Wilson Reading
Syllabus: Wilson Reading
Teacher: Sarah
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this class, the student will improve his/her:
- Reading fluency
- Understanding of how parts of words affect the word’s meaning
- Spelling skills
- Vocabulary skills and to increase one’s internal “word bank”
The class is based on a total points grading system.
Class Participation/Attitude
Every student is expected to:
Wilson Reading
- participate in class discussions
- ask questions when unsure of a topic
- volunteer to answer questions asked by the teacher
- respect peers and adults in the classroom
- be prepared for class
- complete homework
- be attentive
- be willing to try things that are asked
- be willing to have fun
Wilson Reading
Behaviors and/or actions that do not match these expectations will be recorded and will affect the student’s Class Participation/Attitude Grade at the end of each marking period.
At the beginning of the school year, log in information was provided for each student via the main office. Because this information can be accessed on-line, it will be possible to monitor a student’s grade daily. Grades will be updated at least weekly. If you feel a mistake has been made, do not hesitate to contact the teacher.
Being Prepared
A student needs to be prepared for every class; without the proper tools, a job cannot be completed. A grade will be given at the end of each marking period for being prepared during each class period. A daily report is kept to monitor this grade.
For Wilson Reading, the student needs to bring:pencil, homework, and planner
The main Wilson notebook will remain in the classroom unless it is needed to complete a given homework assignment.
Rationale: Like any skill that needs to be mastered, what we’ve learned in class needs to be practiced, so it can be mastered and completely understood.
Each assignment is worth 5 points.
Homework is not graded on the answers being correct, but on completeness; all questions must be attempted.
If the homework is not completed by the period it is due one of the following will occur:
- If nothing has been attempted, the assignment will be considered late and will be worth ½ credit (2.5 points or 50% F) when it is turned in.
- Partial credit will be given for the amount of questions completed.
Late assignments will only be accepted after 1 week from when it was assigned, unless there was an extended absence. After 1 week (5 school days), a “0” will be recorded in as the grade, but the work is still expected to be completed. It is always best to do every assignment because it is better to earn partial credit than no credit!
Being Absent
Homework Requests: A homework request can be made through the office and be picked up before the end of school. When the assignments are picked up, the student’s locker can also be accessed to retrieve the necessary materials.
Extended Absence: If a student is absent for multiple days, please contact the teacher to make special arrangements so the student can complete the missed assignments.
Wilson Reading
By completing the chart below, you are indicating that you have read and understand the information included in the course syllabus.
Student Name:Student Signature:
Parent Signature: