*Try to keep your CV to a maximum of 3 pages *

Personal Details:


Current Address:




Driving Licence:


Your personal profile is your sales pitch. Use it to sell your unique selling points and why you would make a worthy addition to their team.

Structure your approach and make every sentence a key selling point of your abilities to show the employer what you can do for them.


Name of School:

Date Started: Date Finished:

Qualifications Achieved:

List all school qualifications here.

Name of College, 6th Form, University:

Date Started: Date Finished:

Qualifications Achieved:

List all further education qualifications here.

Key Achievements & Additional Training Completed:

List any achievements gained both personally and through employment and additional training.

Read the job description and identify the skills involved in the position. Tailor the list of skills to suit the position and demonstrate your understanding of the role. Always be truthful. Employers can easily find out if you have over stretched your educational achievements or key skills.

Recruiters see hundreds of CV’s so list your key skills so they can be easily identified.

Employment History:

Company Name:Date Started: Date Finished:

Job Title:

You should give your reader a brief introduction to what the company does and explain a bit about the responsibilities your role covered.

Then list your key achievements and skills you gained in this role, provide enough information to attract potential employers.

Company Name:Date Started: Date Finished:

Job Title:

  • Add key accountabilities and duties performed here.

Company Name:Date Started: Date Finished:

Job Title:

  • Add key accountabilities and duties performed here.

Company Name:Date Started: Date Finished:

Job Title:

For older jobs you should keep the details slightly shorter, only offering information that will help you reach the next stage in your career.

Then list your key achievements and skills you gained in this role, if it is not relevant don’t be scared to leave it out.


List your interests here.

Remember, outside interests enable a potential employer to gain an understanding to what motivates you. Recruiters are busy people so list your personal interests to make them easily identifiable.

Other information that may support your application:

List any additional information here.


Please provide at least 2 referees, with full contact details, who are not family members.

Example:Joe Blogs, 98 Example Road, Example town, EX100 3JV

Telephone: 01234 56789

This template has been provided by Smith & Reed Recruitment, 30 Ferris Town, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3JJ