17-Parent Teacher Conferences-
Monday, Nov. 20 thru
Friday, Nov. 24-Thanksgiving Break- No School All Week
Please mark your calendars for our days off and
minimum days schedulein November as follows:
Friday, November 3rd-NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS- Teacher Work Day
Friday, November 10th- Veteran's Day Observed - School Holiday
Monday, November 13th through Friday, November 17th-
Minimum Day Schedule for all students -1PM DISMISSAL-
Parent Teacher Conferences
Monday, November 20th through Friday, November 24th-
Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL ALL WEEK
Read - Read - Read
Back in the spring of 2016 we shifted our homework practice here at Sinsheimer. We did our research on homework and made a schoolwide commitment to emphasize reading as our focal point for work at home. Although we still expect some math practice as homework, our real emphasis is reading. We cut down significantly the amount of homework we were sending home thus freeing up time for reading and quality family time. The infographic on the left is a powerful reminder of the importance of reading - not for standardized test performance (although this is important) but for a child’s overall success in school. Simply put, students who read more, are better readers, and better readers do better in school. Reading is a foundational skill and gateway to learning all other subjects. Our school wide expectation is that students are reading at least 20 minutes per night at least 4 nights per week - MINIMUM. Ideally, parents are reading to, with, or alongside their child. So this is my plea to you. Please make sure your child is reading regularly and that you are talking to your child about what they are reading. This is an opportunity to be honest and reflect on how you are doing to meet this expectation to support teachers and your child’s success. If you can do betterthen now is the time to recommit yourself as a family to this goal. Let’s keep working together to develop the most successful and happy students at the most amazing school around!!
BrightBytes Parent Survey
Dear parents or guardians of students at Sinsheimer,
We are once again partnering with BrightBytes, an educational research and analytics company, in order to learn more about our students’ school and home technology use for learning.
We are reaching out to ask you to take part in our school questionnaire. Your participation helps us form a complete picture of technology use for learning. Please know that all of your responses will remain anonymous to protect your privacy and they will help your child's school choose the right technology for their classrooms. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. This can be done on your smartphone or a computer.
The last day to complete this questionnaire isNovember 30, 2017.
Please go to:
Thank you for taking part in this important process!
Estimadospadres o tutores de losestudiantes de Sinsheimer,
Estamoscolaborando con “BrightBytes”, unaempresa de análisis e investigacióneducativa, con el fin de aprendermássobre la escuela de nuestrosestudiantes y el uso de la tecnología del hogar para el aprendizaje.
Estamospidiéndole que tome parte ennuestrocuestionario escolar. Su participaciónnosayudará a formarunaimagencompleta del uso de la tecnología para el aprendizaje. Susrespuestas se mantendránen el anonimato para protegersuprivacidad y ayudarán a la escuela de suhijo a elegir la tecnologíaadecuada para susclases. Se tomaráaproximadamente 5 minutos para completar. Esto se puedehaceren el teléfonointeligente (como un “iPhone”) o un ordenador.
El últimodía para completarestecuestionarioes el30 de noviembre de 2017.
Por favor, vaya a:
Puedecambiar el idioma al Español antes de hacerclicen el botónazul "Get Started", cambiará a "Empezar".
¡Gracias porparticiparenesteprocesoimportante!
AED at Sinsheimer
The following in an excerpt of what one of our amazing 6th grade students shared at our asset assembly Friday:
"Sinsheimer now has an AED device in the office. {AED stands for automated external defibrillator} Over 64% of Americans have never seen an AED in their lives. This is important for you to know because if you ever see someone fall and they are not breathing, their heart might have stopped. This is called Sudden Cardiac Arrest and it can come without any warning. It is different from a heart attack because it is an "electrical" problem with the heart just suddenly stopping, whereas a heart attack is a “plumbing” problem which means the blood flow is blocked. A person's chance of survival increases from only 10% up to 50% with CPR and an AED because, if you use it quickly enough it can restart the person's heart.
So if you see someone pass out, get an adult to help, call 911, and send someone to the office for the AED. The AED will be able to tell if the person’s heart is beating or not. With CPR and the AED, you can help save someone's life.
Over 350,000 people in the USA, which is almost 1000 people a day, have a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. My grandpa, who was a amazing waffle maker and a generous, kind person, was one of these people. Sadly, there was no AED near his work, and he unexpectedly passed away this summer at the age of 68. October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness month and I am proud of Sinsheimer for having an AED so that, if needed, we can help save someone's life. Thank you."
Conference Appointment Selection Letters Coming Home
TODAY- Monday, October 30
Please be watching for your conference appointment selection letter which will be sent home with your student TODAY, Monday, October 30th. Please select the times you are available to conference and return to your child's teacher byWednesday, November 1st.Every effort will be made to schedule a time most convenient for you to meet with your child’s teacher.
Welcome to Our New Sinsheimer Staff Members
Please give a warm welcome to our new Sinsheimer staff
members when you see them.
Charlotte GuerreroKelley Craft
Speech TeacherReading Teacher
Greetings from Student Council!
Thanks so much for showing off your awesome Stinger Spirit with your amazing costumes last Friday. It was great to see everyone all dressed up. Hope you enjoyed our Minute to Win It as well! If you have an idea for a spirit day or a Minute to Win It, let a student council representative know.
Remember, you can make a difference at your school and in your community.
Carnival Costume Contest Fun!
Thank you to all who made our Carnival such a success!
CongratulationstoOdyssey NixonandAsha Hickersonfor their dedication and hard work pulling everything together. You did anamazingjob! Thank you to all our great volunteers, it wouldn't have happened without you! A memorable time was had by all. There were so many excellent costumes and delicious chili entries, our judges had tough choices to make.
The following are ourcostume contest winners.
K-2nd Grade: 1st Noah W.(1st grade) as Einstein, 2nd Carly Z.
(1st Grade) as a snail, 3rd Cole V.(2nd Grade) as the Windy Boy
3rd-6th Grade: 1st A tie between Felicia B.and Sadie .(3rd Grade) as old ladies, 2nd Pepper H.(3rd Grade) as a warrior, Graham T.(4th Grade) as a Geisha
Group Category: 1st A tie between The Slowik Family as Rock/Paper/Scissor, and The Othman Family as Monsters Inc.
Thewinners of the Chili Cook-Offwere Christine Foreman for best spicy chili, Cara Smith for best unique chili, and Todd and Rebecka Pearson for the best chili overall.
Great job to all who entered, andcongratulationsto our winners!
Plan to attend our next PTA General Meeting!
Wednesday, November 1st at 5:30 in the Staff Lounge
Find out theinside scoopfrom ourFirst Gradeteachers, Mrs. Bremer and Mrs. Keach, and our October Financials, as well as up-to-date information on our upcoming Book Fair and Sixth Grade Camp. This month's meeting will also feature aspecial presentationon trauma--how it affects future health, behavior, and learning--how we as a school community can become more aware and understanding of the generational patterns of trauma, and how we can createsafetyin our community. The presentation will be deliveredbyGrace Van Doren, MSN,RN,PHN, Credentialed School Nurse, SLCUSD
Snacks will be served! Come meet someone new!
Provide us with your input!
Stay in Touch - Sinsheimer Social Media
Instagram: sinsheimerstingers
Facebook: Sinsheimer Elementary School
Twitter: @SI_Principal
SLO Rideshare Survey
Hello! SLO Regional Rideshare, is surveying parents regarding travel patterns and transportation needs of SLO County’s K-12 families. The information gathered will be used to support applications for funding Safe Routes to School transportation projects and programs. The survey can be found at
The school with the greatest response rate will win a Bike Rodeo on Bike to School Day 2018. Thank you!
¡Hola! El programa Regional de San Luis Obispo Rideshare, estáentrevistando a los padres sobrelospatrones de viaje y las necesidades de transporte de las familias K-12 del condado de SLO. La informaciónrecopilada se utilizará para respaldar las solicitudes para financiarproyectos y programas de transporte de RutasSeguras, Safe Routes, a la escuela. La encuesta se puedeencontraren La escuela con la mayor tasa de respuestaganará un Rodeo de bicicleta el Día de bicicleta a la escuelaen el 2018. ¡Gracias!
Charter Spectrum
Spectrum is offering reduced Internet Service Provider (ISP) Plans for eligible households via the Spectrum Internet Assist Program. Households that qualify can receive high speed internet access for $14.00 per month. For wifi, the cost is an additional $5.00 per month. For more information visit the following link:
call Spectrum at1-844-525-1574.
To qualify for Spectrum Internet Assist, a member of the household must be a recipient of one of the following programs:
- The National School Lunch Program (NSLP); free or reduced cost lunch
- The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the NSLP
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) ( ≥ age 65 only)
AT&T offers low cost home internet at speeds between 768 kilobits - 10 megabits starting at $5.00 month with Wi-Fi gateway included. For more information go to
call855-220-5211for Espanol855-220-5225
To qualify for AT&T Access at least one member in your household must receive benefits for:
- Are you or someone in your household a SNAP participant?
- Are you a California resident and does at least one member of your household receive SSI benefits?
Spectrumestáofreciendo planes de precioreducidocomoProveedor de Servicios de Internet (ISP) para hogareselegibles a través del Programa ‘Spectrum Internet Assist’.Los hogares que califiquenpuedenrecibiracceso a la internet de altavelocidadpor $14.00 al mes. Para wifi, el costoesunasumaadicional de $5.00 al mes. Para másinformaciónvisite el llame a Spectrum al1-844-525-1574.
Para calificar paraSpectrum Internet Assist, un miembro de suhogardebeserrecipiente de uno de lossiguientesprogramas:
- El Programa Nacional de AlmuerzosEscolares (NSLP); almuerzos gratis o de costoreducido
- La Provisión de Elegibilidad de la Comunidad (CEP) del NSLP
- Seguridad de IngresoSuplementario (SSI) (≥ 65 añossolamente)
AT&T Access
AT&T ofrece internet, de velocidades entre 768 kilobits - 10 megabits, a bajocosto para hogaresempezando a $5.00 al mes, con puerta a wifiincluida. Para másinformaciónvaya a llame al855-220-5211, y para llamadasenespañol al 855-220-5225
Para calificar para Access por AT&T al menosuno de losmiembros del hogardeberecibirlosbeneficios de:
- ¿Esusted o alguienensuhogarparticipanteen SNAP?
- ¿Esustedresidente de California y al menosuno de losmiembros de suhogarrecibebeneficios de SSI?
- Kidz Love Soccer 9-17 thru 11-17
- Woods Humane Society Animal Camps and Clubs
- D.M. International Tennis Academy 2017
- D.M. International Tennis Academy 2017 - Espanol
- YMCA Fall Sports 2017
- Claddagh Dance Company Irish Dance Classes- Fall 2017
- San Luis Museum of Art Classes for Kids- Fall 2017
- San Luis Museum of Art Classes for Kids-Fall 2017-Espanol