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"ed88\green110\blue49;}\pard\plain\ql\f0\fs20\cf0 {\fs48\cf1 Cloud Computing and Web Application Performance:\par }{\i\f1"

"\fs44\cf1 The Risks of Adopting The Cloud\par }{\f2\fs14\cf2 WHITEPAPER\par }{\i\f3\fs28\cf3\par }{\f2\fs1"


"HE CLOUD 2\par }{\fs36\cf1 Executive Summary\par }{\f4\fs18 Any business considering cloud computing to support its cust"

"omer-facing Web applications must\par look beyond the cloud\u8217 \'92s cost savings and scalability and evaluate how cl"

"oud adoption will impact\par the end-user experience. This whitepaper addresses the Web experience challenges companies\p"

"ar must address when adopting the cloud. It offers perspective and best practices to achieve worldclass\par Web performa"

"nce and assist in the evaluation of cloud providers and development of cloud\par performance SLAs.\par Web performance, "

"the response time or speed at which services are delivered to an end-user, is a critical\par metric for any organization"

" since today\u8217 \'92s end-users, whether business or consumer, expect ever-increasing\par speed and complex, media-ri"

"ch web applications.\par }{\i\f1\fs32\cf1 Few cloud providers currently offer performance metrics from the end-user pers"

"pective,\par even fewer offer service level agreements based on Web performance.\par }{\f4\fs18 So while your cloud serv"

"ice control panel might indicate full availability, this is no guarantee your customers are\par having a quality Web exp"

"erience. Tests conducted by Gomez to evaluate the performance of several major\par cloud services reveal certain perform"

"ance gaps which best-in-class businesses would find unacceptable:\par }{\f5\fs22\cf1 1. }{\f4\fs18 Cloud providers exhib"

"ited a wide variation in Website performance across geography, with\par some major cities delivering end-user response t"

"imes as much as 10 times slower than others.\par }{\f5\fs22\cf1 2. }{\f4\fs18 Elasticity, the ability of the cloud to sc"

"ale up quickly, may not ramp at speeds that keep up\par with audience requests.\par }{\f5\fs22\cf1 3. }{\f4\fs18 Numerou"

"s cloud services exhibited performance problems (e.g. slow and missing content\par and functionality) at the edge of the"

" Internet \u8212 \'97 where your customers live \u8212 \'97 which would\par have an impact a visitor behavior and conver"

"sions.\par To ensure your Website visitors are consistently getting a quality experience, it is vital to regularly\par t"

"est and monitor your cloud-based Web applications from your users\u8217 \'92 perspective: from the outsidein.\par This i"

"s due to the inherent lack of control over cloud services, the absence of SLAs to guarantee\par performance levels, and "

"the lack of detailed monitoring of the cloud\u8217 \'92s implicit or explicit benefits.\par Best-in-class companies take"

" this outside-in approach to performance monitoring. They focus on\par the end-user, and also obtain SLA guarantees from"

" cloud providers. The result: reaping the cloud\u8217 \'92s\par benefits while also providing a superior Web experience "

"for their customers.\par }{\f2\fs14\cf2 WHITEPAPER }{\f4\fs14\cf2 \u8212 \'97 CLOUD COMPUTING AND WEB APPLICATION PERFOR"

"MA N C E : THE RISKS OF ADOPTING THE CLOUD 3\par }{\i\f3\fs28 The Cloud and Today\u8217 \'92s Web Experience Challenges\p"

"ar }{\f4\fs18 Cloud computing has moved beyond the hype and into the mainstream, now gaining traction with\par enterpris"

"e customers after initial adoption by SMBs. It\u8217 \'92s hard to ignore the benefits: pay-per-use billing,\par scalabi"

"lity, flexibility, burstable capacity, agility, and hopefully fewer headaches for your IT team. Yet\par while the word i"

"tself \u8211 \'96 cloud \u8211 \'96 describes a model offering complex Web infrastructures as turnkey\par services, it a"

"lso implies a lack of control which can be unnerving for a CIO or IT administrator.\par Like any disruptive technology i"

"n its early stages, cloud computing is an evolving landscape. Providers\par are responding to customers\u8217 \'92 needs"

" with varying degrees of success, resulting in movements such\par as the Cloud Computing Bill of Rights, which attempts "

"to bring standards and principles to this fastmoving\par industry and answer initial concerns about security and portabi"

"lity.\par One of the most important concerns for many Web businesses is how cloud adoption will impact\par their custome"

"rs, the end-user. This raises two critical questions for technology executives:\par }{\f6\fs22\cf1 \u8226 \'95\'20}{\f4\f"

"s18 How will adopting the cloud impact my end-users\u8217 \'92 Web experience?\par }{\f6\fs22\cf1 \u8226 \'95\'20}{\f4\f"

"s18 Will the cloud help me gain control or lose control over the performance of our\par Web applications?\par We already"

" live in a world where many elements of your Web application delivery \u8212 \'97 third-party\par vendors, multiple data"

" centers, external ad networks or CDNs \u8212 \'97 are outside your firewall and not\par under your direct control. Now "

"IT managers are being asked to migrate entire Web infrastructures to\par the cloud, furthering the distance between thei"

"r team and its ability to monitor and directly respond\par to critical elements of the }{\i\f7\fs18 Web application deli"

"very chain.\par }{\f4\fs18 Relinquishing this control is risky given the Web experience challenges today\u8217 \'92s bus"

"inesses face. This\par includes the increasingly complex, media-rich Websites publishers must build to attract and hold\p"

"ar audiences. The new breed of Web browsers must also be considered as they can triple the number of\par parallel connec"

"tions to the host, risking possible server overloads (See Gomez White Paper: \u8220 \'93Beating\par the Browser Wars: Ho"

"w to Win the Battle for Web Performance\u8221 \'94).\par Finally there\u8217 \'92s the demanding end-user who, in additi"

"on to wanting rich Websites, also expects lightning\par fast performance in today\u8217 \'92s real-time world. Polls con"

"sistently show that consumers will abandon\par a Web page if it doesn\u8217 \'92t load within four seconds.\par Google r"

"ecently stated that its pass-through traffic can drop 20 percent if a search results page\par doesn\u8217 \'92t fully re"

"nder within a half-second. Amazon says it loses one percent of sales when page renders\par are slower than a tenth of a "

"second}{\f4\fs10 1}{\f4\fs18 . Of course, expectations vary based on the type of site but,\par like it or not, most of y"

"our end-users consider Google and Amazon the standards against which they\u8217 \'92ll\par judge the performance of a co"

"nsumer or business Website or service.\par Given these challenges, you can imagine how reluctant any technology executiv"

"e would be to give\par up any level of control by placing his Web assets in a virtualized server residing with other \u8"

"220 \'93servers\u8221 \'94 in\par the large pool of shared resources that is the cloud.\par So how are cloud service pro"

"viders responding to these Web performance challenges?\par }{\i\f3\fs18 Wikipedia Definition: Cloud computing\par }{\i\f"

"7\fs18 is a style of computing in which dynamically\par scalable and often virtualized resources are\par provided as a s"

"ervice over the Internet. Users\par need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or\par control over the technology infrast"

"ructure in\par the \u8220 \'93cloud\u8221 \'94 that supports them.\par }{\i\f3\fs18 Gomez Definition:\par Web applicatio"

"n delivery chain\par }{\i\f7\fs18 Web and mobile applications are delivered\par to your users via a complex set of servi"

"ces\par called the Web application delivery chain.\par This complex chain links your infrastructure,\par your major ISP,"

" the Internet, third party/cloud\par providers, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs),\par local ISPs and wireless carriers t"

"o the myriad\par combinations of browsers and operating\par systems that run on your users\u8217 \'92 desktops.\par }{\f"


"ING THE CLOUD 4\par }{\i\f3\fs28 Web Performance Monitoring and Cloud Service Level Agreements\par }{\f4\fs18 There are "

"three main categories of cloud services: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a\par Service (PaaS) and Softwa"

"re as a Service (SaaS).\par }{\b\f8\fs16 Chart A }{\f4\fs16 Example of Cloud IaaS service status dashboard\par }{\i\f1\f"

"s32\cf1 \u8230 \'85no cloud provider currently offers monitoring of any of their services from the perspective\par of th"

"e end-user, nor does it offer service level agreements which guarantee the performance\par of its infrastructure.\par }{"

"\f4\fs18 A CIO outsourcing portions or all of his infrastructure to the cloud needs assurances that the service\par will"

" address his company\u8217 \'92s specific business needs and that every service in the delivery chain will\par have a re"

"sponsible party, whether it\u8217 \'92s an internal team with its service level objectives (SLOs) or an\par outside vend"

"or\u8217 \'92s SLAs. Most cloud providers do offer an SLA promising 99.9 percent uptime or other\par broad guarantees, h"

"owever...\par So even if all your cloud dashboard lights are signaling green,\par it doesn\u8217 \'92t guarantee your cu"

"stomers are having the Web\par experience your business demands. This is evident in the status\par dashboard of a major "

"cloud provider (Chart A) which shows\par little detail and none relating to Web performance.\par There are also implicit"

" assumptions for cloud services, among\par them fast servers with redundant Internet connectivity in\par multi-homed dat"

"a centers with good peering relationships to\par major networks nationally and internationally. But where is this\par me"

"asured? Bottom line: It\u8217 \'92s the buyer\u8217 \'92s responsibility to evaluate\par the implicit and explicit assum"

"ptions of cloud computing and\par balance them against the needs of the business and, specifically,\par the needs of its"

" end-users.\par }{\f5\fs18\cf1 Infrastructure as a Service\par (IaaS)\par }{\f4\fs18 This is a virtualized blank\par pag"

"e upon which you\par may build the underlying\par platform and every element\par or application required in\par your inf"

"rastructure.\par }{\f5\fs18\cf1 Platform as a Service (PaaS)\par }{\f4\fs18 Here the underlying\par infrastructure is ab"

"stracted\par out, and you\u8217 \'92re given an\par on-demand development\par environment upon which\par to build your a"

"pplications.\par }{\f5\fs18\cf1 Software as a Service (SaaS)\par }{\f4\fs18 This cloud option provides\par turnkey appli"

"cations ondemand,\par usually accessible\par via a Web browser.\par }{\f2 Levels of The Cloud\par }{\f4\fs18 Most clouds"

" are built upon layers of virtualization software that allow the underlying hardware to\par simulate processing and stor"

"age. There are three cloud classifications:\par }{\b\f9\fs19\cf4 Status is all green but\par little detail provided\par "


"DOPTING THE CLOUD 5\par }{\i\f3\fs28 Testing and Monitoring The Cloud\par }{\f4\fs18 Here are some examples of how Web p"

"erformance problems might play out and, potentially go\par unnoticed if you were relying only on the cloud provider\u821"

"7 \'92s status dashboard.\par }{\b\f8\fs18 Geography }{\f4\fs18 One potential gap in Web performance involves geography,"

" as indicated in Chart B\par which shows the performance of three major cloud services across nine U.S. cities over a 24"

"-hour time\par period. This test was performed using the Gomez backbone testing and monitoring network.\par }{\b\f8\fs18"

" Testing procedure: }{\i\f7\fs18 We created a small web\par application to mimic the series of click-throughs\par and tr"

"ansactions an end-user might typically\par perform. We cloned the application and deployed\par it with three different c"

"loud providers.\par The test is considered successful only if the\par required click-throughs caused the correct\par pag"

"es to load successfully and all transactions\par completed without error.\par }{\b\f8\fs16 Chart B }{\f4\fs16 Backbone W"

"eb performance test, by city, of three cloud service providers (Source: Gomez, Inc.)\par }{\i\f3\fs18 Gomez Definition: "

"}{\i\f7\fs18 Availability is the success\par rate of the transaction, not just the reachability\par of the site. }{\f4\f"

"s18 The average response times for all three services nationally is within a tight four to four-and-a-half\par second ra"

"nge, but the results by city tell a different story. While Cloud Provider 1(IaaS), shows a\par response time of under tw"

"o seconds in most cities, it lags significantly in western cities like Denver,\par San Jose and Seattle, with response t"

"imes as slow as eight seconds. Its fastest response time is\par Washington, D.C. at under one second. As this provider\u"

"8217 \'92s cloud installation is in Virginia, this clearly\par shows the role server location plays in Web performance. "

"Most cloud providers won\u8217 \'92t guarantee\par geographic placement of servers.\par Cloud Provider 2 (PaaS), has a p"

"roblem in Denver with a response time of over 10 seconds while\par Cloud Provider 3\u8217 \'92s (PaaS) service shows its"

" weakness in east coast cities.\par Only by drilling down to this level will you see the wide range of true site perform"

"ance being delivered to\par end-users, which in this case falls within a range of 1,000 percent! As you won\u8217 \'92t "

"find geographic monitoring\par in cloud provider dashboards or in their SLAs, this underscores the need to conduct your "

"own performance\par measurements and track them across all geographies.\par }{\b\f8\fs18 The Velocity of Elasticity }{\f"

"4\fs18 Each business has its peak load periods. This is where elasticity, a core\par benefit of the cloud, comes into pl"

"ay. Elasticity equals speed plus capacity: a quick ramp-up during\par peak customer usage periods, and only those period"

"s, with all the capacity you need.\par Will this ramp-up be fast enough at all times of the day and across all geographi"