Vidyanagar, Bengaluru – 562157
Programme Faculty Profile / Format No. / ACD58
Rev. No. / 00
Date / 01/08/2016
Page / 1 of 1
Qualification : M.E,(Ph,D)
Designation : Assistant Professor
Programme : E&CE
Experience : 13 Years
Area of specialization: Electronics & Control Engineering
Quality Improvement Programmes Attended:
Workshops Participated1. / Participated in the Two – Days Workshop on “Design and implement of Real Time Applications using VLSI" from 21st and 22nd August 2015 held at Department of E&CE, SVCE, Bangalore.
2. / Participated in one day workshop entitled “Introduction to Intellectual PropertyRights (IPR) and Indian Patenting system” Organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bangalore.
Participated in two days workshop entitled “Advanced MATLAB and SIMULINK Interfacing with Embedded System” held on 10th and 11th August 2016 Organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bangalore.
Participated in two days workshop entitled “Signal Processing and Communication System using MATLAB and Simulink” held on 28th - 29th September 2016 Organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bangalore.
Participated in one day workshop entitled “Analog and Digital Circuit Design” held on 19th October 2016 Organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bangalore.
Seminars /Trainings Participated
1. / Participated in one day seminar entitled “Research Methodology “held on 19th July 2016,Organised by Sri Venkateshwara College of engineering by Dr. Dharmasa Pawar, Caledanian college of engineering Oman at SVCE auditorium.
2. / Participated in one day Seminar entitled “Internet of Things” held on 06th April 2016,Organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering ,Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering ,Bangalore
3. / Participated in one day Seminar entitled “Recent technologies and Applications in Micro-Opto –Electro-Mechanical System (MOEMS)” held on 28th September 2015,Organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering ,Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering ,Bangalore.
4 / Attended a Seminar at IEEE CPMT Tutorial by Prof. Madhavan Swaminathan at Golden Jubliee Hall ,Department of ECE ,IISc ,Bangalore on 08th August 2015
5 / Attended a Seminar on “Didactic Seminar on Cadence OrCAD PSPICE and Orcad PCD ” conducted on 31st July 2015 at BMS College of Engineering ,Bangalore.
6 / Attended a seminar on “A STEP AHEAD” by Prof. Mukesh Kumar Singh conducted for 6th Semester Students for improving their knowledge for GATE -2017 & Competitive exams held on 5th Feb-2016
7 / Attended a seminar on “3D Printing” organized by Department of E&CE, SVCE, Bangalore.
Conference Participated
1. / Participated in the IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology (RTEICT), 20th to 21st May 2016 at SVCE, Bangalore.
Faculty Development Programme Participated
1. / Participated in the Two Days IEEE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “SIGNAL PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING MATLAB AND SIMULINK” on 28th &29th Sep 2016 held at Department of E&CE, SVCE, Bangalore.
2. / Participated in the two day Faculty Development Programme on the topic of “Recent Issues and Developments in wireless and optical fiber communication” from 14th and 16th Jan 2016 held at Department of E&CE, SVCE, Bangalore.
3. / Participated in the One – Week Faculty Development Programme on the topic of “Recent and Advanced Research work on Wireless Communication using C++ and Building TCL Scripts in NS-2/3” from 20th July 2015 to 25th July 2015 held at Department of E&CE, SVCE, Bangalore.
Papers Published:
PUBLICATIONS IN CONFERENCES 2015-20161 / Satyasrikanth Palle, Dr. Thippeswamy MN Dr. Fambirai Takawira “Survey on Call Admission Control protocols in Cellular Networks” Second International Conference on Internet of Things Data, and Cloud Computing Cambridge , United Kingdom 22-23 March 2017, ISBN Number : 978-1-4503-4774-7 .
2 / Satyasrikanth Palle Dileep Reddy Bolla , Jijesh J.J, Mahaveer Penna, Pramod M S, "Reconfiguring CPLD To Perform Operations Based On Sequence Detection Condition " in IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology (RTEICT), 20th to 21st May 2016 at SVCE, Bangalore
3 / Satyasrikanth P, Mahaveer Penna, Dileep Reddy Bolla “Automatic toll collection System using RFID” International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.5 Issue.8, August- 2016, pg. 247-253 ISSN 2320–088X IMPACT FACTOR: 5.258
4 / Dileep Reddy Bolla, Anand Vijay K M, Jijesh J J, Mahaveer Penna, Pramod M S, Satya Srikanth Palle “An Energy Efficient Sophisticated Security System for Surveillance using Microcontroller” International Journal IEAE International Journal of Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2016 Available online :
Subjects handled:
Subject(s) / Course(s) taught since joining the institute (list in the order of Semesters)@SVCE till date / SEM / No. of times taught / Theory/ Lab Project/ Elective
S.No / Sub Code / Subject Name
1. / 10EC117 / Automotive Electronics / Mtech-I / 2 / Theory
2. / 10EC72 / Optical Fiber Communication / VII-A&B / 4 / Theory
3. / 10ECL58 / Analog Communications+ LIC Lab / V-B / 2 / Lab
4. / 10ESL37 / Analog Electronic Circuits Lab / III-B / 2 / Lab
5. / 10EC82 / Digital Switching Systems / VIII-A / 3 / Theory
6. / 12EC054 / NANO ELECTRONICS / Mtech-II / 2 / Theory
7. / 10ESL47 / MICROCONTROLLERS Lab / IV-B / 2 / Lab
8. / 10ES33 / Logic Design / III B / 3 / Theory
10. / 14XXL38 / Digital Electronics & Interfacing Lab / III-B / Lab