India Modern History Review Sheet

India Under British Rule pp. 193-198


British East India Co. / British run company working out of India
Monopoly / Company/person complete controls a product/market
Sepoy / Indian troops serving in British army
Zaminder System / British assigned ownership of the land to the Indians and then charged them taxes; they had to borrow money to pay and were in a constant state of debt

Sepoy Rebellion

Cause(s) of the Rebellion / Effect(s) of the Rebellion
Rifle cartridge greased with pork/beef fat
General disrespect of Indian culture / British took over India as a colony
Mughal rulers exiled

·  What changes in S. Asia helped the British conquer India? Mughal empire in decline

Village Life

Before British Rule / During British Rule
Village owned property
No property tax
Barter systems / Individuals owned property
Property tax
Need to buy products from outside village
Used cash money
Other Changes Britain Made in India
Better hospitals /health care
Tied India to economy of Britain
Schools & British education
Indian National Congress / Muslim League
Identify / Hindu group that wanted independence; later political party in India / Muslim group that wanted Independence
Goals / Independence / Independence & separate Pakistan

Road to Freedom pp. 201-204


/ Civil disobedience (peace protest)
/ non-violence
Civil disobedience / Refusal to obey unjust laws
Salt March / Gandhi marched to the sea and made salt to protest the law against making salt
Amritsar Massacre / Peaceful protesters were attacked by British soldiers
Muhammad Ali Jinnah / Muslim League; first leader of Pakistan
Jawaharlal Nehru / Indian National Congress; first leader of India
“Mahatma” / “Great Soul”

·  What name does Gandhi give to the “Untouchables?” Children of god

·  What was Gandhi’s early life like? What was his family like? What did he do for a living? middle class family; studied law in Britain; started fighting for Indian rights in S. Africa first

·  What object was used to symbolize Gandhi’s efforts? spinning wheel

·  How does Gandhi die? Who was responsible? assassinated by a Hindu extremist

Mohandas Gandhi

Goals / Methods / Reasons Methods Worked
Peace between Hindus and Muslims
Eliminate Untouchable caste / satyagraha
fasting / no way to win with force
Many Indians v. few British
Used moral values of British
British looked like fools
Guilt of the British
People willing to suffer

·  India gained independence in 1947. Why were the British willing to leave India?

Weak from WWII, British people didn’t support keeping India, Indian nationalism high

Political Challenges pp. 205-209


/ Religion that is a blend of Hinduism and Islam
Indira Gandhi
/ Prime minister that was assassinated
Rajiv Gandhi
/ Opened India to foreign investments, increased private ownership
Parliamentary democracy
/ people vote for political parties to represent them in Parliament (like Congress)
/ When there is not clear majority in Parliament, some parties join together to form a majority

·  What type of government does India have? Federal republic/parliamentary democracy

·  How has religion created divisions and bonds in the Indian government? The religions have argued for centuries and continue to do so

·  What are some of the goals of Nehru? Self sufficient, modernization, government guidance of development

Economic Development pp. 209-213


Green Revolution
/ Movement to improve farming techniques
Tenant farmer
/ Farmer rents land from large land owner and pays % of crop as rent
Land reform
/ When land is redistributed more equally among the people

·  What is the chief goal of Nehru’s economic planning? Self-sufficient

·  How do natural resources help India industrialize? coal

Three programs to help farmers

1) irrigation – improved irrigation and damning techniques

2) Green Revolution – improved farming technology

3) land reform – redistributing land to the people so land is more evenly distributed and production increases

How economic development effects the environment

-Poor soil conditions -people forced to move due to conditions

-Contaminated water -erosion and flooding due to poor drainage

-Toxic waste

Changing Patterns of Life pp. 214-217


Cottage industry
/ Small business conducted out of the home
Infant mortality
/ Number of babies that die

·  How has the government emphasized education and how has this emphasis caused problems? Not everyone is receiving the same education

·  Where do most people live in India: cities, villages or towns? villages

Effect of modernization on Indian families
/ Infant mortality dropped & nuclear family became more common

Regional and Global Issues pp. 223-227

Why are India and Pakistan fighting over Kashmir?:

For the Indus river, and fertile soil

How did the Cold War affect India & Pakistan?

·  US & USSR gave India money – India maintained non-alignment (picked no side)

·  Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan – USSR invaded Afghanistan to “help”it become communist; Afghans Soviets out.