Name ______Period ______

Students will identify methods that help increase their self-awareness, values, goals, and decision–making strategies.
  1. Personality is

More than just an “attitude,” it is what causes you to act and react the way you do.

It is a code of behavior that watches over and guards you telling you how to conduct yourself based on your values and beliefs.

It marks our paths and points us in a particular direction making us feel uncomfortable when we deviate from its assigned route.

2. 3 forces that shape personality:

Heredity - Traits passed from your ancestors to you.

Environment - Your surroundings of people, places, activities, and things

Your response to the environment - Your reactions to the event and how it effects you.

A. Explain how self-concept is built and preserved and how it relates to the perception of an individuals
strengths and weaknesses.
Assignment: 1. Self-Concept Assessment 2. Self-Concept Life Cycle Boosters/ Busters 3. Positive Affirmations

1.Define self-concept:______

Self-Concept Assessment - How strong is my self-Concept?

4 – totally true3 – mostly true1 – hardly true0 – not true at all

______1. I enjoy waking up in the morning
______2. I’m usually in a good mood.
______3. Most people like me.
______4. When I look in the mirror, I like what I see.
______5. If I were a member of the opposite sex, I’d find myself attractive.
______6. I’m intelligent
______7. I enjoy school.
______8. There aren’t very many things about myself that I’m ashamed.
______9. I feel comfortable about the number of my friendships.
______10. I have plenty of energy.
______11. I’m basically an optimistic (positive) person.
______12. I can laugh at my mistakes.
______13. If I could live my life over, there isn’t much I’d change.
______14. I’m happy with my social life.
______15. I’m an interesting person. / ______16. I’m still growing and changing.
______17. Other people care about me.
______18. There’s nobody quite like me.
______19. There’s not much I’d change about my appearance.
______20. I’m a kind person.
______21. I don’t have many regrets about my life.
______22. The people I care about value my opinions.
______23. I’m not afraid to express my opinions.
______24. I will go to a good place when I die.
______25. I feel comfortable in a conversation.
______26. I can make of my life whatever I want.
______27. There aren’t very many people I’d trade places with.
______28. I’ve led an interesting life.
______29. Nothing is too good for me.
______30. I like where I live.
My total______
96 or above: You have an especially positive self-concept. However, if your score is above 110, you may be kidding yourself. It is uncommon for people to feel totally good about their personality and you may be overlooking some personal shortcomings. You may be putting people off by your overestimating inflated ego.
72-96: You are probably one of those people who really like themselves Although you know you are not perfect, you believe in yourself enough to make it through almost any personal problem and keep going. / 48-71: Mixed feelings about yourself. You are aware of some of your strengths, but you may be paying more attention to what you see as your weaknesses. Probably your biggest problem is that you don’t try as hard as you can to overcome your shortcomings. You can change if you want to!
47 or below: Maybe you are just going though a low period like we all do occasionally; but if you are always this down on yourself, your self-concept is probably no more accurate than that of an inflated ego. See how others perceive you. Maybe you are selling yourself short.
After seeing your self-concept results, what did you learn about yourself and how does it affect who you are?
2.Traits of a person with high or positive self-concept / Traits of a person with low or negative self-concept

3.Observe the 4 components of the self-concept cycle and describe the effects of each stage.

  1. As I See Myself

 

4. Other’s Reactions 2. My Actions

To Me

 

3. As Other’s See Me


1. How did you feel about yourself in Jr High?
  1. What were you actions like in Jr. High?
How were your actions based on how you felt about yourself?
  1. How do you think others saw you in Jr. High?

  1. How did they react to you?
  1. How did you want them to react to you?

  1. How did their reactions affect how you saw yourself?
  1. How did this affect your actions?

4.How does self-concept relate to the perception of your strengths and weaknesses?

5.What influences the development of a person’s self-concept? Explain each of these.

a. C______

b. I ______

Effects of labels and stereotypes on a person’s self-concept could be………….

–People often ______the characteristics of the label

–The effects of it can last a ______

–The growth of their self-concept is usually ______


6.Give 3 ways to build and preserve a person’s self-concept (Ways to love and appreciate yourself!)

Here are some ideas: Understanding and accepting yourself , Developing own abilities with realistic expectations, Emphasize your strengths and

complete tasks and projects, Think andspeak positively, Choose wisely the people you spend your time with.

2Actions / thoughts / ways that I will start doing or continue doing to improve my self-concept / BUSTERS
2Actions / thoughts / ways that I will stop doing or not do because they destroy my self-concept

B. Identify personal values and explain how values impact interpersonal relationships.
Assignments: 4. Forced Choice Values (state) 5. Value Scenarios 6. Value Letter (state)

1. Values are anything in life that is ______to us.

Ideas and qualities that we feel ______about.

2. Identify the purposes of Values:

-Values are the basis for ______

-They are the criteria and motivation to judge our ______

-Values help us to identify our wants and our ______.

3. Who influences one’s values most at the following ages?

a. Ages 1-7: (imprinting) ______have the greatest influence on the development of a child’s values.

b. Ages 8-13: (modeling) Teachers, heroes, ______

c. Ages 14-20: (socializing) ______influence values

Adolescence is a timewhen there is often a ______of parental values.

d. Ages 21+ 90% of values are set unless something ______happens.

4. Our values are revealed / discovered through our personal ______

5. When behaviors are inopposition with values, internal ______arises.

 Diagram the value cycle by adding in the arrows
Act against your values Act within your values
Feel Guilty, Be ashamed, Have legal problems, Have a clear conscience, be self-confident,
Lose trust, Lose self-esteem Have peace of mind, Gain trust, Build self-esteem
Results are: Unhappiness or lowering of Results are: Happiness and contentment
Values to justify actionsfor keeping values intact!

6. Disagreements over values can create ______among family members.

  1. People can maintain their own ______and still show ______for the values of others.
  1. Values should be ______with your actions.

Assignment # 5 - Your values help you decide what to do and how to act. Read each situation below. On the line provided, give two values that could be affecting each person’s actions.
  1. A student in Ms. Maelstrom’s second-period class offered to share answers to the math test with Craig, who is in Ms. Maelstrom’s fifth-period class. Craig said he wasn’t interested.
a.______b. ______
  1. Darin and his buddies joined a softball team sponsored by the park board. They practice three nights a week and have games on Saturday afternoons.
a.______b. ______
  1. James and Willis gave each other high fives when they made the honor roll.
a.______b. ______
You just found out that you are dying and you will be leaving behind young children. Bothered by the fact that you won’t be around to teach your children, you choose 4-5 of your top personal values and write a letter to them. Explain each of your values, why they are important to you, and how they affected your behavior and choices. Underline each value in the letter. This will not be read, only checked.
C. Classify short and long term goals and the steps needed to achieve them.
Assignments: 7. Kite Goal (state)
  1. Explain the purpose of setting goals______

Our goals and daily behavior should be based upon our ______.

Goals are the basis for our ______

1.What would you like to do, have, be, or accomplish? / 2. What do you wish you could see happen?
3. What would you like to do better? / 4. What do you wish you had more time to do?
5. What have you complained about recently? / 6. What takes you too long?
7. Who would you like to get to know or get along better with? / 8. What are you wasting?
9. What would you like to organize better? / 10. What do you want to do more effectively
  1. Define the 2 types of goals.

A. Short-term goals / B. Long-term goals

The difference between the two types of goals is the length of ______they take to complete.

Long term goals are ______to achieve if you have set short –term goals.

  1. A reachable goal is a SMART Goal: S______M______


  1. Identify the Goal Setting 7 step process (Use your “WHAT” visionsabove to complete this section)
  2. Identify your ______and ______them down
  3. Write down a personal goal from you r “WHAT” visions.
  1. Identify the ______you will get from reaching this goal.
  • Refer to the goal you wrote in number 1 and identify 2 possible benefits
  1. Identify the potential ______you may need to overcome.
  • Using the goal from number 1, identify 2 obstacles
  1. Identify your ______
  • What resources could you use to meet your goal from number 1?
  1. Develop a plan of ______(specific, measurable, and realistic = reachable)
  • What 3 step plan of action will you take to meet your goal from number?
  1. Set a completion ______
  • Set a realistic Short-term completion date for you goal.______
  1. Daily think and ______your goal
  1. If goals are so important, why don’t people set or complete their goals?

Assignment #7 (STATE ASSIGNMENT #2) Get Your Goals off the Ground Kite
Set, implement, and evaluate a short term goal necessary to completing a long-term goal.
Create 1 Short – Term goal for each category that is the most important to you. Refer to your beginning “What” questions for ideas to get you started thinking about your goal.
Choose 1 of the Short-Term goals above to work on: ______
Now you can get this goal off of the ground by creating a Goal Kite.
•Use the whole sheet of construction paper to make a kite representing your long-term goal.
–Label this Kite with your long term goal.
•Cut scratch paper into 7 pieces and write your goal setting steps.
–1 kite ribbon will represent your benefits, 1 for the obstacles, 1 for your available resources, and 1 for the completion date
–The last 3 will represent your 3 step short-term goal plan of action.
•Attach your 7 ribbons to your string and then Tape your string to the kite.
•Put your name on the back of it and Share your kite goal with someone before you turn it in.
  • D. Describe the decision making process and acceptance of personal responsibility for the consequence of the decision.
Assignments: 8. Decision Making Practice


Choose the one characteristic under each category that most nearly describes you as a decision maker.
  1. Action in making a decision. When you come to have the important facts about a situation, which one of the following statements seems to describe your action in making a decision.
  1. The answer just comes to you.
  2. With the facts as they are, there is no need for delaying the decision.
  3. You want time to think about it.
  4. You want to consult a few more people
  5. You seek the final answer from a person whose judgment you respect.
  6. You keep changing your mind about the right answer.
  1. Enjoy most. When a decision needs to be made, which of the following do you enjoy most?
  1. Acting upon your hunches.
  2. Recognizing the situation in which a decision needs to be made.
  3. Trusting your judgment.
  4. Discussing it with others to learn what they would do.
  5. Thinking about the results of each of the choices.
  6. Finding our all the facts.
  7. Do not enjoy any part of it.
  1. Rating. In general, as a decision maker, you believe you are:
  1. Very good
  2. Good
  3. Average
  4. Fair
  5. Poor
  1. How fast can you make little or small decisions?
  1. Extremely fast
  2. Fast
  3. Average
  4. Slow
  5. Extremely slow
  1. How fast can you make big decisions?
  1. Extremely fast
  2. Fast
  3. Average
  4. Slow
  5. Extremely slow
  1. After a big decision has been made, which statement best describes your feelings?
  1. Forget all about it.
  2. Only think about it when a similar decision is to be made.
  3. Usually forget it, but sometimes think back and wonder if it was the right decision.
  4. Greatly relieved to have the decision made.
  5. Always wonder if you have made the right decision.
  6. Regret your decision and wish you had decided differently.
0 to 8Snap decision—a choice is made instantly
9 to 13Quick—some hesitation, but very little
14 to 23Deliberate—some decisions are made fast, but most
are solved systematically
24 to 38Indecisive—having a hard time making choices
What did you learn about yourself?

1. Everyday routine decisions should be consistent with our ______and ______.

Important decision should be made by evaluation of all of the ______

  1. 5 steps to Decision Making

STEP #1: ______the Problem

Identify a problem you can work through:

STEP #2: ______the possible situations

Possibility#1 / Possibility#2
Possibility#3 / Possibility#4

STEP #3: ______and Evaluate the options.

Pros: / Cons:

STEP #4: Make a decision and ______.

The decision I have made is: ______.
To make this happen the following steps must be taken:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______

STEP #5: Look at the results of the decision and ______.

Accept personal responsibility for the ______of your decisions, behaviors, and actions.

Assign # 8 DECISION MAKING PRACTICE : You need extra spending money. You have found a job at the local Store
The job is Monday to Friday from 3:00-7:00p.m. You are really excited until you get to school and realize your soccer practice
is from 3:00-5:00 p.m. each weekday. What will you do? Follow the decision-making steps to solve this scheduling conf.
  1. Identify the problem
  1. Brainstorm possible solutions

  1. Explore and evaluate
  1. Make a decision and act upon it

5. Look at the results of the decision and evaluate