March 3, 2011

March 1 was parochial report deadline

Has your parish submitted its required annual Parochial Report yet? The deadline to do so was March 1.

The report itself can be submitted online, but two hard-copy pages still need to be returned to the diocesan office – the signature page and the supplemental page.

In addition, please be certain the other information sheets that were sent with the report are returned to the diocesan office. They include the list of lay delegates (orange sheet), directory updates (lavender) and clergy continuing education report (white).

The diocesan office also would appreciate a copy of each church’s most current parish directory.

Questions about the parochial report should be addressed to Comptroller Jay Currie at . Questions about the other materials should go to Michele Moss at . Both can be reached by phone at (800) 473-3563 or (785) 235-9255.

Ash Wednesday is next week. Is your website up-to-date?

Parishes should begin now to advertise their Ash Wednesday services to provide potential worshippers with service time information. Be sure to remove that information right the next day.

It’s not too early to begin to advertise your Lenten programs or suppers, too.

Did you know that 90 percent of people find a church to visit by going online?

Crossroads material heading to parishes soon

Crossroads, the diocesan initiative supporting the KansasSchool for Ministry and its vision of expanded ministry across the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, soon will be coming to parishes.

Informational materials, including brochures,videos, bulletin inserts and posters, will be provided to every church to help them communicate the Crossroads vision to their members. Parishes will be asked to send a mailing to each of their members, with items provided by the diocese, to enable people to make a financial contribution to support the effort.

Parishes have designated one of three Sundays – March 27, April 3 or April 10 – as their own Crossroads Sunday, when pledge cards will be returned. A grand total of funds pledged will be announced at Easter.

So far, just under $2.5 million of the $6 million total has been raised for the effort, which will endow KSM, build a LeadershipCenter to provide additional classrooms for KSM and expanded diocesan offices,and give 10 percent of money raised to outreach and mission projects.

For more information, contact Director of Development and Stewardship Char DeWitt at or (785) 250-0060.

Mega Camp applications now being accepted; staff deadline nears

Campers now can sign up for the first-ever Mega Camp – a single exciting week for all campers from the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas.

Mega Camp is set for June 5-11 at Camp Wood YMCA near Elmdale, southwest of Emporia and is available to young people in grades 3-12, whether or not they are Episcopalians. The cost is $390 per camper, and some scholarship assistance is available.

Registration materials are available online at

Packets of registration materials also have been sent to all parishes.

Do you have questions about Mega Camp? Check out this list of helpful answers: .

You also can contact Youth Missioner Chad Senuta at or (913) 362-1470.

Camp staff deadline is March 15: People who want to apply to serve as staff at Mega Camp need to submit their applications before the March 15 deadline. Forms can be downloaded at

Second diocesan book discussion planned

The Rev. George Wiley has announced the formation of a second diocesanwide book discussion, set for Saturday, March 19 from 10:30 a.m. until noon in the parish hall of Trinity, Lawrence.

Participants will discuss Christianity Rediscovered, the nonfiction account of the Rev. Vincent Donovan’s work as a missionary with the Maasi tribe in Africa in the 1960s.

An optional lunch at a nearby restaurant will follow the discussion.

For more information or to sign up to participate, contact Wiley at .

Youth events deadlines are approaching fast

E.Y.E. 2011; deadline is March 15: The Episcopal Youth Event will be held June 22-26 at BethelUniversity in St. Paul, Minn.The event is for youth in grades 9-12 from throughout the Episcopal Church. Registration formsare available at .This event only happens every three years, so be sure not to miss it.

New Beginnings; deadline is March 25: New Beginnings is a weekend retreat focusing on the two greatest commandments: loving God with all our heart, mind and strength, and loving ourneighbors as ourselves. The event is for youth in grades 6-8 and will be held April 1-3 at Good Shepherd, Wichita. The retreat is led by a team of youth and adults from around the diocese. Registrations forms are available at

Diocesan sustainability retreat set for March 18-19

“Water for the Soul”is the theme for the first diocesan Sustainability Retreat facilitated by Deacon Patty Minx.

The retreat is set for Friday, March 18 beginning at 5:30 p.m. and running through Saturday, March 19 at 4 p.m. It will take place at Rivendell in Dunnegan, Mo.

It will be a time to be in nature, to reflect on the renewal of our baptismal call to care for creation and to prepare for Easter.For more details contact Deacon Patty Minx at (913) 780-3283 or .

Plummer concludes service as convocation dean

The Rev. Dale Plummer will be stepping down from his position as dean of the Northwest Convocation this month after serving in that position for seven years. Plummer is the rector of the Church of the Covenant in Junction City.

Bishop Dean Wolfe said, “I am grateful to Father Plummer for his work in building a deeper sense of community among the clergy and laity of the Northwest Convocation.Dale has served faithfully and well for a long period of time in this position, and I am thankful for his deep commitment to Christ and to the Episcopal Church.”

Bishop Wolfe recommends ‘Vital Practices’ for all vestry members

If you’re on a vestry in the diocese and not receiving Vital Practices by e-mail, Bishop Wolfe says you should! He called it a “free and fine resource” and said, “EVERY vestry member in the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas should subscribe.”

It’s available online at

To get content updates sent to you by e-mail, register on the website at

Vestry members may want to make special note of one of the sections of the site, Vestry Papers. It’s available at and continues the award-winning content of what used to be a print publication.

Visual artists sought for juried art show at St. Michael’s

St. Michael and All Angels in Mission has issued a call for two-dimensional art works to compete in a juried art show it is sponsoring. The deadline for submissions is March 30.

The exhibition has the theme “Abundance,” and all submissions must reflect the theme in some manner.

Entries will be by digital submission, with selected pieces on display in the parish’s Spencer Hall May 6-31.

The top three winning entries will share $850 in awards.

Complete information about the show is in an exhibit prospectus posted on the parish website at

KSM spring classes explore varied topics

Want to expand your knowledge of church-related topics? If so, the KansasSchool for Ministry has some exciting classes this semester that may interest you.

Classes meet once a month at the BethanyPlaceConferenceCenter in Topeka, from 5:30 p.m. on Friday through 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. Additional homework is required during the weeks following each class.

The cost to attend for non-ordination track students is $75 per course. For more information on any of these classes or to enroll, contact KSM Coordinator the Rev. Andrew Grosso at or (913) 367-3171.

Upcoming classes include:

April 8-9

MINI 200: Homiletics. Introduction to the ministry of homiletics and preaching, including the theology of preaching, ways of exegeting biblical texts for preaching, identifying and developing one's preaching style, different homiletic genres, and the role of preaching in worship. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Don Davidson

MINI 500: Evangelism. Examination of the context and dynamics affecting contemporary efforts at evangelism and church growth, including the theology of evangelism, modern changes in the North American religious landscape, historical factors that complicate evangelism efforts in the Episcopal Church, and the development and implementation of strategies for evangelism. Facilitator: the Very Rev. Dr. Steven Mues

THEO 200: Doctrine of God. Exposition of the Christian doctrine of God, including historical development of Christian thinking about God, the relationship between natural theology and dogmatic theology relative to an understanding of God, and the significance of the doctrine of God for the faith and practice of the church. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso

May 13-14

BIBL 120: Prophets and Writings. Detailed examination of the historical setting, literary characteristics, and major themes of the prophetic and wisdom literature of the Hebrew Bible (Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jerermiah, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, etc.). Also includes attention to the tools and methods used in the historical-critical exegesis of biblical texts. Facilitator: Dr. Melissa Tubbs Loya

BIBL 220: Pauline Epistles. Detailed examination of the New Testament texts traditionally associated with the apostle Paul (including pseudepigraphical works), including analysis of their historical context, literary structure and theology. Also includes some attention to the tools and methods employed in historical-critical exegesis. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Richard McCandless

Consecration of new Bishop of West Missouri set for this Saturday

Bishop-elect Martin Field will be ordained and consecrated as the eighth bishop of the Diocese of West Missouri on Saturday, March 5 at 11 a.m. in the Imperial/Colonial Ballroom of the MuehlebachTowers at 12th and Wyandotte in downtown Kansas City. He will be seated as diocesan bishop immediately after his consecration.

Bishop Dean Wolfe will be one of the co-consecrators for Bishop-elect Field.

The new bishop succeeds Bishop Barry Howe, who has led the diocese (which includes the western half of the state of Missouri) since 1998.

What are your church’s technology needs?

The Standing Commission on Communications and Information Technology wants to hear from parishes aboutwhat resources and best practices they need in the area of communications and information technology.

If you’re involved with either of those areas in your congregation, please take a few minutes (and it’s really just a few) to complete the online survey.

Diocesan Director of Communications Melodie Woerman is a member of the commission.

Appreciative Inquiry workshop offered in Leavenworth March 28-30

Dr. Rob Voyle will offer a two-and-a-half day introduction to Appreciative Inquiry March 28-30 at the MarillacCenter in Leavenworth.

He’s offering a $50 discount on the $375 registration fee to members of the diocese who want to take the course, if registrations are received by March 7. Enter “Diocese of Kansas” in the discount source box on the registration form.

More information is available on the workshop registration form,

People notes

Fred Schille, a member of St. Paul’s, Coffeyville and son of former Council of Trustees member Rogene Schille, died Feb. 22. He was 53. Bishop Wolfe earlier had requested prayers for him from people in the diocese. A funeral celebrating his life is set for Saturday, March 5 at 11 a.m. at St. Paul’s,

The Rev. R. Jack Bunday, former rector of St. Andrew’s, Emporia, died Feb. 26 in Milwaukee. He was 91. Bunday, who had been a priest for 65 years, served the Emporia congregation from 1972 until 1984. After his retirement he assisted on the staff of All Saints Cathedral in Milwaukee. A goddaughter, nieces and nephews, and friends survive. A funeral celebrating his life took place March 3.

Charlie Neale, who as president of the Standing Committee helped lead the diocese during the period between bishops in 1988-1989, died Feb. 28 in Guatemala, where he was living with his daughter. He also was a deputy to two General Conventions and an alternate to a third, and he had served the diocese as a member of other committees. He was a longtime member of the Church of the Covenant in Junction City. A funeral is scheduled for Saturday, March 5 in Guatemala, and services in Junction City will be announced at a later date.

Glenn Vernon, step-father of the Rev. Shawn Streepy, rector of Grace, Chanute, died Feb. 28 in Topeka, He was 83. He had worked for 42 years at Adams Business Forms in Topeka, where he was an active member of several community groups. His funeral will be Friday, March 4 at 1 p.m. at FirstUnitedMethodistChurch in Topeka.

May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace, and rise in glory.

Daylight Saving Time starts March 13

It’s time to spring forward at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 13, as Daylight Saving Time begins. Set your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed the night before.

Anniversaries of ordinations

Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:

March 4: Deacon Joe Withrow, Grace, Hutchinson, Diocese of Western Kansas (22 years)

March 7: The Rev. Ray Hartjen, St. Thomas’, Holton (21 years)

March 10: The Rev. Larry Carver, ChristChurch, Kingman, Diocese of Western Kansas (38 years)

March 15: The Rev. Charles Kerschen, St. Mark’s, Lyons, Diocese of Western Kansas (3 years)

Next DioLog

The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, March 17. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at , no later than Tuesday, March 15.

DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas.

Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attributionthat material is reprinted fromDioLogis appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.

To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the subject line “subscribe DioLog.”