Study Guide


Conservatism and a Shift in Course, 1980-2010

1.  Regan era and middle class incomes

2.  conservative view of government

3.  “voodoo economics”

4.  Rainbow Coalition

5.  The Moral Majority

6.  Jerry Falwell

7.  “spin doctors”

8.  Republican control of the Senate

9.  Reagan administration and “sleaze”

10.  Geraldine Ferraro

11.  Walter Mondale

12.  1988 “mudslinging” campaign of George Bush

13.  Bush I and Persian Gulf War

14.  Supply-side economic theory

15.  Reagan and federal tax rate

16.  Beneficiaries of Reagan tax policy

17.  Reagan administration and military budgets

18.  Reagan’s “New Federalism”

19.  Reagan and the welfare state

20.  Savings and loan crisis

21.  Gap between rich and poor during Reagan administration

22.  Reagan and Bush position on abortion

23.  1992 Los Angeles riot

24.  Planned Parenthood v Casey

25.  U.S. and position as world’s industrial leader

26.  Air Traffic Controllers Organization

27.  Trade union membership in the 1980s

28.  fate of the American farmer

29.  Economic recession of 1980-82 and public services

30.  Impact if the internet


32.  U.S. population in 1990

33.  Ethnic make-up of the U.S. in 1990

34.  Latino high school graduation rate

35.  Growth of sun-belt states in 1980s

36.  Mikhail Gorbachav

37.  Collapse of the Soviet Union

38.  Reagan foreign policy

39.  El Salvador and FMLN

40.  Nicaragua and Sandinista Revolution

41.  Iran Contra scandal

42.  “plausible deniability”

43.  Reagan as “Teflon” president

44.  Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait

45.  Reagan policy in Latin America

46.  Manuel Noriega

47.  Milton Friedman

48.  Jesse Helms

49.  Hoover Institution

50.  Nelson Mandela

51.  The Garretts

52.  Immigrations Act of 1965

53.  Immigration Act of 1990

54.  Renewed economic growth in 1990s

55.  1998 budget surplus

56.  Homlessness

57.  Improvements in medicine

58.  Young workers in the 1990s

59.  African Americans during the 1990s

60.  Race relations and multiracial advisory panel

61.  Candidates in 1992 election

62.  1992 campaigns and television

63.  Clinton and healthcare

64.  NAFTA

65.  Slobodon Milosevic

66.  Dayton accords

67.  The Congressional Elections of 1994

68.  Newt Gingrich

69.  The Republican Contract with America

70.  Election of 1996

71.  Clinton impeachment

72.  Clinton achievements

73.  Clinton approval ratings

74.  Election of 2000

75.  The vote tally

76.  September 11, 2001

77.  California Prop 187

78.  Population growth

79.  Corporate mergers

80.  AIDS

81.  Bob Dole and Viagra

82.  Bush and Privatization of Social Security

83.  Ronald Reagan’s last years