NCEA Postgraduate Research Degrees

Application for transfer to Doctoral Register

Comhairle náisiúnta na gCáilíochtaí Oideachais

National Council for Educational Awards


please type / print

1. / 1.1 /

Sponsoring designated institution:

1.2 / School / Department:
2. / Currently registered for:


/ MBS / MEng /


/ MTech

3.Title of proposed doctoral project:

(Detailed project proposal to be provided as indicated in section 7)
4. / Area of specialisation:
5. / Proposed duration of research programme:

number of months

5.1Date of admission to Master’s Register:
5.2 / Proposed date of completion of PhD:
5.3 / Full-time: / 5.4 / Part-time:

6.Personal details:

(Details of surname and other names of candidates previously registered with NCEA will be used on all postgraduate documentation.)

6.1 / Surname:
6.2 / Other names:
6.3 / Permanent home address:
6.4 / NCEA reference no.

7.Proposed programme of research

Please provide details of how it is proposed to develop and enhance the original programme of research in order to meet the standard and criteria required for a doctorate under the headings listed below.

7.1Overview of current status of programme of work

7.2Aims and objectives of the proposed doctoral programme

7.3Programme or schedule of work, indicating the time frame for completion

This information should be typed or printed on separate sheet(s)which should then be attached to this application.

NOTE: The candidate’s attention is drawn to the requirement that credit has not, and will not, be given by any other awarding body for any part of the programme of research proposed.

I, the undersigned, certify that the information I have provided in this application is correct and that I have read and am aware of my responsibilities under Section D, NCEA Examinations Marks and Standards.

Signature of applicant:

8.Supervisor’s statement of grounds for transfer


8.1 / Name:
8.2 / Qualifications:
8.3 / Current position:
8.4 / Number of other postgraduate research candidates currently being supervised, indicating
whether Master’s or PhD candidates.

8.5Declaration of support or otherwise for transfer including assessment of work to dateand the grounds for transfer.

This information should be typed or printed on separate sheet(s)which should then be attached to this application.

I, the undersigned, am satisfied with the proposed application for transfer. I have read the appropriate section of NCEA Examinations Marks and Standards.


the same details as above must be provided on a separate sheet by any additional supervisors, including off-campus and mentoring supervisors, where applicable.

9.The institution requests the National Council for Educational Awards to consider the application of , a student of this institution, as detailed above, for transfer to the postgraduate register for the award of PhD.


Signature of Registrar/Head of Academic Affairs/other appropriate officer.
