11-12 APRIL 2002



Note: The views in this paper represent the views of the authors and not the official position of the Australian Government. Interpretations in this paper regarding the relationship between the visa categories and mode 4 are the sole responsibility of the authors. They do not bind Member States in any way. Member States obligations under mode 4 are governed by their specific commitments set out in GATS schedules.

Julia NielsonOlivier Cattaneo

Trade DirectorateTrade Directorate


current regimes - case study: australia


1.This paper undertakes a preliminary exploration at the Australian regime for the entry of those temporary entrants falling under mode 4 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). It has three parts. Part I comprises an overview of the Australian system and outlines a number of the difficulties encountered in trying to map immigration systems for temporary entry against GATS definitions and categories. Part II sets the parameters for the paper by setting out the major categories of temporary entry into Australia and making some preliminary observations on which might be of most relevance for mode 4. Part III then outlines the conditions for two types of entry of most interest to mode 4 - as being of interest to mode 4. Annex II sets outs Australia's GATS commitments on mode 4.

Part I: Overview

2.Australia has traditionally focused on encouraging permanent migration, rather temporary worker schemes. However, the general trend towards increased mobility generated by: the development of high-skill regional labour markets that cross international boundaries; the internationalisation of capital; the exponential development of communications and the exchanges it makes possible; reduction in time and cost of travel; and the expansion of multinational corporations, has also affected Australia [Hugo, 2001]. The recruitment of temporary workers increasingly being pursued and a new temporary business entry visa category was created in 1996. According to some sources [Hugo, 2002], at any one time, 2-3% of the Australian workforce in made up of people on temporary working visas. However, such entry remains largely limited to the highly skilled and entrepreneurs (73.5% of entrants under the temporary business category fall into the two highest skill categories - managers/administrators and professionals - as compared with 38.8% of the total Australian population) [Hugo, 2002].

3.Nonetheless, the Australian system for temporary entry should still be viewed in the context of an overall permanent migration program increasingly geared towards attracting skilled migrants. Indeed, some of the schemes referred to in this paper for temporary entry (e.g., employer sponsorship, Regional Headquarters Agreements and Labour Agreements, Independent Executive) can also be used as the basis for permanent migration. However, as the focus of this paper is on temporary movement, it is only the temporary aspects of these schemes which is examined.

4.Australia has a highly developed visa system which differentiates amongst a wide number of categories (based both on length of stay and type of entrant) and provides detailed information on the number, country of origin and skill levels of persons entering the country on a temporary basis. However, even in this "state of the art" system, it can be difficult to identify the information necessary for assessment of mode 4. A fundamental problem lies in identifying which type of entrants might be deemed to fall under GATS mode 4 entry and which visa schemes and categories might be relevant. Difficulties include:

(i)The Australian system clearly separates business visitors from other visitors (mostly tourists), and provides clear information on length of stay (less than 3 months) and country of origin of the visitor. However, "business visitors" encompasses persons working in non-services sectors and thus is broader than GATS mode 4. Additionally, information may not be readily available on the precise sector in which the business visitor is working, or such information may not match the categories used for GATS commitments.

(ii)Similar problems arise for temporary residents. Business (long stay) entry includes persons working in sectors beyond services and the precise sector may not either not be available or not correspond to GATS categories. While the use of the Australian Standard Classification of Occupation clearly identifies skill levels and professions and in some cases indicates the sector (e.g., Director of Nursing, Agricultural Scientist), other categories are more general and could apply to a range of service and non-service sectors (e.g., finance manager, company secretary, human resource manager). While some sectors are clearly identified for particular visas (e.g., medical practitioners and educational), in general it may not always be possible to separate those in service sectors falling under GATS from those in non-service sectors. Similarly, "Independent Executives" includes those investing in sectors other than services.

(iii) While some categories of temporary residents with working rights seem to be closely related to mode 4 (e.g., entertainment, media and film staff), it is also not always clear whether others would be considered trade or commercial activities for GATS purposes. For example, in some cases, the extent to which the activity is commercial is unclear (sports visas include both amateurs and professionals), in others it is hard to judge whether the work would qualify as the supply of a service for GATS purposes (e.g., occupational trainees, exchanges).

(iv) Overseas students and Working Holiday Makers (WHM), which could be seen examples of "mixed modes". Overseas students in Australia are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during term and for unlimited hours during term breaks (potentially mode 4); however, their primary reason for movement is consumption of education services (mode 2). For the purposes of this paper, they have not been treated as mode 4. Similarly, the primary purpose of movement of WHM is consumption of tourism services (mode 2); however, they enjoy working rights while in Australia (full-, part-time or casual work of up to 3 months with any single employer). It has been argued that, while their economic impact is limited at the national level, the substantial increase in WHM (more than doubling in the 1990s) has had a significant impact in specific industries and specific areas. [Hugo, 2001].

(v) Finally, it may not be possible to assess how many persons who were granted visas entitling them to work actually worked - e.g., for what percentage of time did a WHM work as opposed to travel? For most categories, Australia collects information on actual arrivals as well as visas granted (which can provide for more precise data for trade purposes). However, while long stay (temporary residence) entrants are individually enumerated, short stay visitors are subject to sampling [DIMIA 2001b].

5.The exercise of comparing visa categories to GATS commitments is further complicated by the fact that the boundaries of the definition of mode 4 may not be entirely clear. While "business visitors" who receive no remuneration in the host country are clearly covered by mode 4, and foreign employees of foreign firms clearly fall under mode 4, there is perhaps a question over the status of foreign employees of domestic firms. The WTO [1998] concludes that foreigners working for host country companies would fall under mode 4 if they worked on a contractual basis, but not if they were employees of those firms. However Karsenty [2000] has argued that, as many WTO Members' schedules refer to short-term employment, and schedules form part of the GATS, there is a degree of legal uncertainty on this point. While the WTO Secretariat is not the legal interpreter of the GATS, there is perhaps some need for clarity on this point; including because it might be difficult to know with certainty in every case whether a foreigner working for a specified period for a domestic company would be considered to be working on a contract basis or as an employee. For the purposes of this paper, information on the systems for foreigners working for Australian companies (e.g., those entering as employer sponsored by Australian businesses or under Labour Agreements) has been included for the sake of completeness, but without prejudice to a determination on the question of scope of mode 4. A further factor is the extent to which mode 4 movement is connected to trade under other modes of supply, notably mode 3. Many business visitors facilitate or negotiate trade that occurs subsequently via other modes of supply (e.g., modes 1 or 3).

6.In addition to the problems of mapping visa categories to GATS mode 4, the totality of the temporary entry regime may not be reflected in GATS commitments. GATS commitments are binding and cannot be changed unilaterally without cost, so WTO Members have tended not to include their current migration regime in detail but to schedule a base-line or "floor" of practice. The actual system for temporary entry is generally broader, more detailed and more flexible. Actual trade under mode 4 - and numbers of temporary entrants - are much greater than mode 4 scheduled commitments would suggest.

7.Generally, the Australian system allows for a range of temporary entry, with an emphasis on investors, entrepreneurs and the highly skilled. The scheme is detailed, but retains the flexibility to allow areas of skills shortage to be targeted and areas of over-supply to be removed from the gazetted list of occupations. The emphasis is on meeting shortfalls in the Australian labour market while minimising any negative impact on the domestic workforce. Both a minimum skills level and minimum salary requirement apply, and employers are obliged to comply with Australian industrial relations law and working conditions. Key features of the Australian system include:

A special scheme for temporary (up to 3 months per visit) entry for business visitors - covering conferences, meetings, negotiations, exploratory business visits or short-term projects requiring special skills. This does not include being employed by a company in Australia and holders must not engage in work that might otherwise be carried out by an Australian. Special facilitation schemes (electronic travel authority and the APEC Business Travel Card) exist for nationals of certain countries.

A special "Service Sellers" category introduced specifically for the GATS, covering representatives of overseas suppliers of services seeking to negotiate, or enter into, agreements for the supply services in Australia (but not actually supplying or directly selling those services), providing for stays up to 6 months.

Regional Headquarters Agreements enabling companies establishing such headquarters to transfer key expatriate executive and specialist personnel.

An "Independent Executive" scheme covering people investing in Australia as owner or part owner of a new or existing business.

Business sponsorship for most categories of economic entrants planning to stay over 3 months, with approved sponsors often having to nominate specific positions to be filled by foreign workers. Labour market testing does not apply but entry is limited to certain types of positions listed in a government Gazette.

The need to demonstrate the benefits for Australia, including in terms of job creation and increased trade, from temporary entry of foreign workers.

The emphasis on minimising any negative impacts for Australians[1] - e.g., companies having to demonstrate a record of employing and training nationals in the context of applying to sponsor the entry of an overseas worker; and specific reference in certain categories (e.g., entertainment) to the need to protect the employment of Australians, or positions being subject to there being no qualified Australian applicants (e.g., educational visas) or other labour market needs (e.g., medical practitioner visas, including the emphasis on services for rural and remote areas).

Highly skilled occupations and some lower skilled occupations may be the subject of special Labour Agreements (reached between the government, employers or industry representatives) where there is a demonstrated need for such.

Most entry schemes generally allow for accompanying family members under the same visa conditions as the principal applicant.

8.Business consultation is a key feature of the Australian system. Initiatives include: a special Business Branch and Temporary Entry Branch within the Department of Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA); Business Centres in State and Territory offices providing advice; and External Reference Groups formed to consider special areas and comprising experts in the field with an interest in the type of visas being examined.

9.The Australian scheme is also highly advanced in its use of technology to disseminate information and facilitate processing, with many application forms available on-line. Australia has a universal visa requirement (for all countries except for New Zealand); however, electronic visas are available for a number of nationalities.

10.All visitors to Australia, under all visa schemes, must meet criteria related to health, character, national security, unpaid debts to the Commonwealth, likelihood of overstaying and periods of exclusion from Australia for previous breaches of immigration law. Applicants refused a visa are informed of the reasons for refusal and, if applicable, where they can apply for review of the decision. Reviews are available where: the applicant applies for the visa within Australia; the applicant applies outside Australia but one criteria was that an Australian employer sponsored the applicant - in which case, the sponsor may apply for a review; or the applications of Australian businesses for sponsorship or nomination are refused.

11.Like many countries, Australia is experiencing particular shortages in information technology (IT). Estimates are of a growth in demand of around 9% per year - an annual need of around 30 000 workers - which is not being met by current graduate levels. Temporary entry is playing a key role in addressing this demand - the number of computing professionals entering Australia under the temporary residence business visa in 1999-2000 was significantly higher than those coming permanently [Hugo 2001].

12.However, like other countries, Australia has also been concerned about brain drain, particularly but not only to the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US), as the numbers of Australians leaving for the these countries have been increasing and concentrated in the highly skilled occupations. However, the main finding of a recent report[2] is that, over the past five years, Australia has registered a "brain gain". While there was a net loss of skilled Australian residents in some occupations, this was offset for almost every occupation by gains from settler movement and a net inflow of long-term temporary entrants. Similarly, in the IT sector, there is some evidence that many Australians with IT skills who go overseas to work subsequently return [Hugo 2001]. Nonetheless, Australia continues to monitor this situation closely.


13.Temporary entry is broken down into temporary residents, students and visitors (includes business visitors). For mode 4 purposes, the first and last categories are of interest. Within "visitors", it is clear that only short term business visitors are relevant for mode 4 purposes; tourists are not.

14.Temporary residence has three streams - economic, social/cultural and international relations. It encompasses a wide range of entrants, the most substantial of which are students, skilled employees, people establishing businesses and working holiday makers, with smaller numbers in categories such as sportspeople, media and film staff, entertainers, religious workers, retirees and occupational trainees. As noted above, given the different purposes for which immigration and visa categories were developed, it is very difficult to determine which would fall under mode 4 of the GATS. Further, the definition of mode 4 itself is quite broad and arguably open to interpretation on some issues. It is often impossible to tell on basis of available information whether the activities covered by a visa category are truly commercial in nature - i.e., whether international trade in services for GATS purposes has actually taken place. Even commercial activities which would seem to fall under mode 4 might in fact go beyond mode 4 in including non-service sectors (i.e., activities related to goods or investment).

15.Clearly, much more information would be required in order to make any kind of definitive judgement about the mode 4 coverage of the visa categories listed below. The following tables should thus be seen as indicativeand preliminary only, designed to try to establish some parameters for the current snapshot of temporary entry in Australia for the purposes of mode 4. It represents the authors' personal judgement and is of course without any implications for the legal nature of WTO Members' GATS commitments. Indeed, it should be recalled that WTO Members' obligations regarding mode 4 entry are governed solely by their schedules of specific commitments. The identification of visa categories of possible relevance to mode 4 for measurement purposes does not have any implications for the entry of persons under these categories, which remains the sovereign decision of the relevant authorities.