Explanation of Services
Behavioral Developmental Services, LLC is – a Pediatric treatment and learning center for children with autism and other related disorders including: Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Learning Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Developmental, Communication, or Language Delay or Disorder
Our mission –Is to assist individuals of all developmental levels to learn the skills necessary for a productive life.
Services include:
1. Consultation: The behavioral specialist observes client’s behaviors, discusses concerns of parents and caregivers; reviewsinformation or documents and makes verbal recommendations.
2. Evaluation: Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS) evaluation that estimates the severity of autism disorder.
3. Evaluation: Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS)-assessment used as a curriculum guide, and skills tracking system for clients with language delays and learning gaps.Itassists in developing IEP objectives and goals.
4. Evaluation:VB MAPP assessment based on Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior, typical language development milestones, and field test data from typically developing children, as well as children with autism.Assist in developing IEP objectives and goalsminimum 1 month contract.
5. ABA: One-on-one sessions of Behavior Training utilizing principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), from6 to 35 hours per week. Sessions can be conducted after school forclients who are struggling with behavior issues in the school or home settingminimum 1 month contract.
6. VB: One-on-one sessions of Verbal Behavior (VB) from 6 hours to 30 hours per week, minimum- 6 hours of Mand training per week.
7. VB: Higher Language Skills Training (Verbal Behavior) one-on-one sessions, manding for information, talking for information, answering intraverbals.
8. Therapy - one on one independent sessions of individualized academic instruction.
9. Visitor Observations: Prerequisite: completion of ABA and VB workshop.
10. Informational workshops can be conducted at schools, daycares, churches, etc. concerning challenging behavior, autism spectrum disorder, applied behavior analysis, verbal behavior, home programming and many other topics. See workshop information.
11. IEP advocacy- the administrator travels to school of the IEP meeting and make truthful recommendations regarding the needs and services of the child. Prerequisite: direct observation and one-on-one sessions with the client. (There will be an additional mileage fee charge of .50 per mile.)
12. Offsite school/classroom observations: Behavioral specialist staff observes learners in their public or private school setting, or daycare. Administrator will conduct observation of learner and provide written recommendations to the classroom teacher and school. (Hands on training for teachers, staff and day care attendants are also available.)
*Behavioral Developmental Services, LLCreserves the right to release any client at any time, due to lack of progress and/or extreme behavior situations that may endanger the health or safety of staff and/or other clients.