1 / Name of the Lecturer: / Dr. K . SREELEKHA /
2 / Date of Birth: / 17-06-1982
3 / Area of Specialisation: / Electronics – Embedded Systems
4 / Teaching Experience (GDC’s): / 04 years and 09months
5 / Date of joining in this Institution / 23-06-2016
6 / Highest Qualifications:
(M.Phil/Ph.D) / Ph.D
7 / Whether pursuing Ph.D work now. / -
8 / Papers handling (2016-17): / Physics - Paper-I and Paper-VI
9 / Training Programs attended / 03 day training programme on IT Applicances for the Abadement of Climate Change from 06-03-2013 to 08-03-2013 at MCHRDC, Hyderabad.
10 / Orientation Course(OC) / 28days OC in HCU, Hyderabad, during Jan 17th2013to Feb 13th 2013
11 / Refresher Course(RC) / 21days RC in UGCHRDC, A.U, Visakhapatnam on Basic Sciences held from 12-12-2016 to 01-01-2017
12 / Group for which you are acting as Class Counsellor(Last 5 years) / M.P.Cs (2016-2017)
13 / Results achieved during the last three years / 2013-14 – 67%, 2014-15 – 70%, 2015-16 – 71% 2016-17-88%
14 / Student Study Projects:
(Details: Year,Name of the Project, Student names)
(Take a separate paper if necessary) / 2016-17–1. Study of Physics in Induction Stoves by K. Dhanunjaya, B.A. Santhesh
2. Advances in Solar cells by R. HariKumar, M. Roopa
III B.Sc., M.P.C Students in Sv.G.M. Degree C ollege, Kalyanadurgam
15 / Seminars/workshops attended during the last 5 years
(Take a separate paper) / 1 .NAAC Sponsored state level seminar on “quality Consciousness: A paradigm shift in Higher Learning Government Institutions, Andhra Pradesh”,22nd -23rd March,2013,Dr.V.S.Krishna Govt. College (A), Vishakapatnam.
2. Six- Day Training Programme for Newly Recruited Lecturers of Zone – I , Sponsored by the Commissioner of Collegiate Education , A.P. Hyderabad at Dr. V .S. Krishna Govt.Degree College (A), Visakhapatnam from 23-02-2013 to 28-02-2013.
3. State Level Seminar on “Quality Enhancement in Govt. Degree Colleges-Role of Teachers”Organised by GCGTA, A.P., held at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Assembly Hall, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 10th October , 2015.
4. Three-Day International Conference on Human Trafficking in Asian Countries:Dynamics and Dimensions organized by the Department of Political Science, Govt College(UG & PG-Autonomous), Ananthapuramu,n in association with R.D.T from 10-12 August, 2016.
5. One Day National Worshop On Smart Materials-Applications & Characterizations 27th April, 2016 CCG, Department of Physics, School of Advanced Sciences VIT University, Vellore.
6. National Seminar on “Advances in Polymeric Materials-2016” conducted during 5th-6thFebruary 2016.
7. National Seminar on “HUMAN RIGHTS IN CONTEMPORARY INDIA: ISSUES AND CHAIIENGES” held on 30th January 2016 at Svgm Govt .Degree College , Kalyanadurgam. She has also presented a paper entitled NGOs and The Human Rights Movement.
8. One Day UGC National Seminar on “Advances in Electronics” held at Department of Physics, S.K.U.Ananthapuramu on 27th February, 2017.
9. A Two-Day National Seminar on Women Stalwarts Of India Role In Nation Development 9th & 10th February , 2017
10. A two day National Conference on “ Environment and climate Change – Issues and Challenges” from 10 th to 11 th March 2017 and presented a paper on “ ICT use in Monitoring Climate change”.
16 / Research Publications
(Take a separate paper, if necessary) / National : 06, International : 02
17 / Research Projects
Completed/ongoing / -
18 / Books published if any
(with ISBN number) / Nil
19 / Extension lectures
(At other colleges) /
  1. Solid State Physics- For III B.Sc M.P.C students at S.V.G.M.Govt. Degree College, Kalyandurgam. On 02-11-2016.
  2. Crystal systems & Super conductors - For III B.Sc M.P.C students at S.V.G.M.Govt. Degree College, Kalyandurgam. On 24-10-2017.

20 / Power Point presentations/videos
Prepared (Details) /
  1. Crystal Systems, 2. Solid State Physics, 3. Nano Particles,
4. Super Conductors, 5. LEDs
21 / Extension activities (last 5 years) /
  1. Acted as a Chief Guest for the” Solar cells” program conducted by RUDSET, Anantapur on 08-08 -2016

22 / Personal academic achievements: / 1.Working as an in charge to the department of Electronics
2. WEC member
3. Library Committee Member


National : 06, International : 02

S.No. / Title / National /
International / Journal Name / ISSN No. / Volume No. & Page No.
1. / Design and Development of an Embedded Systemfor Measurement of Temperature and Remote Communication Using Fiber Optic Cable / Inter National / Sensors & Transducers / 1726-5479 / Vol.99, Issue12, dec 2008, pp7-17
2. / Design and Development of an Embedded System for Measurement of RPM and Remote Communication Using Fiber Optic Link / National / International Journal of Engineering Studies / 0975- 6469. / Vol-1, No-2 (2009), pp. 83–91.
3. / Design And Development Of A Microcontroller Based System For Measurment Of RPM / National / International Journal Of Electronics AndCommunication Engineering / 2278-9901 / Vol.1, Issue 2 Nov 2012, pp 9-14.
4. / Design and Development of an Instrument to Determine theFluoride Ion Concentration in Certain Tooth Pastes / Inter National / Sensors & Transducers / 1726-5479 / Vol.147, Issue 12, December 2012, pp. 95-107.
5. / Design and development of FPGA based Temperature and control systems / National / International journal of Electronics & communication Engineering and Technology / 0976-6472 / Vol.4,Issue 4,Aug 2013,pp 86-95, impact factor-5.8896.
6. / Design and Developement of CPLD based Temperature measurement and control systems / National / International Journal of Electronics and communication Engineering / 2278-9901 / Vol.2,Issue4,
Sep 2013,pp 41-48.
7. / Implementation of Low Power Pipelined 64-bit RISC Processor with Unbiased FPU on CPLD / National / Indian Journal of Science and Technology / (Print) : 0974-6846
(Online) : 0974-5645 / Vol 9(33), DOI:10.17485/ijst/2016, September 2016.
8. / Design and development of FPGA based Image and Aquisition system / National / Indian Journal of Science and Technology / (Print) : 0974-6846
(Online) : 0974-5645 / Vol. 10 March 2017