-Standard Classroom Debate Procedure-

Before the debate:

i. Resolution is on screen and ready to go in a manipulate-able form

ii. Placards are set and in alphabetical order

iii. Page is prepped and ready

iv. Note paper is available. Delegates are prepped on how to write notes.
***Throughout, as students have questions, force the third person and force them to rise to Points of Parliamentary Procedure when they don’t know something.

1) Gavel: This meeting of the ______will now come to order.

2) We will begin with roll call. Please respond with “Present and Voting”

-“The delegation of ______”

3) The committee will now entertain three Rights of Statement Speeches. Please bring your placards to the podium. (Remember, when speaking, begin with “honorable chairs and esteemed delegates.”). You have one minute.

4) We will now move to opening speeches.

Remember: You cannot mention the resolution.

Remember: You are listening for allies. You may write notes at any time, looking for allies.

Remember: Use the proper address.

5) “Will the delegation of ______please approach the podium to read the resolution?”
This is out of order. Normally, we would break for caucus, you would find allies and you would begin drafting resolutions with your allies. In the interest of time (in this early debate), I have drafted a resolution for you that we will debate.

Here: Points of Clarification are in order. They must be put to the chair

The delegate of ______- (with placard raised)

To what point do you rise?



“Would the chair please ask the delegate of ______to explain…?

6) The Committee will now break for 20 minutes of Caucus time.

During this time, you are talking to other delegations, trying to find common ground.

-You are writing two-minute “For” Speeches or “Against” Speeches

-You may also be drafting an amendment to part of the resolution. Understand that you cannot change the entire thrust of the resolution. If Grade 12 signs the amendment, it is considered “friendly” and incorporated into the body of the resolution. If it is not accepted by Grade 12, it is considered “non-friendly.” It then needs two other signatures (in our debate of eight delegations) to pass to the chair for debate. If it comes to the chair, during debated time, debate on the resolution will be suspended and there will be one two-minute for speech and one two-minute against speech, after which there will be a simple majority vote. Then we move back to debate on the resolution.

Only two amendments per resolution will be allowed.

7) Debate on the resolution.
”Are there any for speeches? Against speeches?” There must be at least two on each side to be able to vote on the resolution. These are two-minute speeches. After the speech, the chair asks the delegate if he or she is open to any points of information. “Often, any and all” is the response.

Possible Points of Order/Motions

Point of Information. This is stated in a yes/no format to a delegate after a speech. The two delegates may not engage in dialogue. The asking delegate may ask for a follow up. Leading questions must have substance and more the debate forward.

Point of Personal Privilege

Point of Parliamentary Procedure

Motion to Move Directly to Voting Procedure
Motion to have ______minutes of caucus time

Motion to Table the Resolution for Incompetence

Motion to Receive Voting Rights

8) Once debate is exhausted, the chair will move the committee to voting procedures. “Page, please secure the door.”

Those voting for the resolution

Those voting against the resolution

Those abstaining.