FUNCTIONAL English/Language Arts


CarrollCountyHigh School

Teacher: Mrs. Hilton Year: 2012-2013

Dear Parent or Guardian and Student,

Welcome to our Language Arts class. Please read the information carefully, then sign at the bottom of the Third page, and return it with your child.

You can email me at:

School Supplies Needed are:




Ear phones for computer

Course Description and Objectives:

Language Arts: learning figurative and connotative language, central idea, determine author’s point of view and be able to analyze text and draw inferences from the text.

Behavior Expectations:

Behavior Expectations:

#1 Be prompt.

#2 Be prepared.

#3 Be productive. .

# 4 Be polite.

#5 Must follow all school rules, dress codes, etc.

Homework Make Up for EXCUSED Absences Only:

It is expected that all assignments will be completed and turned in on time. Late assignments will be decreased by one letter grade a day that they are late. You will be given ample notice for assigned work, so if you anticipate that you will be absent from class, plan ahead to get the assignment before you leave. Of course if a student is absent, homework will be due one day after the student returns. If the student is absent multiple days then they will have a like number of days to make up work. Make up work should be placed in the folder provided in class. If a student is not absent, but misses a homework assignment he/she will receive zero points for that assignment. All student are required to complete all assignments, even if absent.

Grading Policy:

Grading Scale:A93-100%

 B84-92%

 C74-83%

 D66-73%

 FBelow 66%


MODIFICATIONSgiven for Special Education Students that are listed on IEP






Extended time

Students will be held accountable for alternate assessments.

Functional Language Arts 7th period – Mrs. Hilton

I have read the course syllabus and will abide by the rules therein.

Student’s signature: ______Date:______Period:_____

Print your name:______

Student Information:

Do you have a computer at home? yes or no

Do you need to sit in the front of the room due to an eyesight or hearing problem?

Circle: yes or no

Birthday: month ______day:______Current age:______

Parent or Guardian:

I have read and discussed the course syllabus with my daughter/son.

Parent’s/Guardian signature: ______Date:______

Home Phone#:(____)______Work Phone#:(_____)______

Cell phone#:______Best time to call:______

E-mail address:______