SUNY Cortland – Environmental Health & Safety

Respirator Use Policy Policy #3

Respirator Use


1)  Introduction

2)  Responsibilities

Environmental Health & Safety


Purchasing Department


Respirator Use

3)  General Use Instructions

4)  Appendix A: Mandatory Medical Questionnaire

5)  Appendix B: Confined Space Monitor Operating Instructions


This policy establishes the procedures necessary to promote the safe use of respirators by the employees and students of the State University of New York College at Cortland. Respirators may be used as a method to protect individuals from hazardous conditions or dangerous atmospheres that may be encountered during routine or emergency operations. It is the policy of the college to reduce the necessity for respirator use through engineering or administrative changes where such changes are feasible and technologically sound.


This policy has been written in compliance with the OSHA Respirator Standard, 29 CFR 1910.134, the OSHA Asbestos Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1001, and other applicable regulations.


This program is administered by the Environmental Health and Safety Office and any comments and questions should be addressed to that office. In general the suspected need for respiratory protective equipment will be communicated to Environmental Health and Safety by the Supervisor. The Environmental Health and Safety Officer will then determine the appropriateness of respiratory equipment use. The employee will obtain a physical clearance, select an appropriate respirator, be fit tested, and trained in the respirator's use. There are requirements for periodic retraining, fit testing, and physical exams.

Environmental Health and Safety will arrange for appropriate medical clearances for employees of the college at no cost to the employee. An employee may prefer to visit his/her personal physician, in which case he/she must request a copy of the OSHA Standard and this policy and provide it to his/her physician. The physician will examine the individual, and make his/her recommendations, in writing, directly to Environmental Health and Safety. (The Physician will comment on the individual’s fitness to use respiratory protection equipment and any restrictions in use, and designate a period of time for reevaluation. Environmental Health and Safety will maintain a confidential file of these recommendations.) Should the individual choose to use his/her personal physician, the individual will be required to pay all costs associated with the exam.

Use of respirators in situations not approved by Environmental Health and Safety is prohibited. The use of unapproved respiratory protection equipment is similarly prohibited.

Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action.

All Purchase orders involving respiratory protection equipment and replacement parts must be approved by Environmental Health and Safety.

Costs incurred on behalf of an employee in conjunction with this policy will be incurred by the individual's department. The individual employee will bear no costs in conjunction with this policy.

Each employee who uses respiratory protection shall complete a medical questionnaire (see appendix A) each year.


Environmental Health & Safety Officer:

The Environmental Health and Safety Officer will:

•Provide technical guidance in the use of respirators.

•Approve respirator equipment.

•Approve the use of respiratory protection equipment.

•Conduct random inspections of respirators.

•Provide necessary training to Supervisors and to Respirator Users.

•Provide necessary fit tests to Respirator Users.

•Maintain records associated with this policy.

•Periodically review and update this policy.


The Supervisor of the Respirator User will:

•Designate the tasks for which the need for respiratory protection may be expected, designate individuals who perform the tasks, and communicate these designations to Environmental Health & Safety.

•Ensure that the individual properly uses the respiratory protection equipment and that they maintain their respirators in the correct fashion.

•Communicate any problems associated with respirator use by the individuals under his/her supervision or any problems associated with this policy to Environmental Health & Safety.

Purchasing Department:

The Purchasing Department will:

•Require the approval of Environmental Health & Safety on all orders for respirators, respiratory protective equipment, replacement parts, or accessories.


The Physician will:

•Review the employee questionnaire and will either notify Environmental Health & Safety that the employee can or cannot wear a respirator or that a physical exam is required.

•Upon completion of the physical exam and any related tests, the physician will supply Environmental Health & Safety with a written opinion stating any limitations and whether or not the employee can wear a respirator.

Respirator User:

The Respirator User will:

•Use the respirator according to instructions.

•Perform positive and negative pressure tests prior to each use of the respirator, if applicable.

•Perform the primary maintenance and cleaning of the respirator.

•Notify the Supervisor of the need for respirator repair.

•Cooperate and comply with the periodic fit tests, physicals, and/or questionnaires, and training requirements.

•Notify Environmental Health & Safety of changes in his/her health status that may necessitate a physical prior to continuing use of the device.

•Communicate to the Environmental Health & Safety, through his/her Supervisor, problems or concerns associated with respirator use.

3. General Use Instructions

a.  Respirators shall be selected on the basis of hazards to which the worker is exposed. The selection will be made by the Environmental Health & Safety Officer and meet the National Institute of Occupational Health & Safety (NIOSH) approvals and in keeping with the guidance of generally recognized authorities (for example, American National Standard Practices for Respiratory Protection Z88.2).

b.  The user shall be instructed and trained in the proper use of respirators and their limitations by the Environmental Health & Safety Officer.

c.  The Supervisor and the Respirator User have the responsibility of notifying the Environmental Health & Safety Officer of any significant changes in work practices, frequency, or materials.

d.  No person will be assigned to tasks requiring use of respirators unless it has been determined that they are physically able to perform the work and use the equipment. The respirator user's medical status should be reviewed periodically.

e.  Respirators shall be regularly cleaned and disinfected.

f.  All respirators shall be inspected routinely before and after each use. Rubber or elastomer parts shall be inspected for pliability and signs of deterioration.

g.  Respirators used routinely shall be inspected during cleaning. Worn or deteriorated parts shall be replaced. Replacement or repairs shall be done only by experienced persons with parts designed for the respirator. No attempt shall be made to replace components or to make adjustment or repairs beyond the manufacturer's recommendations.

h.  After inspection, cleaning, and necessary repair, respirators shall be stored to protect against dust, sunlight, heat, extreme cold, excessive moisture, or damaging chemicals. Routinely used respirators, such as dust respirators, may be placed in plastic bags. Respirators should not be stored in such places as lockers or toolboxes unless they are in carrying cases or cartons. Respirators should be packed or stored so that the face piece and exhalation valve will rest in a normal position and function will not be impaired by the elastomer setting in an abnormal position.

i.  Respiratory protection is no better than the respirator in use, even though it is worn conscientiously. Random inspections shall be conducted by the Supervisor and/or the Environmental Health & Safety Officer to assure that respirators are properly selected, used, cleaned, and maintained.

j.  Respirators shall not be worn when conditions prevent a good face seal. Such conditions may be a growth of beard, sideburns, a skull cap that projects under the face piece, or temple pieces on glasses. Also, the absence of one or both dentures can seriously affect the fit of a face piece.

k.  To assure proper protection, the face piece fit shall be checked by the wearer each time he puts on the respirator. This may be done by following the manufacturer's face piece fitting instructions.

l.  A person who needs corrective glasses should contact the Environmental Health & Safety Officer for additional directions and accommodations.

Respirator Use Chart

To Protect Against / Respirator Type / Notes
Any disturbances, removals and cleanups, brake/clutch jobs / (a)  cartridge (HEPA)or
(b)  PAPR with HEPA filter / Mandatory (Advised for brake/clutch jobs
Spray Painting:
Leaded paints
Isocyanate paint3
Most Spray paint4 / Cartridge (HEPA) and organic vapor2
Supplied air line
Cartridge (organic vapor) and paint mist filter[2] / Mandatory
Painting (non spray): / Cartridge (organic vapor) / Optional
Boiler Cleaning: / (a)  cartridge (HEPA)
(b)  PAPR with HEPA filter / Mandatory
Normal metals, non painted
Exotic metals and/or painted surfaces5 / (a)  cartridge (HEPA);
(b)  disposable welder's mask
(a)  cartridge (HEPA);
(b)  disposable welder's mask / Optional
Sand Blasting:6 / (a)  cartridge (HEPA)
(b)  supplied air line / Mandatory
Pesticides: / Cartridge (organic vapor and pesticide prefilter)2 / Per Label
Dusts: (low toxicity such as wood, plaster) / UVEX disposable HEPA / Optional
TB Infection Control: / UVEX disposable HEPA / Mandatory

[1]Additional precautions must be taken to prevent contamination of the work area with asbestos fibers as per applicable federal and state regulations.

2Where two cartridges (or a cartridge and pre filter) are listed, both components are required: neither alone provide sufficient protection.

[3]Special precautions should be taken to avoid skin and eye contact when working with isocyanate containing paints.

[4]Please check with the manufacturer's recommendations to be sure that more stringent protection is not required.

[5]Paint may contain lead; grinding may liberate significant quantities of lead dust. Exotic metals such as cadmium and beryllium are exceedingly toxic.

[6]Blasting agents must be silica free.

Personnel must wear only those respirators for which they have passed fit tests. Respirators may be used for additional tasks providing the individuals involved have participated in the College's Respiratory Protection Program. Supervisors are encouraged to identify those tasks which expose individuals to significant concentrations of fumes, dust, mists, or vapors and to contact the Environmental Health & Safety Officer for evaluation of those tasks with respect to possible formal inclusion in the Respiratory Protection Program.

Appendix A: Mandatory Medical Questionnaire

Respirator Questionnaire

The intent of this form is to provide compliance with CFR part 1910.134 OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire

Part A. Section 1. (mandatory) complete if selected to use a respirator


1. Today’s date:

2.  Your name:

3.  Your age (to nearest year):

4.  Sex: Male/Female

5.  Your height: ______ft. ______in.

6.  Your weight ______lbs.

7.  Your job title:

8.  A phone number where you can be reached by a health care

professional who reads this questionnaire (include area code):

9.  Best time to phone you at this number:

10.  Has your employer told you how to contact the health care

professional who will review this questionnaire (circle one): Yes/ No

Check the type of respirator you will use (you can check more than one category):

a.  _____Disposable respirator (filter-mask, non-cartridge type)

b.  _____Other type (Example, half or full – facepiece type, powered air purifying, supplied- air, self- contained breathing apparatus).

11.  Have you worn a respirator (circle one): Yes/ No

If “yes,” what types:


Part A. Section 2. (Mandatory)

Answer if you have been selected to use a respirator. (Please circle Yes/ No).

1.  Do you currently smoke tobacco, or have you smoked tobacco in

the last month:

Yes/ No

2. Have you had any of the following conditions?

a.  Seizures: Yes/ No

b.  Diabetes: Yes/ No

c.  Allergic reactions that interfere with your breathing: Yes/ No

d.  Claustrophobia (fear of closed- in places): Yes/ No

e.  Trouble smelling odors: Yes/ No

3. Have you ever had any of the following pulmonary or lung


a.  Asbestosis: Yes/ No

b.  Asthma: Yes/ No

c.  Chronic bronchitis: Yes/ No

d.  Emphysema: Yes/ No

e.  Pneumonia: Yes/ No

f.  Tuberculosis: Yes/ No

g.  Silicosis: Yes/ No

h.  Pneumothorax (collapsed lung): Yes/ No

i.  Lung cancer: Yes/ No

j.  Broken ribs: Yes/ No

k.  Any chest injuries or surgeries: Yes/ No

l.  Any other lung problems that you’ve been told about: Yes/ No

4. Do you currently have any of the following symptoms of

pulmonary or lung illness?

a.  Shortness of breath: Yes/ No

b.  Shortness of breath when walking fast on level ground or walking up a slight hill or incline: Yes/No

c.  Shortness of breath when walking with other people at an ordinary pace on level ground: Yes/ No

d.  Have to stop for breath when walking at your own pace on level ground: Yes/ No

e.  Shortness of breath that interferes with your job: Yes/ No

f.  Shortness of breath when washing or dressing yourself: Yes/ No

g.  Coughing that produces phlegm (thick sputum): Yes/ No

h.  Coughing that wakes you early in the morning: Yes/ No

i.  Coughing that occurs mostly while you’re lying down: Yes/ No

j.  Coughing up blood in the last month: Yes/ No

k.  Wheezing: Yes/ No

l.  Wheezing that interferes with your job: Yes/ No

m.  Chest pain when you breath deeply: Yes/ No

n.  Any other symptoms that you think may be related to lung problems: Yes/ No

5. Have you ever had any of the following cardiovascular or heart


a.  Heart attack: Yes/ No

b.  Stroke: Yes/ No

c.  Angina: Yes/ No

d.  Heart failure: Yes/ No

e.  Swelling in your legs or feet (not caused by walking): Yes/ No

f.  Heart arrhythmia (heart beating irregularly): Yes/ No

g.  High blood pressure: Yes/ No

h.  Any other heart problems that you have been told about: Yes/ No

6.  Have you ever had any of the following cardiovascular or heart


a. Frequent pain or tightness in your chest: Yes/ No

b. Pain or tightness in your chest during physical activity: Yes/ No

c. Pain or tightness in your chest that interferes with your job:


d. In the past two years, have you noticed your heart skipping or

missing a beat: Yes/No

e. Heartburn or indigestion that is not related to eating: Yes/ No

f.  Any other symptoms that you think may be related to heart or