Mission Sunday

Lutherans for Life is one of our six mission projects, which we support with a separate offering that goes above and beyond our normal offering. Please put your gift in one of the Mission Envelopes from the narthex, include your name and designation (Lutherans for Life or LFL), and place it in the offering. You may also write an additional check or perform a separate Pushpay transfer. Zion will collect gifts for Lutherans for Life until the end of the month.

Radio Broadcast & Flower Charts

The Altar Flower and Radio charts for 2018 are on the bulletin board across from the mailboxes. The cost to sponsor a radio broadcast is $161.25 per weekLots of openings, please take a look!

School News

  • Enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year is underway. The 2 morning pre-kindergarten classes are full. We have openings in the afternoon pre-kindergarten class and both pre-school classes.
  • We still have quite a few pies left. The price has been reduced to $10. Please speak with office staff if you want to purchase one.
  • Thank you to all who continue to save boxtops and receipts for our school. Reminder that we are no longer collecting Labels for Education (Campbell’s Soup) or HyVee receipts.

P.E.A.C.E 2018

One of the major fundraisers for the Zion Parent-Teacher League is our annual dinner and auction. Our 2018 P.E.A.C.E. (People Excited About Christian Education) Auction and Dinner will be held on March 17th. Help is always needed to carry out such a huge project. The more volunteers we have the easier the fundraiser will be to carry out. It would be helpful to have a large group of parents work together. Anyone interested in assisting with the auction please email .

Stewardship Note

Mark 1:14-15 – Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." To repent means to turn away from sins and our former way of thinking and turn toward belief in God and His Gospel of grace and mercy. The whole Christian life is one of repentance and faith – where is God calling you to repent today? How is He calling you to deeper faith?

Announcements – January 21, 2018

Thou shalt silence your cell phone during worship.

Our sanctuary has a HEARING LOOP. Please switch hearing aids to T-coil mode. We have 2 headsets and receivers for use by those without hearing aids. Ask an usher for assistance.

Forgot your offering? Don’t have your checkbook or cash? Today or any day you can visit our website at zionkearney.com and click on the “giving” tab. Or, text “zionkearney” (one word) to 77977. You’ll receive a text back with instructions to start giving.

For Your Safety and Security … all exterior doors are locked 15 minutes after the church service begins. If you are running late please go to the west door for access to the sanctuary.

Our Quarterly Voters’ Meeting … is today, January 21, at 10:30 a.m.

Zion Youth Group

There will be a brief meeting today in front of the sanctuary with the youth and their parents to discuss Higher Things in July.

The Youth Group will serve the Lenten meal on Wednesday, March 7th. They will serve soup, salad, and bars.

The Youth Group will serve Easter breakfast again this year.

On Friday, Feburay 9th the youth will attend a Tri-City Storm Hockey game. This is a free event. Please meet at the church at 6:45 pm. Youth are welcome to bring a friend. Please RSVP to Pastor Gaunt in person or by text by Friday, February 2nd. 308-455-0552

There will be a yough game night on March 4th. Keep watching for more details.

Mission Sunday

Lutherans for Life is one of our six mission projects, which we support with a separate offering that goes above and beyond our normal offering. Please put your gift in one of the Mission Envelopes from the narthex, include your name and designation (Lutherans for Life or LFL), and place it in the offering. You may also write an additional check or perform a separate Pushpay transfer. Zion will collect gifts for Lutherans for Life until the end of the month.

Radio Broadcast & Flower Charts

The Altar Flower and Radio charts for 2018 are on the bulletin board across from the mailboxes. The cost to sponsor a radio broadcast is $161.25 per week Lots of openings, please take a look!

School News

  • Enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year is underway. The 2 morning pre-kindergarten classes are full. We have openings in the afternoon pre-kindergarten class and both pre-school classes.
  • We still have quite a few pies left. The price has been reduced to $10. Please speak with office staff if you want to purchase one.
  • Thank you to all who continue to save boxtops and receipts for our school. Reminder that we are no longer collecting Labels for Education (Campbell’s Soup) or HyVee receipts.

P.E.A.C.E 2018

One of the major fundraisers for the Zion Parent-Teacher League is our annual dinner and auction. Our 2018 P.E.A.C.E. (People Excited About Christian Education) Auction and Dinner will be held on March 17th. Help is always needed to carry out such a huge project. The more volunteers we have the easier the fundraiser will be to carry out. It would be helpful to have a large group of parents work together. Anyone interested in assisting with the auction please email .

Stewardship Note

Mark 1:14-15 – Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." To repent means to turn away from sins and our former way of thinking and turn toward belief in God and His Gospel of grace and mercy. The whole Christian life is one of repentance and faith – where is God calling you to repent today? How is He calling you to deeper faith?

Announcements – January 21, 2018

Thou shalt silence your cell phone during worship.

Our sanctuary has a HEARING LOOP. Please switch hearing aids to T-coil mode. We have 2 headsets and receivers for use by those without hearing aids. Ask an usher for assistance.

Forgot your offering? Don’t have your checkbook or cash? Today or any day you can visit our website at zionkearney.com and click on the “giving” tab. Or, text “zionkearney” (one word) to 77977. You’ll receive a text back with instructions to start giving.

For Your Safety and Security … all exterior doors are locked 15 minutes after the church service begins. If you are running late please go to the west door for access to the sanctuary.

Our Quarterly Voters’ Meeting … is today, January 21, at 10:30 a.m.

Zion Youth Group

There will be a brief meeting today in front of the sanctuary with the youth and their parents to discuss Higher Things in July.

The Youth Group will serve the Lenten meal on Wednesday, March 7th. They will serve soup, salad, and bars.

The Youth Group will serve Easter breakfast again this year.

On Friday, Feburay 9th the youth will attend a Tri-City Storm Hockey game. This is a free event. Please meet at the church at 6:45 pm. Youth are welcome to bring a friend. Please RSVP to Pastor Gaunt in person or by text by Friday, February 2nd. 308-455-0552

There will be a yough game night on March 4th. Keep watching for