
Welcome Letter

Role Description: Elected Director

Duties and Obligations

Main Duties

Fiduciary Duties

Board Obligations

Commitment to Equality and Diversity

How to apply

Equalities Monitoring Form

Welcome Letter

Dear Applicant,

I write to thank you for your interest in the English Lacrosse Association (ELA) Board Elected Director roleat what is one of the most exciting times for lacrosse.

We have created this pack to give you some insight into who we are, what we do, andwhat you can help lead us in.

The sport of lacrosse is expanding globally. The Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL) membership has seen an increase by 25% since 2011 to 52 member countries. European lacrosse is now the most concentrated area of lacrosse participation in the world with 26 member countries. England is the leading nation in Europe, the third largest playing nation and will be the first lacrosse playing nation to host consecutive world championships in 2017 (women’s) and 2018 (men’s).

As a company (limited by guarantee) ELA has experienced a dramatic expansion of participation over the last 10 years, with registered membership increasing by 450% (5500 to 30000). This has been sustained by the growth of registered club sections, increasing by 38% since 2009 (265 to 365) and underpinned by an ethos of “Delivering More” across the organisation focusing on innovation, efficiency, improvement and responsiveness.

This expansion of participation has enabled ELA to develop a wider range of partners and stakeholders, allowing more activity and services for all associated with the sport in England. The growth achieved by English Lacrosse and its position as a world leading lacrosse governing body has provided a platform for us to take significant steps towards realising our vision of becoming a major team sport. The implementation of a new Business Plan 2016 – 2020 is the next step on that journey ensuring that expansion of participation continues, our profile is enhanced and more partners join us in achieving our goals.

ELA has a range of stakeholders including Sport England, Rathbones Financial Investments, Manchester City Council, Surrey Sports Park, University of Surrey, universities, colleges, schools, clubs,organisations, coaches and volunteers to create and develop accessible sportand physical opportunities for the communities we serve.

We are looking for strong and dynamic Elected Directors who will drive a change agenda through innovation. We are particularly seeking Elected Directors who are involved in the sport at any level.

I hope that you will feel inspired to want to join us.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Coups


Role Description: Elected Director

Applicants for the position of Elected Director of the English Lacrosse Board should meet the following personal specifications.

Essential Skills

  • Participant or involved with lacrosse at any level
  • Involved with clubs, schools or universities playing lacrosse
  • Although not essential, a financial background and knowledge is preferred

The Role

  • Have a strategic perspective and vision; to support the delivery of the EL Business Plan 2016-20.
  • To work as a member of a high performing team.
  • To uphold the values of English Lacrosse.
  • A commitment to lacrosse and the EL organisation.
  • An ability to focus on issues relevant to Board level debate.
  • To be a member of the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities concerning statutory compliance, the good governance of the organisation, the Mandatory Code of Governance, its financial stability and appropriate risk management.
  • To ensure appropriate communication take place with all major stakeholders.
  • To represent and champion English Lacrosse by being its advocate and ambassador for the sport at local, regional and national levels.
  • To be a guardian of the reputation of English Lacrosse and seek to ensure it is regarded as a supportive, respected and trusted body.
  • To provide guidance and support to the CEO (and other EL Executive Staff) in the performance of his/her management responsibilities.

Time Commitment

  • 6 days per year
  • 3-year term of post.

Duties and Obligations

Main Duties

  • To support the delivery of the vision, values, 10 Year strategy, 4 Year Business Plan, delivery programmes and company policies.
  • To help create and maintain a positive culture of collaboration and co-operation throughout the organisation.
  • To be a functional part of EL Board meetings, ensuring to review all information on the organisation’s performance,to enable sound decisions, effective monitoring and the provision of suitable advice to take place.
  • To be an active part in all issues; identifying and ensuring adequate steps are taken to address any potential conflict of interest; and contributing to all matters discussed and agreements reached.
  • Be part of the Board’s evaluation of its own performance and support implementation of any action required to improve the performance of the Board.

Fiduciary Duties

  • To act as a Director of the English Lacrosse Association Ltd (the Company) in the best interests of the Company with honesty and good faith towards its members, employees, partners, funding agencies, sponsors and of the communities within which the Company operates.
  • To use such personal and professional skills together with such contacts, experience and judgment as they may possess with integrity and objectivity to optimise both the short and long term performance of the Company and in particular the areas of her/his own portfolio of responsibility as agreed from time to time.
  • To supportthe Board to arrive at balanced and objective decisions in the performance of its agreed role and functions.

Board Obligations

The Elected Directorwill:

  • challenge and contribute to the development of strategy constructively;
  • scrutinise the performance of management in meeting agreed goals and objectives and monitor the reporting of performance;
  • satisfy him/herself that the integrity of financial information and that financial controls and systems of risk management are robust and defensible;
  • ensure that s/he is consulted upon and participates in succession planning;
  • ensure that s/he is consulted upon and receives adequate information in a timely fashion about the finances, proposed strategy plans and activities that would have a material effect on the Company;
  • ensure that s/he has access to such key managers and professional advisors of the Company as may be required to enable the Director to perform his/her duties;
  • ensure that s/he fully understands:
  • the legal obligations of a Director of Company;
  • the business of the Company and its services;
  • the sport and territories in which the Company operates;
  • the roles of staff in the Company;
  • the Company's organisation, structure and methods of working;
  • ensure that s/he understands the views of major funding partners, stakeholders and sponsors;
  • insist on a comprehensive, formal and tailored induction;
  • seek continually to develop and refresh knowledge and skills to ensure any contribution to the Board remains informed and relevant;
  • ensure that any concerns, which cannot be resolved, about the running of the Company or a proposed action are recorded in the Board minutes.

Commitment to Equality and Diversity

ELA is committed to being an equal opportunity employer, ensuring that all employees, volunteers (referred to collectively as ‘workers’), job applicants and prospective Board members, existing Board members, service users and other people with whom we serve are treated fairly and are not subjected to unfair or unlawful discrimination. ELA values the diversity of our workers, Board members and service users. We aim to make our services as accessible and responsive as possible to all existing and potential service users and to provide a service to them which recognises and respects their differences. We recognise that our ability to meet their needs is improved by having a diverse workforce and board which generally reflects our service users. We also wish to provide the best opportunities to all of our workers, based on their abilities and potential.

How to apply

The Board and any voting member may nominate individuals to be elected to this position. To apply for the role, your application must be supported by either a current Board member or any voting member of English Lacrosse. Any nomination, other than from the Board, must be seconded by another voting member.

To apply for this position please sendthe following documents:

  • a completed Nomination Form for the position of Elected Director to be signed by nominated Voting Member, the candidate and seconded by another voting member;
  • a cover letter detailing why you want to hold the Board position and what experience and value you can offer to the Board;
  • an up to date Curriculum Vitae/biography;
  • a completed Equal Opportunities monitoring form.

The above documents must be received by Lindsay Shaerf no later than noon on Friday 6 January 2017 either by email to or post to Lindsay Shaerf, English Lacrosse Association, National Squash Centre, Rowsley Street, Manchester M11 3FF. Any nomination forms received after this time and date will be ruled invalid.

Equalities Monitoring Form

English Lacrosse welcomes applications for all its activities from individuals regardless of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, social background, age or disability.

This form will be detached before your application is considered. Any information given will be held in strict confidence and will not affect your application. We ask for your co-operation in completing this sheet. This form will not be seen by the panel responsible for the selection.

Please tick the appropriate box

1. Age category

18-25 26-34 35-44 45-54 55+

2. Disability

Do you consider that you have a disability? / Yes No
If ‘Yes’, please state the nature of the disability. Would you need any adjustments to be made to carry out this role?
Do you need any special assistance in attending interview? If so, please give details:
(The Equalities Act 2010 defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.)

3. Ethnic Origin

Asian or Asian British




Any other Asian background

Black or Black British



Any other black background

Mixed Ethnic Background

White & Asian

White & Black African

White & Black Caribbean

Any other mixed ethnic background




Any other white background

Chinese or Any Other Ethnic Background


Any other ethnic background

4. Gender / Female
Prefer not to say / Male
5. Religion / Faith / Buddhist / Christian
Hindu / Jewish
Muslim / Sikh
None / Other religion / faith

Prefer not to say

6. Sexual orientation / Bisexual / Gay man
Gay woman / lesbian / Heterosexual / straight
Other / Prefer not to say

Please complete along with your nomination form, CV and cover letter and send by email to or post to Lindsay Shaerf, English Lacrosse Association, National Squash Centre, Rowsley Street, Manchester M11 3FF.

Thank you for your co-operation