Trinity Calendar – Week of October 1, 2017

Calendar, Bulletin, Sermon Audios: available at

Sunday 8:15 am Prayer – Mother’s Room

9:00 am Bible Fellowships

10:30 am Worship Service – Auditorium

12:00 pm Leader Training - Lounge

Tuesday 5:30 pm Trinity Community Food Pantry – Lobby

7:00 pm Elders – Office Conference Rm

Wednesday 5:30 pm Converge Dinner - Lounge

6:15 pm Youth Fellowship – Fellowship Hall

6:30 pm Converge Classes

Friday 9:30 am Trinity Community Food Pantry

10:30 am Silver & Gold Fellowship - Lounge

6:30 pm Young Adult Ministry – Minch Home

Children’s Ministry Helpers – October 8

Supervisor: Brenna P.

9:45 am Childcare: Cookie C., Jenna L.Mary A., Leslie K., Becky I.

Happy Birthday

Jenna L.
/ Oct. 2 /
Rick C.
/ Oct. 4
Brian S.
/ Oct. 3 /
BoB F.
/ Oct. 5
Phyllis S.
/ Oct.3 /

9 AM Sunday Classes for Everyone

The Bereans –Study of the Book of Acts. – Rm 201

The Eagles –. Study of the Book of Mark. – Rm 205

The Daughters of Grace – “Me, Myself, and Lies” – a Bible study by Jennifer Rothschild. Meets in the Church Lounge

The Men of God–Study of the Book of Galatians. Meets in Rm 204

Students: Grades 6-12, Fellowship Hall, 208, 112, 120

Sunday School for Kids: ages 2 yrs. – 5th grade. Nursery is available for babies/toddlers. See the directional sign in the Children’s area.

Men’s Ministry News

Men's Breakfast

October Men's Breakfast will be Saturday, October 14th from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Coffee is on at 7:00 AM.

Our own John Donaghy will be our guest speaker. Plan to bring a friend and come early for coffee and fellowship before breakfast.

Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution

Want to help reach out to our neighbors and make a difference? Pastor Steve is looking for a person or two who can lead the Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution this year. Most of the details are already set as to how it works. He will help you and support you as you lead. Let him know if you are interested or have questions: .

Life Groups Make a Difference!

Grow deeper in your walk with God, get to know the Bible better, and enjoy developing your relationship with others—these are some of the benefits of being in a Life Group. A Life Group is a group of 6-14 people who meet to share life together. They are a key way to Connect, Grow, and Serve—our pathway for spiritual growth and deeper friendships. We are now forming groups for this year. More information about joining one is on the flyer in your bulletin. You can also contact John Donaghy, our Life Group Director, at .

Baptism Sunday, October 15, 2017

If you haven’t been baptized yet, you are encouraged to express your commitment to Christ through this act of obedience. Mark on a Connection Card that you are interested in baptism, drop it in an offering box and Pastor Steve will call you. If you have questions, call him at the church office, 603-883-5764 or email

Hurricane Relief Giving - Update Puerto Rico

We have been collecting money for Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma relief. We will be sending the amount we have collected in two weeks for these areas. At the same time, we have seen Hurricane Maria slam Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands. We will designate our Thanksgiving Offering for Puerto Rico, and you can give starting Nov. 1 for that.

Wednesday Converge

Dinner: 5:30 – 6 PM -- Reservations required

Deadline for dinner reservations each week is 12 noon Monday. You can sign up online at

Cost: $3.50 for 10 yrs.-adults, $2 for 5-9 years, under 5 free.

Oct. 4 Option 1: Chicken Fajitas, Spanish Rice, Garden Salad, Rolls

Option 2: Cheese Quesadillas, Spanish Rice, Garden Salad

Oct. 11 Option 1: Hamburger Stroganoff, Green Beans, Bread

Option 2: Cheese Burger, Baby Carrots, Applesauce

Oct. 18 Pizza, Salad Bar

Oct. 25 Option 1: Roast Pork, Roasted Potatoes, Carrots, Bread

Option 2: Grilled Cheese, French fries, Fruit

For Babies 0-3 years: Childcare for class attenders & staff

For Children ages 4-5th grade: A program designed for kids For Youth 6th-12th Grade: Games, fellowship and a program for Students.

For Adults: Bible Study (English and Spanish), Prayer, and Fellowship

Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child

It is time fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. The website for suggestions for what to pack in a box:

Please remember the following:

1) Purchase a plastic box (eg: WalMart for less than $1) for your items.

2) NO toothpaste this year, but DO include toothbrushes

3) NO candy of any type this year. As in prior years, no liquids and no breakable items (glass, etc.)

4) If you prefer to give some items rather than pack an entire box, we will have a container in the lobby to collect these items. Please remember that the items must fit inside of a shoebox size container.

Communication at Trinity

A “listserver” is available to distribute e-mail messages to members and friends of Trinity. We use the listserver to distribute prayer requests, praises, inspirational messages and official communication of the church. To subscribe/unsubscribe to the listserver, email your request to:

Global Outreach Missions News

Missionaries: David Spinale and Isaiah Martin - - InterVarsity

David and Isaiah are InterVarsity staff in the colleges and universities in the Nashua and Manchester area. They are on campus at Rivier University, UNH Manchester, and SNHU with Christian outreach clubs and activities, and are working to establish other local college relationships. During college Spring Break, they took a group of local students to Intervarsity’s ServeUP in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In his end-of-the-school-year newsletter, David wrote of a sophomore who joined them at an indoor barbeque held in the spring. “She expressed an interest in organized religion, so I met with her a few times. April 27 was our last Bible study of the year so I gave a full-on gospel presentation and invitation to faith.” Praise God, she received Jesus that night. “Please pray for (this student) in her new relationship with God.”

David Spinale and Isaiah Martin will visit Trinity on October 15th. We hope you get to meet them then.

CLASS 101 - Welcome to Trinity -- Oct. 8th

You are members of God’s very own family…and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian. Ephesians 2:19 (TLB)

Get off to a great start in the Christian life and your church experience. This 2-hour seminar is packed with information that will help each person learn important insights about the church and Trinity.

This class is designed for people who:

·  are interested in finding out what the church (and Trinity) is about

·  want to know more about what God wants us to do in the church

·  are interested in finding out how to be a member of Trinity

Topics you will learn in Class 101:

·  What the church is and why it exists

·  The marks of a good church

·  Our mission and strategies

·  Important ways to be involved to maximize your spiritual experience and growth

·  How to become a member of Trinity

Class 101 is being offered Sunday, October 8th from 12:00 – 2:30 pm (light lunch included) in the church lounge. Class 101 is also available to take online. See the insert in today’s bulletin to sign-up.

Prayer and Praise

In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7


PRAY for complete healing for Jason M. so he can return to his job.

PRAY for God’s provision of a full-time job for Nathan J..

PRAY for our Life Groups as they are being formed, that we would have the leaders to lead and get off to a great start.

PRAY for our English Class on Wednesday nights, that our Director, Elizabeth W.and helpers, would make good connections with the people and God would draw some of the people to seek him.

PRAY for God’s provision of additional work for Eddie S. as his current employer has had to cut back his hours.

PRAY for the many people who have been adversely affected by recent hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires and for the many volunteers who are providing assistance.

PRAY: for improved health for: Peggy A., Phyllis S., Truus D., Rebecca F., Debbie S., Gary D., Dan & Carol H., Jerry & Lucy G.

For EMERGENCY and general requests send request to Trinity’s listserver: (free membership to server required)
To put a request in the church bulletin, fill out a Connection Card, drop it in an offering box, or call the church office, 603-883-5764.


3 Lund Rd. • Nashua, NH 03060

Church Office: 33 Lund Rd. • Nashua, NH 03060


Church Web Site:


Steve Murray, Senior Pastor

Cliff Anderson, Assistant Pastor of Pastoral Care

BoB Fenn, Assistant Pastor

Mathew Brobst, Pastoral Intern

Shawn Allen, Director of Student Ministries

Sarah Luce, Director of Children’s Ministries

October 1, 2017

Worship Leader: Margo Grant

Message: Pastor Steve Murray

Series: The Prism of Love

Welcome to Trinity

“Can I help you?” We’re used to salespeople saying that to us in the store. But how about in the church? As we continue our series on how to love one another, we will talk about serving others and how this is one of the top ways to show we are a follower of Jesus.

If this is your first time here, I want to welcome you and encourage you to join with us as we gather to honor God and seek to learn from the Bible.

If you would like to speak to someone about how to become a Christian, or would like to pray with someone concerning a need, an Elder and I will be at the front of the auditorium after the service. We’d love to help in any way. Or check the box on your Connection Card and drop it in an offering box and we will contact you.

Pastor Steve

·  Childcare for infants - 3 years Downstairs in rooms 104-108.

·  Mothers’ Room is available at the back of the auditorium for fussy babies or nursing moms.

·  Children’s Church: Preschool 4’s – 1st grade Children start in “Big Church” and are dismissed to meet the staff in the lobby to go to Rm 103. Parents pick up kids following the service.

·  Junior Church: 2nd – 4th grade. Kids start in “Big Church” and are dismissed to meet the staff in the lobby to go to Room 121

·  Use the Connection Card for prayer requests, to sign up for classes, to request information, to get on our mailing list, or to communicate with the staff. Please drop your card in an offering box.

·  Offering Boxes are located in the back of the auditorium and in the lobby for you to drop your offering and Connection Cards in.