Cover Page:Include a visual for Lois Lowry (PICTURE/CLIP ART/SYMBOLS); the title of the biography; the author of the biography; and MLA formatted header/heading.

PartOne:Early Years: Tell the date and place where Lois Lowry was born and raised. Describe the early life of Lois Lowry. Don’t include too many family details or details about habits and hobbies that don’t have anything to do with their later work.INCLUDE those early life details that DID INFLUENCE Lois Lowry and contributed to her becoming an author. How did these childhood experiences influence her achievements as an adult? Tell about what kind of person she was. What was it about Lois Lowry that helped her to succeed? Did Lois Lowry know what she wanted to become in the future? How did Lois Lowry prepare for her future?

PartTwo:Goals: Describe Lois Lowry’s goals. Do you think she succeeded in achieving these goals? Why or why not?What factors influenced her achievements?

PartThree: Accomplishments:What were Lois Lowry’s main accomplishments? What is your opinion of her life and accomplishments? What influence did Lois Lowry have on the community, the country, or the world? Tell about the work Lois Lowry did. Tell why her contribution was important, why the work was important. How did she change the world? What lasting effects doesLois Lowry have on the lives of others?

PartFour: Most Impressive Thing: Is there any particularly important or amazing fact that all should know about Lois Lowry? What do you think was the most impressive thing about Lois Lowry?

PartFive: Inspiration? Has Lois Lowry inspired you? Why or Why not? Are there any ways in which you would like to be like her?

Part Six: Recommendation: Would you recommend this biography to others? Why or why not?


Please label each part (Part One, Part Two, etc.)

Proofread and check that you have completed each part thoroughly and completely, answering every question.