Review for Soc259 Final Exam:
1. Readings to be covered:
Gomme: Ch. 14, 15
Clinard and Meier: Ch. 12, 14
Thio et al.: Ch. 22, 23, 28, 38 – 41, 43, 45-49
2. Lecture Material: All lecture material, videos, and powerpoint from Feb. 15th on.
3. Review the following student presentions:
“Tribal Stigma” The Gay Lifestyle and Homophobia“Us and Them”: The Plight of First Nations Peoples
How Much of a Problem are Motorcycle Gangs?
The Growth of Youth Gangs
Professional Misconduct in the Medical Domain: Harm done by Doctors and Psychiatrists
Shoplifting and Carjacking: What’s the Thrill?
Animal Cruelty: A Precurser to Other Forms of Cruelty?
The Con Game: Has the “Hustle” Become Normalized?
Internet Crime and Deviance: Who is at Risk?
Self-Destructive Deviance and Suicide
Homelessness as a Deviant Lifestyle
4. Concepts from Gomme to know: Ethnic succession
Queer ladder of mobility
Corporate crime
White collar crime
5. Concepts and ideas from lectures: Anomie and First Nations Peoples
Self-government models for aboriginals
Types of organized crime in Canada
Youth gangs, esp. female gangs (video)
Types of white collar crime
White collar vs. blue collar crime
Corporate crime types
Governmental deviance
Types of underprivileged deviance
Active vs. passive animal cruelty
Computer assisted crime
Internet fraud
6. A few questions to help you study (Note that the answers to many of these questions will be found in both the readings and the presentations):
a. Define the four types of suicide outlined by Durkheim and provide examples of each.
b. What are some of the similarities and differences among different countries mentioned in the Clinard and Meier chapter regarding social patterns in suicide?
c. What is homophobia? What social categories of people are more likely and less likely to be homophobic, according to Clinard and Meier?
d. Outline the different stages of the coming out process and provide an example of someone going through this process.
e. What does Thomas Joiner mean by the concept “suicide buffer?” Discuss the link and commonalities of perceived burdensomeness and Durkheim’s concept
of altruistic suicide.
f. What is self-injury, according to Adler and Adler in Thio et al?
g. What is internalized homophobia and how does it affect lesbians?
h. According to Quayle and Taylor, what is the internet’s role in child pornography?
i. What are some of the problems related to online dating?
j. What are five techniques of social engineering discussed in Mitnik and Simon’s
article, “Techniques of Social Engineering?”
k. What are Sykes and Matza’s five techniques of neutralization? (see the article on veterinarians and the one on shoplifters in Thio et al.)
l. What are three types of rituals presented in Ulsperger and Knottnerus’ article
“Enron: Organizations Rituals as Deviance.” Comment on Enron’s deviant culture.
m. How does Cromwell distinguish between the opportunistic burglar and the professional burglar in Thio et al.?
n. What are the four reasons offered by Jacobs et al. that carjackers commit their crimes?
o. What are three ways domestic violence connects to animal abuse, according to Flynn? Why do children engage in animal abuse around their peers?