Full Legal Name:______

Mailing Address:______

Phone Number:______

Email Address______


Current Work or Profession: ______

Why do you wish to become a member of the Vero Essene Yahad? ______

What do you consider your primary skills or work experiences?


What level of formal or informal education have you completed along with any awards, honors or certificates? ______

What is your religious background - past church affiliations, etc? ______

Into what name were you baptized? ______

What do you consider to be your primary calling? ______

If you are currently attending a local congregation what affiliation or denomination is it? ______

What do you consider to be your strongest and your weakest abilities in ministry? ______

If you are currently in a leadership position in ministry what are your responsibilities? ______


Do you consider yourself more of a task-oriented or people-oriented person? ______

Do you feel called by the Spirit to the Yahad movement?______

If you were called, how were you called? ______

Would you be willing to participate in a boot camp or a feast for seven days? ______

In case of an emergency please list the names, phone numbers and email addresses for two separate contacts: ______

Would you share your home with a righteous stranger for three days if you were able to and would you feel comfortablein doing so? ______

If you are familiar with the conventional Essenesplease list two traits about them that you admire? ______

Is there anything else that you would like to share with us or feel that we should know about you? ______

Have you ever been convicted of a felony and if so for what offenses? ______

If you are also interested in becoming ordained or licensed in ministry please complete the following::

If you are married, is your spouse supportive of your decision? ______

Spousal name and contact information: ______

Do you have children? ______

What do you understand about the concept of shmikah or apostolic succession? ______

How many hours per month will you be able to devote to your ministry? ______

How many hours will you devote toward your studies in the EARTH institute per month? ______

Are you currently able to commit to a six-month candidacy process or longer if needed? ______

Are you willing to brand your works with the VEY logo to show unification and commitment? ______

How much money are you willing or able to contribute monthly for the administration of the VEY? ______

Please list two character references with names, phone numbers and email addresses: ______

Thank you for completing this survey form. You will be contacted by phone by a VEY Elder within a week or ASAP.