37th Student Senate
1st Session
Agenda forSeptember 1, 2016
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of the Journal
- Approval of the Agenda
- Bill #1 moved from new business to old business
- Bills Returned by the President
- Officers’ Reports
- Speaker – Caleb Kitchen
- Review of the Expectations and Requirements for the Senate
- Review of Committee Meetings
- Staff Senate Liaison has been selected: Senator Schrecongost
- Speaker Pro Tempore – Hannah Carse
- Office Hours will be held soon
- Sign ups for 1-on-1’s
- Clerk – Ryan Steele Powers
- Journals will be sent at about 11pm every week on Wednesdays
- Legislation needs to be submitted by 4:30pm on Wednesdays with the exception of Diversity and GCR
- Committee Reports
- Administrative and Financial Affairs – Jalen Stubblefield
- First meeting is 9/2 at 3pm, will review vice chair elections and expectations and goals for the year
- Goals
- Create a budget
- Provide funding for committees
- Review the Code
- University Services – Danni Gonyo
- Student Dining Board meets every other Tuesday at 2pm
- Committee will be meeting at Wednesdays 4:30pm
- Diversity and Multicultural Affairs – Alicia Cedeño-Salgado
- Meeting with President and Vice President about goals for the year
- First committee meeting will not be on Monday due to the holiday, will be held
- University Life – Nick Webb
- Gold Rush- November 12th- has held meetings to discuss event details
- Committee meeting is Tuesday at 4:30pm- will review expectations and goals for the year
- Would like input from new senators about fun things and policy
- Will wait for freshmen and transfer senators are elected until vice chair is elected
- Government and Community Relations – Ben Olsen
- Mason Lobbies- has begun to discuss the logistics and to create ways to make the event more appealing. Date is January 25th, 2017
- Committee meetings are Wednesdays at 6:00pm
- Vice Chair position: email Senator Olsen, and he will respond with expectations for the position
- All members sitting on the GCR committee: please send Senator Olsen your email address
- Academic Affairs – Grant Pitarys
- Will not meet on Monday due to Holiday, will meet on September 12th, at 12pm.
- Will try to highlight the services the University provides
- Senate Military Liaison – Frederick Edwards
- No announcements
- Public Session
- Executive Report - President Nathan Pittman and Vice President Gaby Peda
- President Pittman
- The President sat on new Chief of Police interviews, and will sit on the interviews for the new Assistant Chief of Police.
- Auntie Anne’s has moved from Tidewater into Johnson Center, Red Mango has officially closed. Erbert and Gerbert will be closed. Garbanzo will open, as well as Steak and Shake.
- Cabinet meetings are at Wednesday at 7pm
- Vice President Peda
- 2:2’s Begin this week
- Vice President Peda will be sitting in on interviews for Vice President of the University for Communications and Marketing.
- Student Involvement Advisor(s)
- Andrea Martinez
- SG will have 6 people working with them in different areas
- Update them with how we can help them
- Mason Life Representative
- Other Members of the University Administration
- Gallery Members
- Appointments
- Alicia Brisset, Sec. of Admin and Finance
- President Pittman reads a statement on her behalf. Absence is due to class.
- President Pittman gives executive report on the candidate
- Discussion and Debate
- Chairman Webb- has experience working with the candidate, and has faith that the candidate will execute the position to the fullest extent. Chairman Webb has moved the question, and it has been second
- Candidate passes 19-0-1
- ObumEgolum, Student Funding Board
- Candidate introduces himself, demonstrates his past activities and experiences on campus and the reasoning as to why he would like to be on the Student Funding Board
- President Pittman give his executive report on the candidate, mentions experience he has working with the candidate.
- Moved to Discussion and Debate
- Senator Wires has moved the question and it has been second
- Candidate passes 19-0-1
- Presentations
- John Hubbard – Beta Theta Pi
- Beta Theta Pi is relocating on campus, and want to reach out to the student body. They have a $1,000 scholarship to a non-Greek life participating male that is committed to academic excellence. This is separate from the recruitment process. They have referral sheets for anyone who is interested in Beta Theta Pi
- Questions
- Senator Pitarys- Were you on campus before?
- Were forced on campus due to size of the organization
- Chairman Stubblefield- what are you offering that is different?
- The values and motivation they hold one another to, plus the service they give back to the community
- Senator Pitarys- What are your values?
- They had 5 values that I missed
- Senator Genoese Szerbe- How do you enforce values?
- They are held by holding each brother accountable by educating them, and creating a personable relation with each brother.
- Old Business
- Bill #1- A Bill to Allocate Funds for the September 11th, 2016 Day of Service
- Chairman Stubblefield reads the statement of the bill
- Chairwoman Gonyo asks where the funds are going
- Chairman Edwards asks if the funds can be increased from $500
- Chairman Webb has concerns over whether Student Government will be donating money or will be purchasing items and donating said items, and how that could affect the budget going forward.
- Advisor Martinez says that the money is being allocated to another sanction of the University. The conversation could be held whether it is money or items that are being donated. There is no right answer
- Clerk Powers mentions to keep the amount of allocation and moves the previous question
- The Bill passes 19-0-1
- New Business
- R#1 A Resolution to Support the Tradition of Gold Rush 2016
- Chairman Webb reads the title of the resolution
- R#2 A Resolution Urging the Fairfax Community to Oppose the 2016 Meals Tax Referendum in Fairfax County
- Senator Lively reads the title of the resolution
- R#3 A Resolution to Support “Rock The Vote”
- Chairwoman Gonyo reds the title of the resolution
- R#4 A Resolution to Establish the Budget of Student Governance
- Chairman Stubblefield reads the title of the resolution
- R#5 A Resolution to Establish and Support the Patriots in Action Subcommittee
- Chairman Stubblefield reads the title of the resolution
- Announcements/Points of Privilege
- Next Meeting –Merten Hall 1201
- Chairman Webb held a meeting with the School of Conflict, Analysis and Resolution- they need 60 people to come to their event, “What Does Peace Look Like to You?” September 14th, 15th and 21st. The school wants school wide involvement.
- Senator Wires is having an event where a Holocaust survivor coming to speak about his experience in the September 28th at 6:30pm
- Chairwoman Gonyo reminds that the registration date to vote is October 17th. Election day is November 8th
- Chairman Stubblefield reminds the senate that tomorrow (Friday 9/2) is Green and Gold Day Spirit Day.
- Contact Chairwoman Gonyo about sitting and the Student Dining Board.
- Adjournment
- 5:35pm adjournment